using System; using NUnit.Framework; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.Jobs; using Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.Jobs.Tests.ManagedJobs; internal class NativeListDeferredArrayTests : JobTestsFixtureBasic { private bool JobsDebuggerWasEnabled; struct AliasJob : IJob { public NativeArray array; public NativeList list; public void Execute() { } } struct SetListLengthJob : IJob { public int ResizeLength; public NativeList list; public void Execute() { list.Resize(ResizeLength, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); } } struct SetArrayValuesJobParallel : IJobParallelForDefer { public NativeArray array; public void Execute(int index) { array[index] = array.Length; } } struct GetArrayValuesJobParallel : IJobParallelForDefer { [ReadOnly] public NativeArray array; public void Execute(int index) { } } struct ParallelForWithoutList : IJobParallelForDefer { public void Execute(int index) { } } [SetUp] public void NativeListDeferredArrayTestsSetup() { // Many ECS tests will only pass if the Jobs Debugger enabled; // force it enabled for all tests, and restore the original value at teardown. JobsDebuggerWasEnabled = JobsUtility.JobDebuggerEnabled; #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS JobsUtility.JobDebuggerEnabled = true; #endif } [Test] public void ResizedListToDeferredJobArray([Values(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 42, 97, 1023)] int length) { var list = new NativeList(RwdAllocator.ToAllocator); var setLengthJob = new SetListLengthJob { list = list, ResizeLength = length }; var jobHandle = setLengthJob.Schedule(); var setValuesJob = new SetArrayValuesJobParallel { array = list.AsDeferredJobArray() }; setValuesJob.Schedule(list, 3, jobHandle).Complete(); Assert.AreEqual(length, list.Length); for (int i = 0; i != list.Length; i++) Assert.AreEqual(length, list[i]); } [Test] public unsafe void DeferredParallelForFromIntPtr() { int length = 10; var lengthValue = CollectionHelper.CreateNativeArray(1, RwdAllocator.ToAllocator); lengthValue[0] = length; var array = CollectionHelper.CreateNativeArray(length, RwdAllocator.ToAllocator); var setValuesJob = new SetArrayValuesJobParallel { array = array }; setValuesJob.Schedule((int*)lengthValue.GetUnsafePtr(), 3).Complete(); for (int i = 0; i != array.Length; i++) Assert.AreEqual(length, array[i]); } [Test] public void ResizeListBeforeSchedule([Values(5)] int length) { var list = new NativeList(RwdAllocator.ToAllocator); var setLengthJob = new SetListLengthJob { list = list, ResizeLength = length }.Schedule(); var setValuesJob = new SetArrayValuesJobParallel { array = list.AsDeferredJobArray() }; setLengthJob.Complete(); setValuesJob.Schedule(list, 3).Complete(); Assert.AreEqual(length, list.Length); for (int i = 0; i != list.Length; i++) Assert.AreEqual(length, list[i]); } #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS [Test] public void ResizedListToDeferredJobArray() { var list = new NativeList(RwdAllocator.ToAllocator); list.Add(1); var array = list.AsDeferredJobArray(); #pragma warning disable 0219 // assigned but its value is never used Assert.Throws(() => { var value = array[0]; }); #pragma warning restore 0219 Assert.AreEqual(0, array.Length); } [Test] public void ResizeListWhileJobIsRunning() { var list = new NativeList(RwdAllocator.ToAllocator); list.Resize(42, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); var setValuesJob = new GetArrayValuesJobParallel { array = list.AsDeferredJobArray() }; var jobHandle = setValuesJob.Schedule(list, 3); Assert.Throws(() => list.Resize(1, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory)); jobHandle.Complete(); } [Test] public void AliasArrayThrows() { var list = new NativeList(RwdAllocator.ToAllocator); var aliasJob = new AliasJob { list = list, array = list.AsDeferredJobArray() }; Assert.Throws(() => aliasJob.Schedule()); } [Test] public void DeferredListMustExistInJobData() { var list = new NativeList(RwdAllocator.ToAllocator); var job = new ParallelForWithoutList(); Assert.Throws(() => job.Schedule(list, 64)); } [Test] public void DeferredListCantBeDeletedWhileJobIsRunning() { var list = new NativeList(RwdAllocator.ToAllocator); list.Resize(42, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); var setValuesJob = new GetArrayValuesJobParallel { array = list.AsDeferredJobArray() }; var jobHandle = setValuesJob.Schedule(list, 3); Assert.Throws(() => list.Dispose()); jobHandle.Complete(); } [Test] public void DeferredArrayCantBeAccessedOnMainthread() { var list = new NativeList(RwdAllocator.ToAllocator); list.Add(1); var defer = list.AsDeferredJobArray(); Assert.AreEqual(0, defer.Length); Assert.Throws(() => defer[0] = 5); } #endif [TearDown] public void TearDown() { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS JobsUtility.JobDebuggerEnabled = JobsDebuggerWasEnabled; #endif } }