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This Virtual Camera Aim algorithm aims the camera in response to the user’s input.
Property: | Function: | |
Vertical Axis | Controls the vertical orientation of the Virtual Camera’s aim. | |
Value | The current value of the axis to aim the camera at, in degrees. Accepted values are -90 to 90. | |
Value Range | The minimum and maximum values for the vertical axis of the Virtual Camera. | |
Wrap | If checked, the axis wraps around the Value Range values, forming a loop. | |
Max Speed | The maximum speed of this axis in degrees/second, or the multipler for the input value if Speed Mode is set to InputValueGain. | |
Speed Mode | How the axis responds to input. MaxSpeed (the default) clamps the maximum speed at which the axis can change, regardless of the input. Input Value Gain multiplies the input value by MaxSpeed. | |
Accel Time | The amount of time in seconds it takes to accelerate to Max Speed with the supplied axis at its maximum value. | |
Decel Time | The amount of time in seconds it takes to decelerate the axis to zero if the supplied axis is in a neutral position. | |
Input Axis Name | The name of this axis as specified in Unity Input Manager. To disable the automatic updating of this axis, set this property to an empty string. | |
Input Axis Value | The value of the input axis. A value of 0 means no input. You can drive this directly from a custom input system, or you can set the Input Axis Name and have the value driven by the Unity Input Manager. | |
Invert | Check to invert the raw value of the input axis before it is used. | |
Vertical Recentering | Controls automatic vertical recentering when the player gives no input. | |
Enabled | Check to enable automatic vertical recentering. | |
Wait Time | If no user input has been detected on the vertical axis, the camera waits this long in seconds before recentering. | |
Recentering Time | Maximum angular speed of recentering. Accelerates into and decelerates out of this. | |
Horizontal Axis | Controls the horizontal orientation. | |
Value | The current value of the axis, in degrees. Accepted values are -180 to 180. | |
Value Range | The minimum and maximum values for the axis. | |
Wrap | If checked, the axis wraps around the Value Range values, forming a loop. | |
Max Speed | The maximum speed of this axis in degrees/second, or the multipler for the input value if Speed Mode is set to InputValueGain. | |
Speed Mode | How the axis responds to input. MaxSpeed (the default) clamps the maximum speed at which the axis can change, regardless of the input. Input Value Gain multiplies the input value by MaxSpeed. | |
Accel Time | The amount of time in seconds it takes to accelerate to Max Speed with the supplied Axis at its maximum value. | |
Decel Time | The amount of time in seconds it takes to decelerate the axis to zero if the supplied axis is in a neutral position. | |
Input Axis Name | The name of this axis as specified in the Unity Input Manager. Set this property to an empty string to disable automatic update of this axis. | |
Input Axis Value | The value of the input axis. A value of 0 means no input. You can drive this directly from a custom input system, or you can set the Input Axis Name and have the value driven by the Unity Input Manager. | |
Invert | Check to invert the raw value of the input axis before it is used. | |
Horizontal Recentering | Controls automatic vertical recentering when the player gives no input. | |
Enabled | Check to enable automatic vertical recentering. | |
Wait Time | If no user input has been detected on the vertical axis, the camera waits this long in seconds before recentering. | |
Recentering Time | Maximum angular speed of recentering. Accelerates into and decelerates out of this. |