using NUnit.Framework; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal; using UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.Internal; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.Universal; using UnityEngine.TestTools; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; using System.Collections; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; class NoLeaksOnEnterLeavePlaymode { // This variable needs to be serialized, as going into play-mode will reload the domain and // wipe the state of all objects, including the content of this variable [SerializeField] string materialNames = ""; [SerializeField] string meshNames = ""; [SerializeField] string textureNames = ""; void EnsureUniversalRPIsActivePipeline() { Camera.main.Render(); // Skip test if project is not configured to be SRP project if (RenderPipelineManager.currentPipeline == null) Assert.Ignore("Test project has no SRP configured, skipping test"); Assert.IsInstanceOf(RenderPipelineManager.currentPipeline); } Dictionary CountResources(string[] names) { var result = new Dictionary(); foreach (string name in names) { if (result.TryGetValue(name, out int materialCount)) { result[name] = materialCount + 1; } else { result.Add(name, 1); } } return result; } void CompareResourceLists(Dictionary oldList, Dictionary newList, string [] blackList) { foreach (var newRes in newList) { // Ignore blacklisted materials if (blackList.Contains(newRes.Key)) continue; int oldCount = 0; oldList.TryGetValue(newRes.Key, out oldCount); if (newRes.Value > oldCount) { Debug.LogError("Leaked " + newRes.Key + "(" + (newRes.Value - oldCount) + "x)"); } } } [UnityTest] public IEnumerator NoResourceLeaks() { // Ignoring OpenGL as it has now been deprecated and this test is unstable on that platform. GraphicsDeviceType gfxAPI = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType; if (gfxAPI == GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLCore) yield break; // give it a chance to warm-up by entering play mode once // in theory this shouldn't be needed but I hope this avoids the worst instabilities. yield return new EnterPlayMode(); yield return null; yield return new ExitPlayMode(); yield return null; // Grab the list of existing objects var mats = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Material)); materialNames = string.Join(";", mats.Select(m =>; var meshes = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Mesh)); meshNames = string.Join(";", meshes.Select(m =>; var textures = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Texture)); textureNames = string.Join(";", textures.Select(m =>; yield return new EnterPlayMode(); yield return null; yield return new ExitPlayMode(); yield return null; // Grab lists of existing objects. // Note: resources created from code often reuse the same names so we have to both check the names // and the counts per name to ensure nothing leaked. var newMats = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Material)); var newMeshes = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Mesh)); var newTextures = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Texture)); string[] materialBlackList = { "Hidden/Universal/HDRDebugView", "Hidden/Universal Render Pipeline/Debug/DebugReplacement", "Roboto Mono - Regular Material", // Font leaks "Inter - Regular Material" // }; var oldMaterialNames = materialNames.Split(";"); var materialsPerNameOld = CountResources(oldMaterialNames); var newMaterialNames = newMats.Select(m =>; var materialsPerNameNew = CountResources(newMaterialNames); CompareResourceLists(materialsPerNameOld, materialsPerNameNew, materialBlackList); string[] meshBlackList = { }; var oldMeshNames = meshNames.Split(";"); var meshesPerNameOld = CountResources(oldMeshNames); var newMeshNames = newMeshes.Select(m =>; var meshesPerNameNew = CountResources(newMeshNames); CompareResourceLists(meshesPerNameOld, meshesPerNameNew, meshBlackList); string[] textureBlackList = { "Inter - Regular Atlas", // more fonts leakage :-\ "Roboto Mono - Regular Atlas", // more fonts leakage :-\ }; var oldTextureNames = textureNames.Split(";"); var texturesPerNameOld = CountResources(oldTextureNames); var newTextureNames = newTextures.Select(m =>; var texturesPerNameNew = CountResources(newTextureNames); CompareResourceLists(texturesPerNameOld, texturesPerNameNew, textureBlackList); } }