using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal; namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal { class ScriptableRendererFeatureProvider : FilterWindow.IProvider { class FeatureElement : FilterWindow.Element { public Type type; } readonly ScriptableRendererDataEditor m_Editor; public Vector2 position { get; set; } public ScriptableRendererFeatureProvider(ScriptableRendererDataEditor editor) { m_Editor = editor; } internal bool RendererFeatureSupported(Type rendererFeatureType) { Type rendererType =; SupportedOnRendererAttribute rendererFilterAttribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(rendererFeatureType, typeof(SupportedOnRendererAttribute)) as SupportedOnRendererAttribute; if (rendererFilterAttribute != null) { bool foundEditor = false; for (int i = 0; i < rendererFilterAttribute.rendererTypes.Length && !foundEditor; i++) foundEditor = rendererFilterAttribute.rendererTypes[i] == rendererType; return foundEditor; } return true; } public void CreateComponentTree(List tree) { tree.Add(new FilterWindow.GroupElement(0, "Renderer Features")); var types = TypeCache.GetTypesDerivedFrom(); var data = as ScriptableRendererData; foreach (var type in types) { // Check to see if the current renderer feature can be used with the current renderer. If the attribute isn't found then its compatible with everything. if (!RendererFeatureSupported(type)) continue; if (data.DuplicateFeatureCheck(type)) { continue; } string path = GetMenuNameFromType(type); tree.Add(new FeatureElement { content = new GUIContent(path), level = 1, type = type }); } } public bool GoToChild(FilterWindow.Element element, bool addIfComponent) { if (element is FeatureElement featureElement) { m_Editor.AddComponent(featureElement.type); return true; } return false; } string GetMenuNameFromType(Type type) { string path; if (!m_Editor.GetCustomTitle(type, out path)) { path = ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(type.Name); } if (type.Namespace != null) { if (type.Namespace.Contains("Experimental")) path += " (Experimental)"; } return path; } } }