--- uid: urp-2d-visual-effect-graph-compatibility --- # Light a Visual Effect Graph asset [Visual Effect Graph assets](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.visualeffectgraph@latest?subfolder=/manual/VisualEffectGraphAsset.html) are compatible with the 2D Renderer by using [Shader Graphs](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.shadergraph@latest). Follow the steps below to first [create a Visual Effect Graph asset](#create-a-visual-effect-graph-asset) and then [light it with a 2D light](#light-a-visual-effect-with-2d-lights). ## Prerequisites Refer to the Visual Effect Graph's [requirements and compatibility](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.visualeffectgraph@latest?subfolder=/manual/System-Requirements.html) for the required versions of packages for your Project. ## Create a Visual Effect Graph asset To create a Visual Effect Graph asset (VFX asset): 1. Create a new VFX asset by selecting **Assets > Create > Visual Effects > Visual Effect Graph**. The VFX asset is then created in the `Asset` folder of the Project window. ![](Images/2D/visual-effect-asset-1.png)
2. Double-click the asset to open the **Visual Effect Graph**. To choose a Shader Graph asset, go to the **Output Particle Quad** pane and locate **Shader Graph** and select the asset picker (circle). ![](Images/2D/visual-effect-asset-2.png)
3. In the **Select VFX Shader Graph** window, open the context menu (right-click) and enable **Show Packages results**. ![](Images/2D/visual-effect-asset-3.png) Select **VFXSpriteLit** or **VFXSpriteUnlit** depending on whether you want the Visual Effect to be affected by lights. For this example, select **VFXSpriteLit** so that you can [light the Visual Effect](#light-a-visual-effect-with-2d-lights). ## Light a Visual Effect with 2D lights To light a Visual Effect: 1. Create a Visual Effect GameObject in the **Hierarchy** window. ![](Images/2D/visual-effect-1.png)
2. In the **Visual Effect** properties, locate **Asset Template** and select the asset picker (circle). In the **Select VisualEffectAsset** window, select the VFX asset [created earlier](#create-a-visual-effect-graph-asset). ![](Images/2D/visual-effect-2.png)
3. To light the Visual Effect, add [2D light(s)](Lights-2D-intro.md) to the scene. ![](Images/2D/visual-effect-3.png)
## Additional resources * [Using a Shader Graph in a visual effect](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.visualeffectgraph@latest?subfolder=/manual/sg-working-with.html#using-a-shader-graph-in-a-visual-effect)