using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; using Unity.Mathematics; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { internal class LightCookieManager : IDisposable { static class ShaderProperty { public static readonly int mainLightTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_MainLightCookieTexture"); public static readonly int mainLightWorldToLight = Shader.PropertyToID("_MainLightWorldToLight"); public static readonly int mainLightCookieTextureFormat = Shader.PropertyToID("_MainLightCookieTextureFormat"); public static readonly int additionalLightsCookieAtlasTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlasTexture"); public static readonly int additionalLightsCookieAtlasTextureFormat = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlasTextureFormat"); public static readonly int additionalLightsCookieEnableBits = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightsCookieEnableBits"); public static readonly int additionalLightsCookieAtlasUVRectBuffer = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlasUVRectBuffer"); public static readonly int additionalLightsCookieAtlasUVRects = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlasUVRects"); // TODO: these should be generic light property public static readonly int additionalLightsWorldToLightBuffer = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightsWorldToLightBuffer"); public static readonly int additionalLightsLightTypeBuffer = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightsLightTypeBuffer"); public static readonly int additionalLightsWorldToLights = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightsWorldToLights"); public static readonly int additionalLightsLightTypes = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightsLightTypes"); } private enum LightCookieShaderFormat { None = -1, RGB = 0, Alpha = 1, Red = 2 } public struct Settings { public struct AtlasSettings { public Vector2Int resolution; public GraphicsFormat format; public bool isPow2 => Mathf.IsPowerOfTwo(resolution.x) && Mathf.IsPowerOfTwo(resolution.y); public bool isSquare => resolution.x == resolution.y; } public AtlasSettings atlas; public int maxAdditionalLights; // UniversalRenderPipeline.maxVisibleAdditionalLights; public float cubeOctahedralSizeScale; // Cube octahedral projection size scale. public bool useStructuredBuffer; // RenderingUtils.useStructuredBuffer public static Settings Create() { Settings s; s.atlas.resolution = new Vector2Int(1024, 1024); s.atlas.format = GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SRGB; s.maxAdditionalLights = UniversalRenderPipeline.maxVisibleAdditionalLights; // (Scale * W * Scale * H) / (6 * WH) == (Scale^2 / 6) // 1: 1/6 = 16%, 2: 4/6 = 66%, 4: 16/6 == 266% of cube pixels // 100% cube pixels == sqrt(6) ~= 2.45f --> 2.5; s.cubeOctahedralSizeScale = 2.5f; s.useStructuredBuffer = RenderingUtils.useStructuredBuffer; return s; } } private struct LightCookieMapping { public ushort visibleLightIndex; // Index into visible light (src) public ushort lightBufferIndex; // Index into light shader data buffer(s) (dst) (matches ForwardLights.SetupAdditionalLightConstants()) public Light light; // Cached built-in light for the visibleLightIndex. Avoids multiple copies on all the gets from native array. public static Func s_CompareByCookieSize = (LightCookieMapping a, LightCookieMapping b) => { var alc = a.light.cookie; var blc = b.light.cookie; int a2 = alc.width * alc.height; int b2 = blc.width * blc.height; int d = b2 - a2; if (d == 0) { // Sort by texture ID if "undecided" to batch fetches to the same cookie texture. int ai = alc.GetInstanceID(); int bi = blc.GetInstanceID(); return ai - bi; } return d; }; public static Func s_CompareByBufferIndex = (LightCookieMapping a, LightCookieMapping b) => { return a.lightBufferIndex - b.lightBufferIndex; }; } private readonly struct WorkSlice { private readonly T[] m_Data; private readonly int m_Start; private readonly int m_Length; public WorkSlice(T[] src, int srcLen = -1) : this(src, 0, srcLen) { } public WorkSlice(T[] src, int srcStart, int srcLen = -1) { m_Data = src; m_Start = srcStart; m_Length = (srcLen < 0) ? src.Length : Math.Min(srcLen, src.Length); Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(m_Start + m_Length <= capacity); } public T this[int index] { get => m_Data[m_Start + index]; set => m_Data[m_Start + index] = value; } public int length => m_Length; public int capacity => m_Data.Length; public void Sort(Func compare) { if (m_Length > 1) Sorting.QuickSort(m_Data, m_Start, m_Start + m_Length - 1, compare); } } // Persistent work/temp memory of [] data. private class WorkMemory { public LightCookieMapping[] lightMappings; public Vector4[] uvRects; public void Resize(int size) { if (size <= lightMappings?.Length) return; // Avoid allocs on every tiny size change. size = Math.Max(size, ((size + 15) / 16) * 16); lightMappings = new LightCookieMapping[size]; uvRects = new Vector4[size]; } } /// Must match light data layout. private class LightCookieShaderData : IDisposable { int m_Size = 0; bool m_UseStructuredBuffer; // Shader data CPU arrays, used to upload the data to GPU Matrix4x4[] m_WorldToLightCpuData; Vector4[] m_AtlasUVRectCpuData; float[] m_LightTypeCpuData; ShaderBitArray m_CookieEnableBitsCpuData; // Compute buffer counterparts for the CPU data ComputeBuffer m_WorldToLightBuffer; // TODO: WorldToLight matrices should be general property of lights!! ComputeBuffer m_AtlasUVRectBuffer; ComputeBuffer m_LightTypeBuffer; public Matrix4x4[] worldToLights => m_WorldToLightCpuData; public ShaderBitArray cookieEnableBits => m_CookieEnableBitsCpuData; public Vector4[] atlasUVRects => m_AtlasUVRectCpuData; public float[] lightTypes => m_LightTypeCpuData; public bool isUploaded { get; set; } public LightCookieShaderData(int size, bool useStructuredBuffer) { m_UseStructuredBuffer = useStructuredBuffer; Resize(size); } public void Dispose() { if (m_UseStructuredBuffer) { m_WorldToLightBuffer?.Dispose(); m_AtlasUVRectBuffer?.Dispose(); m_LightTypeBuffer?.Dispose(); } } public void Resize(int size) { if (size <= m_Size) return; if (m_Size > 0) Dispose(); m_WorldToLightCpuData = new Matrix4x4[size]; m_AtlasUVRectCpuData = new Vector4[size]; m_LightTypeCpuData = new float[size]; m_CookieEnableBitsCpuData.Resize(size); if (m_UseStructuredBuffer) { m_WorldToLightBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(size, Marshal.SizeOf()); m_AtlasUVRectBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(size, Marshal.SizeOf()); m_LightTypeBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(size, Marshal.SizeOf()); } m_Size = size; } public void Upload(CommandBuffer cmd) { if (m_UseStructuredBuffer) { m_WorldToLightBuffer.SetData(m_WorldToLightCpuData); m_AtlasUVRectBuffer.SetData(m_AtlasUVRectCpuData); m_LightTypeBuffer.SetData(m_LightTypeCpuData); cmd.SetGlobalBuffer(ShaderProperty.additionalLightsWorldToLightBuffer, m_WorldToLightBuffer); cmd.SetGlobalBuffer(ShaderProperty.additionalLightsCookieAtlasUVRectBuffer, m_AtlasUVRectBuffer); cmd.SetGlobalBuffer(ShaderProperty.additionalLightsLightTypeBuffer, m_LightTypeBuffer); } else { cmd.SetGlobalMatrixArray(ShaderProperty.additionalLightsWorldToLights, m_WorldToLightCpuData); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray(ShaderProperty.additionalLightsCookieAtlasUVRects, m_AtlasUVRectCpuData); cmd.SetGlobalFloatArray(ShaderProperty.additionalLightsLightTypes, m_LightTypeCpuData); } cmd.SetGlobalFloatArray(ShaderProperty.additionalLightsCookieEnableBits,; isUploaded = true; } public void Clear(CommandBuffer cmd) { if (isUploaded) { // Set all lights to disabled/invalid state m_CookieEnableBitsCpuData.Clear(); cmd.SetGlobalFloatArray(ShaderProperty.additionalLightsCookieEnableBits,; isUploaded = false; } } } // Unity defines directional light UVs over a unit box centered at light. // i.e. (0, 1) uv == (-0.5, 0.5) world area instead of the (0,1) world area. static readonly Matrix4x4 s_DirLightProj = Matrix4x4.Ortho(-0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f); Texture2DAtlas m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas; LightCookieShaderData m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData; readonly Settings m_Settings; WorkMemory m_WorkMem; // Mapping: map[visibleLightIndex] = ShaderDataIndex // Mostly used by deferred rendering. int[] m_VisibleLightIndexToShaderDataIndex; // Parameters for rescaling cookies to fit into the atlas. const int k_MaxCookieSizeDivisor = 16; int m_CookieSizeDivisor = 1; uint m_PrevCookieRequestPixelCount = 0xFFFFFFFF; // TODO: replace with a proper error system // Frame "timestamp" of last warning to throttle warn messages. int m_PrevWarnFrame = -1; internal bool IsKeywordLightCookieEnabled { get; private set; } internal RTHandle AdditionalLightsCookieAtlasTexture => m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas?.AtlasTexture; public LightCookieManager(ref Settings settings) { m_Settings = settings; m_WorkMem = new WorkMemory(); } void InitAdditionalLights(int size) { // No mip padding support. m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas = new Texture2DAtlas( m_Settings.atlas.resolution.x, m_Settings.atlas.resolution.y, m_Settings.atlas.format, FilterMode.Bilinear, false, "Universal Light Cookie Atlas", false); // to support mips, use Pow2Atlas m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData = new LightCookieShaderData(size, m_Settings.useStructuredBuffer); const int mainLightCount = 1; m_VisibleLightIndexToShaderDataIndex = new int[m_Settings.maxAdditionalLights + mainLightCount]; m_CookieSizeDivisor = 1; m_PrevCookieRequestPixelCount = 0xFFFFFFFF; } public bool isInitialized() => m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas != null && m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData != null; /// /// Release LightCookieManager resources. /// public void Dispose() { m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas?.Release(); m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData?.Dispose(); } // -1 on invalid/disabled cookie. public int GetLightCookieShaderDataIndex(int visibleLightIndex) { if (!isInitialized()) return -1; return m_VisibleLightIndexToShaderDataIndex[visibleLightIndex]; } public void Setup(CommandBuffer cmd, UniversalLightData lightData) { using var profScope = new ProfilingScope(cmd, ProfilingSampler.Get(URPProfileId.LightCookies)); // Main light, 1 directional, bound directly bool isMainLightAvailable = lightData.mainLightIndex >= 0; if (isMainLightAvailable) { var mainLight = lightData.visibleLights[lightData.mainLightIndex]; isMainLightAvailable = SetupMainLight(cmd, ref mainLight); } // Additional lights, N spot and point lights in atlas bool isAdditionalLightsAvailable = lightData.additionalLightsCount > 0; if (isAdditionalLightsAvailable) { isAdditionalLightsAvailable = SetupAdditionalLights(cmd, lightData); } // Ensure cookies are disabled if no cookies are available. if (!isAdditionalLightsAvailable) { // ..on the CPU (for deferred) if (m_VisibleLightIndexToShaderDataIndex != null && m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData.isUploaded) { int len = m_VisibleLightIndexToShaderDataIndex.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_VisibleLightIndexToShaderDataIndex[i] = -1; } // ..on the GPU m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData?.Clear(cmd); } // Main and additional lights are merged into one keyword to reduce variants. IsKeywordLightCookieEnabled = isMainLightAvailable || isAdditionalLightsAvailable; cmd.SetKeyword(ShaderGlobalKeywords.LightCookies, IsKeywordLightCookieEnabled); } bool SetupMainLight(CommandBuffer cmd, ref VisibleLight visibleMainLight) { var mainLight = visibleMainLight.light; var cookieTexture = mainLight.cookie; bool isMainLightCookieEnabled = cookieTexture != null; if (isMainLightCookieEnabled) { Matrix4x4 cookieUVTransform = Matrix4x4.identity; float cookieFormat = (float)GetLightCookieShaderFormat(cookieTexture.graphicsFormat); if (mainLight.TryGetComponent(out UniversalAdditionalLightData additionalLightData)) GetLightUVScaleOffset(ref additionalLightData, ref cookieUVTransform); Matrix4x4 cookieMatrix = s_DirLightProj * cookieUVTransform * visibleMainLight.localToWorldMatrix.inverse; cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderProperty.mainLightTexture, cookieTexture); cmd.SetGlobalMatrix(ShaderProperty.mainLightWorldToLight, cookieMatrix); cmd.SetGlobalFloat(ShaderProperty.mainLightCookieTextureFormat, cookieFormat); } else { // Make sure we erase stale data in case the main light is disabled but cookie system is enabled (for additional lights). cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderProperty.mainLightTexture, Texture2D.whiteTexture); cmd.SetGlobalMatrix(ShaderProperty.mainLightWorldToLight, Matrix4x4.identity); cmd.SetGlobalFloat(ShaderProperty.mainLightCookieTextureFormat, (float)LightCookieShaderFormat.None); } return isMainLightCookieEnabled; } private LightCookieShaderFormat GetLightCookieShaderFormat(GraphicsFormat cookieFormat) { // TODO: convert this to use GraphicsFormatUtility switch (cookieFormat) { default: return LightCookieShaderFormat.RGB; // A8, A16 GraphicsFormat does not expose yet. case (GraphicsFormat)54: case (GraphicsFormat)55: return LightCookieShaderFormat.Alpha; case GraphicsFormat.R8_SRGB: case GraphicsFormat.R8_UNorm: case GraphicsFormat.R8_UInt: case GraphicsFormat.R8_SNorm: case GraphicsFormat.R8_SInt: case GraphicsFormat.R16_UNorm: case GraphicsFormat.R16_UInt: case GraphicsFormat.R16_SNorm: case GraphicsFormat.R16_SInt: case GraphicsFormat.R16_SFloat: case GraphicsFormat.R32_UInt: case GraphicsFormat.R32_SInt: case GraphicsFormat.R32_SFloat: case GraphicsFormat.R_BC4_SNorm: case GraphicsFormat.R_BC4_UNorm: case GraphicsFormat.R_EAC_SNorm: case GraphicsFormat.R_EAC_UNorm: return LightCookieShaderFormat.Red; } } private void GetLightUVScaleOffset(ref UniversalAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, ref Matrix4x4 uvTransform) { Vector2 uvScale = / additionalLightData.lightCookieSize; Vector2 uvOffset = additionalLightData.lightCookieOffset; if (Mathf.Abs(uvScale.x) < half.MinValue) uvScale.x = Mathf.Sign(uvScale.x) * half.MinValue; if (Mathf.Abs(uvScale.y) < half.MinValue) uvScale.y = Mathf.Sign(uvScale.y) * half.MinValue; uvTransform = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(uvScale.x, uvScale.y, 1)); uvTransform.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(-uvOffset.x * uvScale.x, -uvOffset.y * uvScale.y, 0, 1)); } bool SetupAdditionalLights(CommandBuffer cmd, UniversalLightData lightData) { int maxLightCount = Math.Min(m_Settings.maxAdditionalLights, lightData.visibleLights.Length); m_WorkMem.Resize(maxLightCount); int validLightCount = FilterAndValidateAdditionalLights(lightData, m_WorkMem.lightMappings); // Early exit if no valid cookie lights if (validLightCount <= 0) return false; // Lazy init GPU resources if (!isInitialized()) InitAdditionalLights(validLightCount); // Update Atlas var validLights = new WorkSlice(m_WorkMem.lightMappings, validLightCount); int validUVRectCount = UpdateAdditionalLightsAtlas(cmd, ref validLights, m_WorkMem.uvRects); // Upload shader data var validUvRects = new WorkSlice(m_WorkMem.uvRects, validUVRectCount); UploadAdditionalLights(cmd, lightData, ref validLights, ref validUvRects); bool isAdditionalLightsEnabled = validUvRects.length > 0; return isAdditionalLightsEnabled; } int FilterAndValidateAdditionalLights(UniversalLightData lightData, LightCookieMapping[] validLightMappings) { int skipMainLightIndex = lightData.mainLightIndex; int lightBufferOffset = 0; int validLightCount = 0; int visibleLightCount = lightData.visibleLights.Length; for (int i = 0; i < visibleLightCount; i++) { // Drop main light from additional lights buffer. if (i == skipMainLightIndex) { lightBufferOffset -= 1; continue; } ref var visLight = ref lightData.visibleLights.UnsafeElementAtMutable(i); Light light = visLight.light; // Skip lights without a cookie texture if (light.cookie == null) continue; // Only spot, point and directional lights are supported. // Warn on dropped lights var lightType = visLight.lightType; if (!(lightType == LightType.Spot || lightType == LightType.Point || lightType == LightType.Directional)) { Debug.LogWarning($"Additional {lightType.ToString()} light called '{}' has a light cookie which will not be visible.", light); continue; } Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(i < ushort.MaxValue); LightCookieMapping lp; lp.visibleLightIndex = (ushort)i; lp.lightBufferIndex = (ushort)(i + lightBufferOffset); // Matching FowardLights.SetupAdditionalLightConstants lp.light = light; // Drop lights if we have too many lights or too many cookies to fit ForwardLight data. if (lp.lightBufferIndex >= validLightMappings.Length || validLightCount + 1 >= validLightMappings.Length) { // TODO: Better error system if (visibleLightCount > m_Settings.maxAdditionalLights && Time.frameCount - m_PrevWarnFrame > 60 * 60) // warn throttling: ~60 FPS * 60 secs ~= 1 min { m_PrevWarnFrame = Time.frameCount; Debug.LogWarning($"Max light cookies ({validLightMappings.Length.ToString()}) reached. Some visible lights ({(visibleLightCount - i - 1).ToString()}) might skip light cookie rendering."); } // Always break, buffer full. break; } validLightMappings[validLightCount++] = lp; } return validLightCount; } int UpdateAdditionalLightsAtlas(CommandBuffer cmd, ref WorkSlice validLightMappings, Vector4[] textureAtlasUVRects) { // Sort in-place by cookie size for better atlas allocation efficiency (and deduplication) validLightMappings.Sort(LightCookieMapping.s_CompareByCookieSize); uint cookieRequestPixelCount = ComputeCookieRequestPixelCount(ref validLightMappings); var atlasSize = m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas.AtlasTexture.referenceSize; float requestAtlasRatio = cookieRequestPixelCount / (float)(atlasSize.x * atlasSize.y); int cookieSizeDivisorApprox = ApproximateCookieSizeDivisor(requestAtlasRatio); // Try to recover resolution and scale the cookies back up. // If the cookies "should fit" and // If we have less requested pixels than the last time we found the correct divisor (a guard against retrying every frame). if (cookieSizeDivisorApprox < m_CookieSizeDivisor && cookieRequestPixelCount < m_PrevCookieRequestPixelCount) { m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas.ResetAllocator(); m_CookieSizeDivisor = cookieSizeDivisorApprox; } // Get cached atlas uv rectangles. // If there's new cookies, first try to add at current scaling level. // (This can result in suboptimal packing & scaling (additions aren't sorted), but reduces rebuilds.) // If it doesn't fit, scale down and rebuild the atlas until it fits. int uvRectCount = 0; while (uvRectCount <= 0) { uvRectCount = FetchUVRects(cmd, ref validLightMappings, textureAtlasUVRects, m_CookieSizeDivisor); if (uvRectCount <= 0) { // Uv rect fetching failed, reset and try again. m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas.ResetAllocator(); // Reduce cookie size to approximate value try to rebuild the atlas. m_CookieSizeDivisor = Mathf.Max(m_CookieSizeDivisor + 1, cookieSizeDivisorApprox); m_PrevCookieRequestPixelCount = cookieRequestPixelCount; } } return uvRectCount; } int FetchUVRects(CommandBuffer cmd, ref WorkSlice validLightMappings, Vector4[] textureAtlasUVRects, int cookieSizeDivisor) { int uvRectCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < validLightMappings.length; i++) { var lcm = validLightMappings[i]; Light light = lcm.light; Texture cookie = light.cookie; // NOTE: Currently we blit directly on addition (on atlas fetch cache miss). // This can be costly if there are many resize rebuilds (in case "out-of-space", which shouldn't be a common case). // If rebuilds become a problem, we could try to just allocate and blit only when we have a fully valid allocation. // It would also make sense to do atlas operations only for unique textures and then reuse the results for similar cookies. Vector4 uvScaleOffset =; if (cookie.dimension == TextureDimension.Cube) { Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(light.type == LightType.Point); uvScaleOffset = FetchCube(cmd, cookie, cookieSizeDivisor); } else { Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(light.type == LightType.Spot || light.type == LightType.Directional, "Light type needs 2D texture!"); uvScaleOffset = Fetch2D(cmd, cookie, cookieSizeDivisor); } bool isCached = uvScaleOffset !=; if (!isCached) { if (cookieSizeDivisor > k_MaxCookieSizeDivisor) { Debug.LogWarning($"Light cookies atlas is extremely full! Some of the light cookies were discarded. Increase light cookie atlas space or reduce the amount of unique light cookies."); // Complete fail, return what we have. return uvRectCount; } // Failed to get uv rect for each cookie, fail and try again. return 0; } // Adjust atlas UVs for OpenGL if (!SystemInfo.graphicsUVStartsAtTop) uvScaleOffset.w = 1.0f - uvScaleOffset.w - uvScaleOffset.y; textureAtlasUVRects[uvRectCount++] = uvScaleOffset; } return uvRectCount; } uint ComputeCookieRequestPixelCount(ref WorkSlice validLightMappings) { uint requestPixelCount = 0; int prevCookieID = 0; for (int i = 0; i < validLightMappings.length; i++) { var lcm = validLightMappings[i]; Texture cookie = lcm.light.cookie; int cookieID = cookie.GetInstanceID(); // Consider only unique textures as atlas request pixels // NOTE: relies on same cookies being sorted together // (we need sorting for good atlas packing anyway) if (cookieID == prevCookieID) { continue; } prevCookieID = cookieID; int pixelCookieCount = cookie.width * cookie.height; requestPixelCount += (uint)pixelCookieCount; } return requestPixelCount; } int ApproximateCookieSizeDivisor(float requestAtlasRatio) { // (Edge / N)^2 == 1/N^2 of area. // Ratio/N^2 == 1, sqrt(Ratio) == N, for "1:1" ratio. return (int)Mathf.Max(Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Sqrt(requestAtlasRatio)), 1); } Vector4 Fetch2D(CommandBuffer cmd, Texture cookie, int cookieSizeDivisor = 1) { Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(cookie != null); Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(cookie.dimension == TextureDimension.Tex2D); Vector4 uvScaleOffset =; var scaledWidth = Mathf.Max(cookie.width / cookieSizeDivisor, 4); var scaledHeight = Mathf.Max(cookie.height / cookieSizeDivisor, 4); Vector2 scaledCookieSize = new Vector2(scaledWidth, scaledHeight); bool isCached = m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas.IsCached(out uvScaleOffset, cookie); if (isCached) { // Update contents IF required m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas.UpdateTexture(cmd, cookie, ref uvScaleOffset); } else { m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas.AllocateTexture(cmd, ref uvScaleOffset, cookie, scaledWidth, scaledHeight); } AdjustUVRect(ref uvScaleOffset, cookie, ref scaledCookieSize); return uvScaleOffset; } Vector4 FetchCube(CommandBuffer cmd, Texture cookie, int cookieSizeDivisor = 1) { Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(cookie != null); Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(cookie.dimension == TextureDimension.Cube); Vector4 uvScaleOffset =; // Scale octahedral projection, so that cube -> oct2D pixel count match better. int scaledOctCookieSize = Mathf.Max(ComputeOctahedralCookieSize(cookie) / cookieSizeDivisor, 4); bool isCached = m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas.IsCached(out uvScaleOffset, cookie); if (isCached) { // Update contents IF required m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas.UpdateTexture(cmd, cookie, ref uvScaleOffset); } else { m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas.AllocateTexture(cmd, ref uvScaleOffset, cookie, scaledOctCookieSize, scaledOctCookieSize); } // Cookie size in the atlas might not match CookieTexture size. // UVRect adjustment must be done with size in atlas. var scaledCookieSize = * scaledOctCookieSize; AdjustUVRect(ref uvScaleOffset, cookie, ref scaledCookieSize); return uvScaleOffset; } int ComputeOctahedralCookieSize(Texture cookie) { // Map 6*WxH pixels into 2W*2H pixels, so 4/6 ratio or 66% of cube pixels. int octCookieSize = Math.Max(cookie.width, cookie.height); if (m_Settings.atlas.isPow2) octCookieSize = octCookieSize * Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo((int)m_Settings.cubeOctahedralSizeScale); else octCookieSize = (int)(octCookieSize * m_Settings.cubeOctahedralSizeScale + 0.5f); return octCookieSize; } private void AdjustUVRect(ref Vector4 uvScaleOffset, Texture cookie, ref Vector2 cookieSize) { if (uvScaleOffset != { // Shrink by 0.5px to clamp the bilinear sampling to exclude atlas neighbors (no padding) ShrinkUVRect(ref uvScaleOffset, 0.5f, ref cookieSize); } } private void ShrinkUVRect(ref Vector4 uvScaleOffset, float amountPixels, ref Vector2 cookieSize) { var shrinkOffset = * amountPixels / cookieSize; var shrinkScale = (cookieSize - * (amountPixels * 2)) / cookieSize; uvScaleOffset.z += uvScaleOffset.x * shrinkOffset.x; uvScaleOffset.w += uvScaleOffset.y * shrinkOffset.y; uvScaleOffset.x *= shrinkScale.x; uvScaleOffset.y *= shrinkScale.y; } void UploadAdditionalLights(CommandBuffer cmd, UniversalLightData lightData, ref WorkSlice validLightMappings, ref WorkSlice validUvRects) { Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas != null); Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData != null); cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderProperty.additionalLightsCookieAtlasTexture, m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas.AtlasTexture); cmd.SetGlobalFloat(ShaderProperty.additionalLightsCookieAtlasTextureFormat, (float)GetLightCookieShaderFormat(m_AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas.AtlasTexture.rt.graphicsFormat)); // Resize and clear visible light to shader data mapping if (m_VisibleLightIndexToShaderDataIndex.Length < lightData.visibleLights.Length) m_VisibleLightIndexToShaderDataIndex = new int[lightData.visibleLights.Length]; // Clear int len = Math.Min(m_VisibleLightIndexToShaderDataIndex.Length, lightData.visibleLights.Length); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_VisibleLightIndexToShaderDataIndex[i] = -1; // Resize or init shader data. m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData.Resize(m_Settings.maxAdditionalLights); var worldToLights = m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData.worldToLights; var cookieEnableBits = m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData.cookieEnableBits; var atlasUVRects = m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData.atlasUVRects; var lightTypes = m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData.lightTypes; // Set all rects to "Invalid" zero area (, just in case they're accessed. Array.Clear(atlasUVRects, 0, atlasUVRects.Length); // Set all cookies disabled cookieEnableBits.Clear(); // NOTE: technically, we don't need to upload constants again if we knew the lights, atlas (rects) or visible order haven't changed. // But detecting that, might be as time consuming as just doing the work. // Fill shader data. Layout should match primary light data for additional lights. // Currently it's the same as visible lights, but main light(s) dropped. for (int i = 0; i < validUvRects.length; i++) { int visIndex = validLightMappings[i].visibleLightIndex; int bufIndex = validLightMappings[i].lightBufferIndex; // Update the mapping m_VisibleLightIndexToShaderDataIndex[visIndex] = bufIndex; ref var visLight = ref lightData.visibleLights.UnsafeElementAtMutable(visIndex); // Update the (cpu) data lightTypes[bufIndex] = (int)visLight.lightType; worldToLights[bufIndex] = visLight.localToWorldMatrix.inverse; atlasUVRects[bufIndex] = validUvRects[i]; cookieEnableBits[bufIndex] = true; // Spot projection if (visLight.lightType == LightType.Spot) { // VisibleLight.localToWorldMatrix only contains position & rotation. // Multiply projection for spot light. float spotAngle = visLight.spotAngle; float spotRange = visLight.range; var perp = Matrix4x4.Perspective(spotAngle, 1, 0.001f, spotRange); // Cancel embedded camera view axis flip ( perp.SetColumn(2, perp.GetColumn(2) * -1); // world -> light local -> light perspective worldToLights[bufIndex] = perp * worldToLights[bufIndex]; } // Directional projection else if (visLight.lightType == LightType.Directional) { Light light = visLight.light; light.TryGetComponent(out var additionalLightData); { Matrix4x4 cookieUVTransform = Matrix4x4.identity; GetLightUVScaleOffset(ref additionalLightData, ref cookieUVTransform); Matrix4x4 cookieMatrix = s_DirLightProj * cookieUVTransform * visLight.localToWorldMatrix.inverse; worldToLights[bufIndex] = cookieMatrix; } } } // Apply changes and upload to GPU m_AdditionalLightsCookieShaderData.Upload(cmd); } } }