2024-08-26 23:07:20 +03:00

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// This files include various function uses to evaluate lights
// use #define LIGHT_EVALUATION_NO_HEIGHT_FOG to disable Height fog attenuation evaluation
// use #define LIGHT_EVALUATION_NO_COOKIE to disable cookie evaluation
// use #define LIGHT_EVALUATION_NO_CONTACT_SHADOWS to disable contact shadow evaluation
// use #define LIGHT_EVALUATION_NO_SHADOWS to disable evaluation of shadow including contact shadow (but not micro shadow)
// use #define LIGHT_EVALUATION_NO_CLOUDS_SHADOWS to disable evaluation of volumetric clouds shadows
// use #define OVERRIDE_EVALUATE_ENV_INTERSECTION to provide a new version of EvaluateLight_EnvIntersection
// Samples the area light's associated cookie
// cookieIndex, the index of the cookie texture in the Texture2DArray
// L, the 4 local-space corners of the area light polygon transformed by the LTC M^-1 matrix
// F, the *normalized* vector irradiance
float3 SampleAreaLightCookie(float4 cookieScaleOffset, float4x3 L, float3 F, float perceptualRoughness)
// L[0..3] : LL UL UR LR
float3 origin = L[0];
float3 right = L[3] - origin;
float3 up = L[1] - origin;
float3 normal = cross(right, up);
float sqArea = dot(normal, normal);
normal *= rsqrt(sqArea);
// Compute intersection of irradiance vector with the area light plane
float hitDistance = dot(origin, normal) / dot(F, normal);
float3 hitPosition = hitDistance * normal;
hitPosition -= origin; // Relative to bottom-left corner
// Here, right and up vectors are not necessarily orthonormal
// We create the orthogonal vector "ortho" by projecting "up" onto the vector orthogonal to "right"
// ortho = up - (up.right') * right'
// Where right' = right / sqrt( dot( right, right ) ), the normalized right vector
float recSqLengthRight = 1.0 / dot(right, right);
float upRightMixing = dot(up, right);
float3 ortho = up - upRightMixing * right * recSqLengthRight;
// The V coordinate along the "up" vector is simply the projection against the ortho vector
float v = dot(hitPosition, ortho) / dot(ortho, ortho);
// The U coordinate is not only the projection against the right vector
// but also the subtraction of the influence of the up vector upon the right vector
// (indeed, if the up & right vectors are not orthogonal then a certain amount of
// the up coordinate also influences the right coordinate)
// | up
// ortho ^....*--------*
// | /: /
// | / : /
// | / : /
// |/ : /
// +----+-->*----->
// : right
// mix of up into right that needs to be subtracted from simple projection on right vector
float u = (dot(hitPosition, right) - upRightMixing * v) * recSqLengthRight;
// We create automatic quad emissive mesh for area light. For those to be displayed in the direction
// of the light when they are single sided, we need to reverse the winding order.
// Because of this reverse of winding order, to get a matching area light reflection,
// we need to flip the x axis.
float2 hitUV = float2(1 - u, v);
// Assuming the original cosine lobe distribution Do is enclosed in a cone of 90 deg aperture,
// following the idea of orthogonal projection upon the area light's plane we find the intersection
// of the cone to be a disk of area PI*d^2 where d is the hit distance we computed above.
// We also know the area of the transformed polygon A = sqrt( sqArea ) and we pose the ratio of covered area as PI.d^2 / A.
// Knowing the area in square texels of the cookie texture A_sqTexels = texture width * texture height (default is 128x128 square texels)
// we can deduce the actual area covered by the cone in square texels as:
// A_covered = Pi.d^2 / A * A_sqTexels
// From this, we find the mip level as: mip = log2( sqrt( A_covered ) ) = log2( A_covered ) / 2
// Also, assuming that A_sqTexels is of the form 2^n * 2^n we get the simplified expression: mip = log2( Pi.d^2 / A ) / 2 + n
// Compute the cookie mip count using the cookie size in the atlas
float cookieWidth = cookieScaleOffset.x * _CookieAtlasSize.x; // cookies and atlas are guaranteed to be POT
float cookieMipCount = round(log2(cookieWidth));
float mipLevel = 0.5 * log2(1e-8 + PI * hitDistance*hitDistance * rsqrt(sqArea)) + cookieMipCount;
// We want to prevent the texture from accessing to the lower mips when evaluating the specular lobe
// when operating on low roughness points. We progressively give access from mip 3 the rest of the mips between the range 0.0 -> 0.3
// in the perceptual roughness space
float mipTrimming = saturate((0.3 - perceptualRoughness) / 0.3);
mipLevel = clamp(mipLevel, 0, lerp(cookieMipCount, 3.0, mipTrimming));
return SampleCookie2D(saturate(hitUV), cookieScaleOffset, mipLevel);
// Helper function for rectangular area lights.
// Input: 'ltcVerts' must be inversely transformed in such a way that the transformed BRDF becomes uniform (diffuse).
// Returns unassociated (non-premultiplied) color with alpha (irradiance).
// The calling code must perform alpha-compositing.
float4 EvaluateLTC_Rect(float4x3 ltcVerts, float perceptualRoughness, int cookieMode, float4 cookieScaleOffset)
float4 ltcValue;
float3 formFactor;
// Polygon irradiance in the transformed configuration.
ltcValue.a = PolygonIrradiance(ltcVerts, formFactor);
ltcValue.rgb = float3(1,1,1);
if (cookieMode != COOKIEMODE_NONE)
ltcValue.rgb = SampleAreaLightCookie(cookieScaleOffset, ltcVerts, formFactor, perceptualRoughness);
return ltcValue;
float4 EvaluateLTC_Area(bool isRectLight, float3 center, float3 right, float3 up, float halfLength, float halfHeight,
float3x3 invM, float perceptualRoughness, int cookieMode, float4 cookieScaleOffset)
float3 ortho = cross(center, right);
float orthoSq = dot(ortho, ortho);
// Check whether the light is in a vertical orientation.
bool quit = (orthoSq == 0);
// Check whether the light is entirely below the surface.
// We must test twice, since a linear transformation
// may bring the light above the surface (a side-effect).
quit = quit || (center.z + halfLength * abs(right.z) + halfHeight * abs(up.z) <= 0);
float4 ltcValue = float4(1, 1, 1, 0);
if (!quit)
// Perform a sparse matrix multiplication.
float3 C = mul(invM, center);
float3 A = mul(invM, right);
float3 B = mul(invM, up);
// Check whether the light is entirely below the surface.
// We must test twice, since a linear transformation
// may bring the light below the surface (as expected).
if (C.z + halfLength * abs(A.z) + halfHeight * abs(B.z) > 0)
if (isRectLight)
float4x3 lightVerts;
lightVerts[0] = C - halfLength * A - halfHeight * B; // LL
lightVerts[1] = lightVerts[0] + (2 * halfHeight) * B; // UL
lightVerts[2] = lightVerts[1] + (2 * halfLength) * A; // UR
lightVerts[3] = lightVerts[2] - (2 * halfHeight) * B; // LR
float3 formFactor;
// Polygon irradiance in the transformed configuration.
ltcValue.a = PolygonIrradiance(lightVerts, formFactor);
if (cookieMode != COOKIEMODE_NONE)
ltcValue.rgb = SampleAreaLightCookie(cookieScaleOffset, lightVerts, formFactor, perceptualRoughness);
else // Line light
float w = ComputeLineWidthFactor(invM, ortho, orthoSq);
ltcValue.a = I_diffuse_line(C, A, halfLength) * w;
return ltcValue;
// This function transforms a rectangular area light according the the barn door inputs defined by the user.
void RectangularLightApplyBarnDoor(inout LightData lightData, float3 pointPosition)
// If we are above 89° or the depth is smaller than 5cm this is not worth it.
if (lightData.size.z > 0.017f && lightData.size.w > 0.05f)
// Compute the half size of the light source
float halfWidth = lightData.size.x * 0.5;
float halfHeight = lightData.size.y * 0.5;
// Transform the point to light source space. First position then orientation
float3 lightRelativePointPos = -(lightData.positionRWS - pointPosition);
float3 pointLS = float3(dot(lightRelativePointPos, lightData.right), dot(lightRelativePointPos, lightData.up), dot(lightRelativePointPos, lightData.forward));
// Compute the depth of the point in the pyramid space
float pointDepth = min(pointLS.z, lightData.size.z * lightData.size.w);
// Compute the ratio between the point's depth and the maximal depth of the pyramid
float pointDepthRatio = pointDepth / (lightData.size.z * lightData.size.w);
float sinTheta = sqrt(1 - max(0, lightData.size.z * lightData.size.z));
// Compute the barn door projection
float barnDoorProjection = sinTheta * lightData.size.w * pointDepthRatio;
// Compute the sign of the point when in the local light space
float2 pointSign = sign(pointLS.xy);
// Clamp the point to the closest edge
pointLS.xy = float2(pointSign.x, pointSign.y) * max(abs(pointLS.xy), float2(halfWidth, halfHeight) + barnDoorProjection.xx);
// Compute the closest rect lignt corner, offset by the barn door size
float3 closestLightCorner = float3(pointSign.x * (halfWidth + barnDoorProjection), pointSign.y * (halfHeight + barnDoorProjection), pointDepth);
// Compute the point projection onto the edge and deduce the size that should be removed from the light dimensions
float3 pointProjection = pointLS - closestLightCorner;
// Phi being the angle between the point projection point and the forward vector of the light source
float cosPhi = max(0, pointProjection.z);
// If the angle is too perpendicular, we make the point infinitely far
float2 tanPhi = cosPhi > 0.001f ? abs(pointProjection.xy) / cosPhi : 99999.0f;
float2 projectionDistance = pointDepth * tanPhi;
// Compute the positions of the new vertices of the culled light
float2 topRight = float2(-halfWidth, halfWidth);
float2 bottomLeft = float2(-halfHeight, halfHeight);
topRight += (projectionDistance.x - barnDoorProjection) * float2(max(0, -pointSign.x), -max(0, pointSign.x));
bottomLeft += (projectionDistance.y - barnDoorProjection) * float2(max(0, -pointSign.y), -max(0, pointSign.y));
topRight = clamp(topRight, -halfWidth, halfWidth);
bottomLeft = clamp(bottomLeft, -halfHeight, halfHeight);
// Compute the offset that needs to be applied to the origin points to match the culling of the barn door
float2 lightCenterOffset = 0.5f * float2(topRight.x + topRight.y, bottomLeft.x + bottomLeft.y);
// Change the input data of the light to adjust the rectangular area light
lightData.size.xy = float2(topRight.y - topRight.x, bottomLeft.y - bottomLeft.x);
lightData.positionRWS = lightData.positionRWS + lightData.right * lightCenterOffset.x + lightData.up * lightCenterOffset.y;
// Directional Light evaluation helper
float3 EvaluateCookie_Directional(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, DirectionalLightData light,
float3 lightToSample)
// Translate and rotate 'positionWS' into the light space.
// 'light.right' and 'light.up' are pre-scaled on CPU.
float3x3 lightToWorld = float3x3(light.right, light.up, light.forward);
float3 positionLS = mul(lightToSample, transpose(lightToWorld));
// Perform orthographic projection.
float2 positionCS = positionLS.xy;
// Remap the texture coordinates from [-1, 1]^2 to [0, 1]^2.
float2 positionNDC = positionCS * 0.5 + 0.5;
// Tile texture for cookie in repeat mode
if (light.cookieMode == COOKIEMODE_REPEAT)
positionNDC = frac(positionNDC);
// We let the sampler handle clamping to border.
return SampleCookie2D(positionNDC, light.cookieScaleOffset);
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/Lighting/LightLoop/VolumetricCloudsShadowSampling.hlsl"
// Returns unassociated (non-premultiplied) color with alpha (attenuation).
// The calling code must perform alpha-compositing.
float4 EvaluateLight_Directional(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, PositionInputs posInput,
DirectionalLightData light)
float4 color = float4(light.color, 1.0);
float3 L = -light.forward;
// Height fog attenuation.
float cosZenithAngle = max(dot(L, _PlanetUp), 0.001f);
float fragmentHeight = dot(posInput.positionWS, _PlanetUp);
color.a *= TransmittanceHeightFog(_HeightFogBaseExtinction, _HeightFogBaseHeight,
_HeightFogExponents, cosZenithAngle, fragmentHeight);
// Precomputes atmospheric attenuation for the directional light on the CPU,
// which makes it independent from the fragment's position, which is faster but wrong.
// Basically, the code below runs on the CPU, using camera.positionWS, and modifies light.color.
// Use scalar or integer cores (more efficient).
bool interactsWithSky = asint(light.distanceFromCamera) >= 0;
if (interactsWithSky)
color.xyz *= EvaluateSunColorAttenuation(posInput.positionWS - _PlanetCenterPosition, L);
if (light.cookieMode != COOKIEMODE_NONE)
float3 lightToSample = posInput.positionWS - light.positionRWS;
float3 cookie = EvaluateCookie_Directional(lightLoopContext, light, lightToSample);
color.rgb *= cookie;
return color;
SHADOW_TYPE EvaluateShadow_Directional( LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, PositionInputs posInput,
DirectionalLightData light, BuiltinData builtinData, float3 N)
SHADOW_TYPE shadow = 1.0;
float shadowMask = 1.0;
float NdotL = dot(N, -light.forward); // Disable contact shadow and shadow mask when facing away from light (i.e transmission)
// shadowMaskSelector.x is -1 if there is no shadow mask
// Note that we override shadow value (in case we don't have any dynamic shadow)
shadow = shadowMask = (light.shadowMaskSelector.x >= 0.0 && NdotL > 0.0) ? dot(BUILTIN_DATA_SHADOW_MASK, light.shadowMaskSelector) : 1.0;
if ((light.shadowIndex >= 0) && (light.shadowDimmer > 0))
shadow = lightLoopContext.shadowValue;
float3 camToPixel = posInput.positionWS - GetPrimaryCameraPosition();
float distanceCamToPixel2 = dot(camToPixel, camToPixel);
int shadowSplitIndex = lightLoopContext.shadowContext.shadowSplitIndex;
if (shadowSplitIndex < 0)
shadow = shadowMask;
else if (shadowSplitIndex == int(_CascadeShadowCount) - 1)
float fade = lightLoopContext.shadowContext.fade;
// In the transition code (both dithering and blend) we use shadow = lerp( shadow, 1.0, fade ) for last transition
// mean if we expend the code we have (shadow * (1 - fade) + fade). Here to make transition with shadow mask
// we will remove fade and add fade * shadowMask which mean we do a lerp with shadow mask
shadow = shadow - fade + fade * shadowMask;
// See comment in EvaluateBSDF_Punctual
shadow = light.nonLightMappedOnly ? min(shadowMask, shadow) : shadow;
shadow = lerp(shadowMask.SHADOW_TYPE_REPLICATE, shadow, light.shadowDimmer);
// Transparents have no contact shadow information
// In certain cases (like hair) we allow to force the contact shadow sample.
const bool allowContactShadow = true;
const bool allowContactShadow = NdotL > 0.0;
shadow = min(shadow, allowContactShadow ? GetContactShadow(lightLoopContext, light.contactShadowMask, light.isRayTracedContactShadow) : 1.0);
if (_DebugShadowMapMode == SHADOWMAPDEBUGMODE_SINGLE_SHADOW && light.shadowIndex == _DebugSingleShadowIndex)
g_DebugShadowAttenuation = shadow;
return shadow;
return 1.0;
// Punctual Light evaluation helper
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/Lighting/PunctualLightCommon.hlsl"
float4 EvaluateCookie_Punctual(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, LightData light,
float3 lightToSample, float lod = 0)
int lightType = light.lightType;
// Translate and rotate 'positionWS' into the light space.
// 'light.right' and 'light.up' are pre-scaled on CPU.
float3x3 lightToWorld = float3x3(light.right, light.up, light.forward);
float3 positionLS = mul(lightToSample, transpose(lightToWorld));
float4 cookie;
cookie.rgb = SamplePointCookie(mul(lightToWorld, lightToSample), light.cookieScaleOffset);
cookie.a = 1;
// Perform orthographic or perspective projection.
float perspectiveZ = (lightType != GPULIGHTTYPE_PROJECTOR_BOX) ? positionLS.z : 1.0;
float2 positionCS = positionLS.xy / perspectiveZ;
float z = positionLS.z;
float r = light.range;
// Box lights have no range attenuation, so we must clip manually.
bool isInBounds = Max3(abs(positionCS.x), abs(positionCS.y), abs(z - 0.5 * r) - 0.5 * r + 1) <= light.boxLightSafeExtent;
isInBounds = isInBounds && (dot(positionCS, positionCS) <= light.iesCut * light.iesCut);
float2 positionNDC = positionCS * 0.5 + 0.5;
// Manually clamp to border (black).
cookie.rgb = SampleCookie2D(positionNDC, light.cookieScaleOffset, lod);
cookie.a = isInBounds ? 1.0 : 0.0;
// When we disable cookie, we must still perform border attenuation for pyramid and box
// as by default we always bind a cookie white texture for them to mimic it.
float4 cookie = float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
int lightType = light.lightType;
// Translate and rotate 'positionWS' into the light space.
// 'light.right' and 'light.up' are pre-scaled on CPU.
float3x3 lightToWorld = float3x3(light.right, light.up, light.forward);
float3 positionLS = mul(lightToSample, transpose(lightToWorld));
// Perform orthographic or perspective projection.
float perspectiveZ = (lightType != GPULIGHTTYPE_PROJECTOR_BOX) ? positionLS.z : 1.0;
float2 positionCS = positionLS.xy / perspectiveZ;
float z = positionLS.z;
float r = light.range;
// Box lights have no range attenuation, so we must clip manually.
bool isInBounds = Max3(abs(positionCS.x), abs(positionCS.y), abs(z - 0.5 * r) - 0.5 * r + 1) <= light.boxLightSafeExtent;
// Manually clamp to border (black).
cookie.a = isInBounds ? 1.0 : 0.0;
return cookie;
real PunctualLightAttenuationWithDistanceModification(real4 distances, real rangeAttenuationScale, real rangeAttenuationBias,
real lightAngleScale, real lightAngleOffset)
real distSq = distances.y;
real distRcp = distances.z; //distance contains light size modification. See ModifyDistancesForFillLighting
real distProj = distances.w;
real cosFwd = distProj * rcp(distances.x); //we recompute inv distance here
real attenuation = min(distRcp, 1.0 / PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_THRESHOLD);
attenuation *= DistanceWindowing(distSq, rangeAttenuationScale, rangeAttenuationBias);
attenuation *= AngleAttenuation(cosFwd, lightAngleScale, lightAngleOffset);
// Effectively results in SmoothWindowedDistanceAttenuation(...) * SmoothAngleAttenuation(...).
return Sq(attenuation);
// Returns unassociated (non-premultiplied) color with alpha (attenuation).
// The calling code must perform alpha-compositing.
// distances = {d, d^2, 1/d, d_proj}, where d_proj = dot(lightToSample, light.forward).
float4 EvaluateLight_Punctual(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, PositionInputs posInput,
LightData light, float3 L, float4 distances)
float4 color = float4(light.color, 1.0);
color.a *= PunctualLightAttenuationWithDistanceModification(
distances, light.rangeAttenuationScale, light.rangeAttenuationBias,
light.angleScale, light.angleOffset);
// Height fog attenuation.
// TODO: add an if()?
float cosZenithAngle = dot(L, _PlanetUp);
float fragmentHeight = dot(posInput.positionWS, _PlanetUp);
color.a *= TransmittanceHeightFog(_HeightFogBaseExtinction, _HeightFogBaseHeight,
_HeightFogExponents, cosZenithAngle,
fragmentHeight, distances.x);
// Projector lights (box, pyramid) always have cookies, so we can perform clipping inside the if().
// Thus why we don't disable the code here based on LIGHT_EVALUATION_NO_COOKIE but we do it
// inside the EvaluateCookie_Punctual call
if (light.cookieMode != COOKIEMODE_NONE)
float3 lightToSample = posInput.positionWS - light.positionRWS;
float4 cookie = EvaluateCookie_Punctual(lightLoopContext, light, lightToSample);
color *= cookie;
return color;
// distances = {d, d^2, 1/d, d_proj}, where d_proj = dot(lightToSample, light.forward).
SHADOW_TYPE EvaluateShadow_Punctual(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, PositionInputs posInput,
LightData light, BuiltinData builtinData, float3 N, float3 L, float4 distances)
float shadow = 1.0;
float shadowMask = 1.0;
float NdotL = dot(N, L); // Disable contact shadow and shadow mask when facing away from light (i.e transmission)
// shadowMaskSelector.x is -1 if there is no shadow mask
// Note that we override shadow value (in case we don't have any dynamic shadow)
shadow = shadowMask = (light.shadowMaskSelector.x >= 0.0 && NdotL > 0.0) ? dot(BUILTIN_DATA_SHADOW_MASK, light.shadowMaskSelector) : 1.0;
shadow = GetScreenSpaceShadow(posInput, light.screenSpaceShadowIndex);
shadow = lerp(shadowMask, shadow, light.shadowDimmer);
if ((light.shadowIndex >= 0) && (light.shadowDimmer > 0))
shadow = GetPunctualShadowAttenuation(lightLoopContext.shadowContext, posInput.positionSS, posInput.positionWS, N, light.shadowIndex, L, distances.x, light.lightType == GPULIGHTTYPE_POINT, light.lightType != GPULIGHTTYPE_PROJECTOR_BOX);
// Note: Legacy Unity have two shadow mask mode. ShadowMask (ShadowMask contain static objects shadow and ShadowMap contain only dynamic objects shadow, final result is the minimun of both value)
// and ShadowMask_Distance (ShadowMask contain static objects shadow and ShadowMap contain everything and is blend with ShadowMask based on distance (Global distance setup in QualitySettigns)).
// HDRenderPipeline change this behavior. Only ShadowMask mode is supported but we support both blend with distance AND minimun of both value. Distance is control by light.
// The following code do this.
// The min handle the case of having only dynamic objects in the ShadowMap
// The second case for blend with distance is handled with ShadowDimmer. ShadowDimmer is define manually and by shadowDistance by light.
// With distance, ShadowDimmer become one and only the ShadowMask appear, we get the blend with distance behavior.
shadow = light.nonLightMappedOnly ? min(shadowMask, shadow) : shadow;
shadow = lerp(shadowMask, shadow, light.shadowDimmer);
// Transparents have no contact shadow information
// In certain cases (like hair) we allow to force the contact shadow sample.
const bool allowContactShadow = true;
const bool allowContactShadow = NdotL > 0.0;
shadow = min(shadow, allowContactShadow ? GetContactShadow(lightLoopContext, light.contactShadowMask, light.isRayTracedContactShadow) : 1.0);
if (_DebugShadowMapMode == SHADOWMAPDEBUGMODE_SINGLE_SHADOW && light.shadowIndex == _DebugSingleShadowIndex)
g_DebugShadowAttenuation = shadow;
return shadow;
return 1.0;
SHADOW_TYPE EvaluateShadow_RectArea( LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, PositionInputs posInput,
LightData light, BuiltinData builtinData, float3 N, float3 L, float dist)
float shadow = 1.0;
float shadowMask = 1.0;
// shadowMaskSelector.x is -1 if there is no shadow mask
// Note that we override shadow value (in case we don't have any dynamic shadow)
shadow = shadowMask = (light.shadowMaskSelector.x >= 0.0) ? dot(BUILTIN_DATA_SHADOW_MASK, light.shadowMaskSelector) : 1.0;
// When screen space shadows are not supported, this value is stripped out as it is a constant.
bool validScreenSpace = false;
// For area lights it is complex to define if a fragment is back facing.
// In theory, the execution shouldn't reach here, but for now we are not handeling the shadowing properly for the transmittance.
float2 screenSpaceAreaShadow = GetScreenSpaceShadowArea(posInput, light.screenSpaceShadowIndex);
// If the material has transmission, we want to be able to fallback on an other lighting source outside of the validity of the screen space shadow.
// Which is wrong, but less shocking visually than the alternative.
if (screenSpaceAreaShadow.y > 0.0)
validScreenSpace = true;
shadow = screenSpaceAreaShadow.x;
shadow = screenSpaceAreaShadow.x;
shadow = lerp(shadowMask, shadow, light.shadowDimmer);
if ((light.shadowIndex >= 0) && (light.shadowDimmer > 0) && !validScreenSpace)
shadow = GetRectAreaShadowAttenuation(lightLoopContext.shadowContext, posInput.positionSS, posInput.positionWS, N, light.shadowIndex, L, dist);
// See comment for punctual light shadow mask
shadow = light.nonLightMappedOnly ? min(shadowMask, shadow) : shadow;
shadow = lerp(shadowMask, shadow, light.shadowDimmer);
if (_DebugShadowMapMode == SHADOWMAPDEBUGMODE_SINGLE_SHADOW && light.shadowIndex == _DebugSingleShadowIndex)
g_DebugShadowAttenuation = shadow;
return shadow;
return 1.0;
bool OccluderInRendererBounds(HDShadowData shadowData, Texture2D atlas, PositionInputs posInput, float2 texelSize, bool isPerspective, bool decodeMoment = false)
// Sample raw shadow map value.
float3 occluderPositionWS;
float4 closestNDC = { 0,0,0,1 };
float2 shadowCoord = EvalShadow_GetTexcoordsAtlas(shadowData, texelSize, posInput.positionWS, closestNDC.xy, isPerspective);
closestNDC.z = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(atlas, s_linear_clamp_sampler, shadowCoord, 0).x;
if (decodeMoment)
// Decode the shadow moment (needed for med/low filtering which uses EVSM).
closestNDC.z = 1 - ( 0.5 + 0.5 * (log2(closestNDC.z) / shadowData.shadowFilterParams0.x) );
float4 closestWS = mul(closestNDC, shadowData.shadowToWorld);
occluderPositionWS = closestWS.xyz / closestWS.w;
// Renderer center and extents.
float3 minBounds, maxBounds;
GetRendererBounds(minBounds, maxBounds);
float3 rendererCenterWS = (maxBounds + minBounds) * 0.5;
float3 rendererExtentWS = (maxBounds - minBounds) * 0.5;
// Comparison between bounding sphere radius and occluder distance.
const float occlusionDirectionSq = Length2(rendererCenterWS - occluderPositionWS);
return occlusionDirectionSq < Sq(Max3(rendererExtentWS.x, rendererExtentWS.y, rendererExtentWS.z));
bool DirectionalOccluderInRendererBounds(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, DirectionalLightData lightData, PositionInputs posInput)
if (lightData.shadowIndex < 0)
return false;
float unused0;
int unused1;
int splitIndex = EvalShadow_GetSplitIndex(lightLoopContext.shadowContext, lightData.shadowIndex, posInput.positionWS, unused0, unused1);
HDShadowData shadowData = lightLoopContext.shadowContext.shadowDatas[lightData.shadowIndex + splitIndex];
posInput.positionWS = posInput.positionWS + shadowData.cacheTranslationDelta.xyz;
return OccluderInRendererBounds(shadowData, _ShadowmapCascadeAtlas, posInput, _CascadeShadowAtlasSize.zw, false);
bool PunctualOccluderInRendererBounds(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, LightData lightData, PositionInputs posInput, float3 L)
if (lightData.shadowIndex < 0)
return false;
const int shadowIndex = WaveReadLaneFirst(lightData.shadowIndex);
const int shadowIndex = lightData.shadowIndex;
// Note: Here we assume that all the shadow map cube faces have been added contiguously in the buffer to retreive the shadow information
// Do the scalar load first and then replace parts of the data with the relevant cube face information.
HDShadowData shadowData = lightLoopContext.shadowContext.shadowDatas[shadowIndex];
if (lightData.lightType == GPULIGHTTYPE_POINT)
const int cubeFaceOffset = CubeMapFaceID(-L);
shadowData.shadowToWorld = lightLoopContext.shadowContext.shadowDatas[shadowIndex + cubeFaceOffset].shadowToWorld;
shadowData.atlasOffset = lightLoopContext.shadowContext.shadowDatas[shadowIndex + cubeFaceOffset].atlasOffset;
shadowData.rot0 = lightLoopContext.shadowContext.shadowDatas[shadowIndex + cubeFaceOffset].rot0;
shadowData.rot1 = lightLoopContext.shadowContext.shadowDatas[shadowIndex + cubeFaceOffset].rot1;
shadowData.rot2 = lightLoopContext.shadowContext.shadowDatas[shadowIndex + cubeFaceOffset].rot2;
if (shadowData.isInCachedAtlas > 0) // This is a scalar branch.
return OccluderInRendererBounds(shadowData, _CachedShadowmapAtlas, posInput, _CachedShadowAtlasSize.zw, lightData.lightType != GPULIGHTTYPE_PROJECTOR_BOX);
return OccluderInRendererBounds(shadowData, _ShadowmapAtlas, posInput, _ShadowAtlasSize.zw, lightData.lightType != GPULIGHTTYPE_PROJECTOR_BOX);
bool AreaOccluderInRendererBounds(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, LightData lightData, PositionInputs posInput)
if (lightData.shadowIndex < 0)
return false;
// We need to disable the scalarization here on xbox due to bad code generated by FXC for the eye shader.
// This shouldn't have an enormous impact since with Area lights we are already exploded in VGPR by this point.
const int shadowIndex = WaveReadLaneFirst(lightData.shadowIndex);
const int shadowIndex = lightData.shadowIndex;
const HDShadowData shadowData = lightLoopContext.shadowContext.shadowDatas[shadowIndex];
// High quality area shadows do not use moment shadow maps.
const bool decodeMoment = false;
const bool decodeMoment = true;
if (shadowData.isInCachedAtlas > 0) // This is a scalar branch.
return OccluderInRendererBounds(shadowData, _CachedAreaLightShadowmapAtlas, posInput, _CachedShadowAtlasSize.zw, true, decodeMoment);
return OccluderInRendererBounds(shadowData, _ShadowmapAreaAtlas, posInput, _ShadowAtlasSize.zw, true, decodeMoment);
// Reflection probe evaluation helper
// Environment map share function
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/Lighting/Reflection/VolumeProjection.hlsl"
// From Moving Frostbite to PBR document
// This function fakes the roughness based integration of reflection probes by adjusting the roughness value
float ComputeDistanceBaseRoughness(float distIntersectionToShadedPoint, float distIntersectionToProbeCenter, float perceptualRoughness)
float newPerceptualRoughness = clamp(distIntersectionToShadedPoint / distIntersectionToProbeCenter * perceptualRoughness, 0, perceptualRoughness);
return lerp(newPerceptualRoughness, perceptualRoughness, perceptualRoughness);
// return projectionDistance, can be used in ComputeDistanceBaseRoughness formula
// return in R the unormalized corrected direction which is used to fetch cubemap but also its length represent the distance of the capture point to the intersection
// Length R can be reuse as a parameter of ComputeDistanceBaseRoughness for distIntersectionToProbeCenter
float EvaluateLight_EnvIntersection(float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, EnvLightData light, int influenceShapeType, inout float3 R, inout float weight)
// Guideline for reflection volume: In HDRenderPipeline we separate the projection volume (the proxy of the scene) from the influence volume (what pixel on the screen is affected)
// However we add the constrain that the shape of the projection and influence volume is the same (i.e if we have a sphere shape projection volume, we have a shape influence).
// It allow to have more coherence for the dynamic if in shader code.
// Users can also chose to not have any projection, in this case we use the property minProjectionDistance to minimize code change. minProjectionDistance is set to huge number
// that simulate effect of no shape projection
float3x3 worldToIS = WorldToInfluenceSpace(light); // IS: Influence space
float3 positionIS = WorldToInfluencePosition(light, worldToIS, positionWS);
float3 dirIS = normalize(mul(R, worldToIS));
float3x3 worldToPS = WorldToProxySpace(light); // PS: Proxy space
float3 positionPS = WorldToProxyPosition(light, worldToPS, positionWS);
float3 dirPS = mul(R, worldToPS);
float projectionDistance = 0;
// Process the projection
// In Unity the cubemaps are capture with the localToWorld transform of the component.
// This mean that location and orientation matter. So after intersection of proxy volume we need to convert back to world.
if (influenceShapeType == ENVSHAPETYPE_SPHERE)
projectionDistance = IntersectSphereProxy(light, dirPS, positionPS);
// We can reuse dist calculate in LS directly in WS as there is no scaling. Also the offset is already include in light.capturePositionRWS
R = (positionWS + projectionDistance * R) - light.capturePositionRWS;
weight = InfluenceSphereWeight(light, normalWS, positionWS, positionIS, dirIS);
else if (influenceShapeType == ENVSHAPETYPE_BOX)
projectionDistance = IntersectBoxProxy(light, dirPS, positionPS);
// No need to normalize for fetching cubemap
// We can reuse dist calculate in LS directly in WS as there is no scaling. Also the offset is already include in light.capturePositionRWS
R = (positionWS + projectionDistance * R) - light.capturePositionRWS;
weight = InfluenceBoxWeight(light, normalWS, positionWS, positionIS, dirIS);
// Smooth weighting
weight = Smoothstep01(weight);
weight *= light.weight;
return projectionDistance;
// Call SampleEnv function with distance based roughness
float4 SampleEnvWithDistanceBaseRoughness(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, PositionInputs posInput, EnvLightData lightData, float3 R, float perceptualRoughness, float intersectionDistance, int sliceIdx = 0)
// Only apply distance based roughness for non-sky reflection probe
if (lightLoopContext.sampleReflection == SINGLE_PASS_CONTEXT_SAMPLE_REFLECTION_PROBES && IsEnvIndexCubemap(lightData.envIndex))
perceptualRoughness = lerp(perceptualRoughness, ComputeDistanceBaseRoughness(intersectionDistance, length(R), perceptualRoughness), lightData.distanceBasedRoughness);
return SampleEnv(lightLoopContext, lightData.envIndex, R, PerceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel(perceptualRoughness) * lightData.roughReflections, lightData.rangeCompressionFactorCompensation, posInput.positionNDC, sliceIdx);
void InversePreExposeSsrLighting(inout float4 ssrLighting)
// Raytrace reflection use the current frame exposure - TODO: currently the buffer don't use pre-exposure.
// Screen space reflection reuse color buffer from previous frame
float exposureMultiplier = _EnableRayTracedReflections ? 1.0 : GetInversePreviousExposureMultiplier();
ssrLighting.rgb *= exposureMultiplier;
void ApplyScreenSpaceReflectionWeight(inout float4 ssrLighting)
// Note: RGB is already premultiplied by A for SSR
// TODO: check why it isn't consistent between SSR and RTR
float weight = _EnableRayTracedReflections ? ssrLighting.a : 1.0;
ssrLighting.rgb *= weight;