using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderGraphModule;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering
/// Render graph command buffer types inherit from this base class.
/// It provides some shared functionality for all command buffer types.
public class BaseCommandBuffer
/// The instance of Unity's CommandBuffer that this class encapsulates, providing access to lower-level rendering commands.
protected internal CommandBuffer m_WrappedCommandBuffer;
internal RenderGraphPass m_ExecutingPass;
// Users cannot directly create command buffers. The rendergraph creates them and passes them to callbacks.
internal BaseCommandBuffer(CommandBuffer wrapped, RenderGraphPass executingPass, bool isAsync)
m_WrappedCommandBuffer = wrapped;
m_ExecutingPass = executingPass;
if (isAsync) m_WrappedCommandBuffer.SetExecutionFlags(CommandBufferExecutionFlags.AsyncCompute);
///See (
public string name =>;
///See (
public int sizeInBytes => m_WrappedCommandBuffer.sizeInBytes;
/// Checks if modifying the global state is permitted by the currently executing render graph pass.
/// If such modifications are not allowed, an InvalidOperationException is thrown.
/// Thrown if the current render graph pass does not permit modifications to global state.
[Conditional("DEVELOPMENT_BUILD"), Conditional("UNITY_EDITOR")]
protected internal void ThrowIfGlobalStateNotAllowed()
if (m_ExecutingPass != null && !m_ExecutingPass.allowGlobalState) throw new InvalidOperationException($"{}: Modifying global state from this command buffer is not allowed. Please ensure your render graph pass allows modifying global state.");
/// Checks if the Raster Command Buffer has set a valid render target.
/// Thrown if the there are no active render targets.
[Conditional("DEVELOPMENT_BUILD"), Conditional("UNITY_EDITOR")]
protected internal void ThrowIfRasterNotAllowed()
if (m_ExecutingPass != null && !m_ExecutingPass.HasRenderAttachments()) throw new InvalidOperationException($"{}: Using raster commands from a pass with no active render targets is not allowed as it will use an undefined render target state. Please set-up the pass's render targets using SetRenderAttachments.");
/// Ensures that the texture handle being used is valid for the currently executing render graph pass.
/// This includes checks to ensure that the texture handle is registered for read or write access
/// and is not being used incorrectly as a render target attachment.
/// The TextureHandle to validate for the current pass.
/// Throws an exception if the texture handle is not properly registered for the pass or being used incorrectly.
[Conditional("DEVELOPMENT_BUILD"), Conditional("UNITY_EDITOR")]
protected internal void ValidateTextureHandle(TextureHandle h)
if (m_ExecutingPass == null) return;
if (h.IsBuiltin()) return;
if (!m_ExecutingPass.IsRead(h.handle) && !m_ExecutingPass.IsWritten(h.handle))
throw new Exception("Pass '" + + "' is trying to use a texture on the command buffer that was never registered with the pass builder. Please indicate the texture use to the pass builder.");
if (m_ExecutingPass.IsAttachment(h))
throw new Exception("Pass '" + + "' is using a texture as a fragment attachment (SetRenderAttachment/SetRenderAttachmentDepth) but is also trying to bind it as regular texture. Please fix this pass. ");
/// Validates that the specified texture handle is registered for read access within the context of the current executing render graph pass.
/// Throws an exception if the texture is not registered for reading or is used incorrectly as a render target attachment.
/// The TextureHandle to validate for read access.
/// Throws an exception if the texture handle is either not registered as a readable resource or misused as both an attachment and a regular texture.
[Conditional("DEVELOPMENT_BUILD"), Conditional("UNITY_EDITOR")]
protected internal void ValidateTextureHandleRead(TextureHandle h)
if (m_ExecutingPass == null) return;
if (!m_ExecutingPass.IsRead(h.handle))
throw new Exception("Pass '" + + "' is trying to read a texture on the command buffer that was never registered with the pass builder. Please indicate the texture as read to the pass builder.");
if (m_ExecutingPass.IsAttachment(h))
throw new Exception("Pass '" + + "' is using a texture as a fragment attachment (SetRenderAttachment/SetRenderAttachmentDepth) but is also trying to bind it as regular texture. Please fix this pass. ");
/// Validates that the specified texture handle is registered for write access within the context of the current executing render graph pass.
/// Additionally, it checks that built-in textures are not being written to, and that the texture is not incorrectly used as a render target attachment.
/// An exception is thrown if any of these checks fail.
/// The TextureHandle to validate for write access.
/// Throws an exception if the texture handle is not registered for writing, attempts to write to a built-in texture, or is misused as both a writeable resource and a render target attachment.
[Conditional("DEVELOPMENT_BUILD"), Conditional("UNITY_EDITOR")]
protected internal void ValidateTextureHandleWrite(TextureHandle h)
if (m_ExecutingPass == null) return;
if (h.IsBuiltin())
throw new Exception("Pass '" + + "' is trying to write to a built-in texture. This is not allowed built-in textures are small default resources like `white` or `black` that cannot be written to.");
if (!m_ExecutingPass.IsWritten(h.handle))
throw new Exception("Pass '" + + "' is trying to write a texture on the command buffer that was never registered with the pass builder. Please indicate the texture as written to the pass builder.");
if (m_ExecutingPass.IsAttachment(h))
throw new Exception("Pass '" + + "' is using a texture as a fragment attachment (SetRenderAttachment/SetRenderAttachmentDepth) but is also trying to bind it as regular texture. Please fix this pass. ");