## Light Anchor The Light Anchor can help to place light sources around subjects, in relation to a Camera and an anchor point. It's particularly effective for cinematic lighting, which often requires multiple light sources orbiting a subject. ## Using the Light Anchor Component To add a Light Anchor component to a GameObject in your Scene: 1. Select a Light GameObject in the hierarchy to open its Inspector window. 2. Go to **Add Component** > **Rendering** > **Light Anchor** By default, the Anchor's position is the same as the position of the GameObject the Light Anchor Component is attached to. **Note**: To use the Light Anchor, you must set the Tag of at least one Camera to "MainCamera". Use the **Orbit** and **Elevation** to control the orientation of the light, in degrees, relative to the main Camera's and Anchor's positions. If the Light has a Cookie or an IES Profile, use the **Roll** to change their orientation. Use the **Distance** to control how far from the anchor, in meters, you want to place the Light. You can use the **Anchor Position Override** to provide a GameObject’s [Transform](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Transform.html) as an anchor point for the Light. This is useful if you want the Light to follow a specific GameObject in the Scene. ![](Images/LightAnchorAnimation.gif) **Note**: The above example uses the Main Camera as the reference Camera that adjusts the light rotation. The Common presets might create a different result in the Scene View if your view isn't aligned with the Main Camera. You can set a **Position Offset** for this custom Anchor. This is useful if the Transform position of the custom Anchor isn't centered appropriately for the light to orbit correctly around the custom Anchor. ![](Images/LightAnchor0.png) The Light Anchor component also includes a list of **Presets** that you can use to set the Light's orientation relative to the main Camera. ## Properties | **Property** | **Description** | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | **Orbit** | Use the left icon to control the Orbit of the light. This tool becomes green when you move the icon. | | **Elevation** | Use the middle icon to control the Elevation of the light. This tool becomes blue when you move the icon. | | **Roll** | Use the right icon to control the Roll of the light. This tool becomes gray when you move the icon. This is useful if the light has an IES or a Cookie. | | **Distance** | Controls the distance between the light and its anchor in world space. | | **Up Direction** | Defines the space of the up direction of the anchor. When you set this value to Local, the Up Direction is relative to the Camera. | | **Anchor Position Override** | Allows you to use a GameObject's [Transform](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Transform.html) as anchor position instead of the LightAnchor's Transform. When the Transform of the GameObject you assigned to this property changes, the Light Anchor's Transform also changes. | | **Common** | Assigns a preset to the light component based on the behavior of studio lights. |