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# ![Export icon](images/icons/Object_Export.png) Export
The __Export__ action [exports](workflow-exporting.md#export) the selected ProBuilder object(s) to a 3D Model file.
> **Tip:** You can also export to each format by selecting the specific format from the ProBuilder menu (**Tools** > **ProBuilder** > **Export** > **Export <format>**).
For an overview of how to export ProBuilder objects and and re-import the exported files, see [Exporting and re-importing](workflow-exporting.md).
## Export options
![Export options](images/Object_Export_props.png)
Select the [format you want to export to](workflow-exporting.md#formats) from the **Export Format** drop-down menu. The options available depend on which format you choose:
* [OBJ-specific options](#Obj)
* [STL-specific options](#STL)
* [PLY-specific options](#PLY)
* [Asset-specific options](#Asset)
* [Prefab-specific options](#Prefab)
The only option that applies to all file format types is the __Include Children__ property, which you can enable to include not only selected Meshes, but also the child objects of selected objects in the exported Model.
<a name="Asset"></a>
### Asset-specific options
![Asset-specific export options](images/Object_Export_propsAsset.png)
The Asset format type also provides the **Replace Source** option.
<a name="STL"></a>
### STL-specific options
![STL-specific export options](images/Object_Export_propsSTL.png)
The STL format type also provides the __STL Format__ option, which lets you choose whether to use the **ASCII** or **Binary** representation of the STL file specification.
<a name="PLY"></a>
### PLY-specific options
![PLY-specific export options](images/Object_Export_propsPLY.png)
The PLY format type also provides the following options:
| **Property:** | **Description:** |
| :------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
| __Export As Group__ | Enable this option to combine all selected objects and export them as a single Model file. Otherwise, ProBuilder exports each Mesh separately. |
| __Apply Transforms__ | Enable this option to apply the GameObject transform to the Mesh attributes before ProBuilder exports them. With both this option and **Export as Group** enabled, you can export your whole Scene, edit it, then re-import it with everything exactly where you left it. |
| __Right Handed__ | Enable this option to use right-handed coordinates.<br />Unity's coordinate system is left-handed, but most major 3D modeling software applications use right-handed coordinates. |
| __Quads__ | Enable this option to preserve quads where possible. |
<a name="Obj"></a>
### OBJ-specific options
![OBJ-specific export options](images/Object_Export_propsOBJ.png)
The OBJ format type also provides the following options:
| **Property:** | **Description:** |
| :------------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
| __Export As Group__ | Enable this option to combine all selected objects and export them as a single Model file. Otherwise, ProBuilder exports each Mesh separately. |
| __Apply Transforms__ | Enable this option to apply the GameObject transform to the Mesh attributes before exporting. With this option and **Export as Group** enabled, you can export your whole Scene, edit, then re-import it with everything exactly where you left it. |
| __Right Handed__ | Enable this option to use right-handed coordinates.<br />Unity's coordinate system is left-handed, but most major 3D modeling software applications use right-handed coordinates. |
| __Copy Textures__ | Enable this option to copy texture maps to the file destination and reference them from local paths in the Material library. <br />Disable it if you want the Material library to reference an absolute path to the Textures instead of copying them. See [Re-importing an exported Mesh](workflow-exporting.md#reimport) for more information. |
| __Vertex Colors__ | Enable this option to write vertex colors with the MeshLab format. Some 3D modeling applications can import vertex colors from an unofficial extension to the OBJ format. <br /><br />**Note:** This can break import in some applications, so use it with caution. |
| __Texture Offset, Scale__ | Enable this option to write import texture scale and offset parameters values to the exported mtlib file. Some 3D modeling applications import texture scale and offset parameters (Blender, for example). <br /><br />**Note:** This can break import in some applications, so use it with caution. |
| **Export Quads** | Enable this option to preserve quads where possible. |
<a name="Prefab"></a>
### Prefab-specific options
![Asset-specific export options](images/Object_Export_propsPrefab.png)
The [Prefab](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Prefabs.html) format type also provides the **Replace Source** option.