Rasagar/Assets/Visual Design Cafe/Nature Shaders/Integrations/Nature Renderer 2020.templatex

227 lines
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// {% comment %}
// Copyright 2020 Visual Design Cafe. All rights reserved.
// Package: Nature Shaders
// Website: https://www.visualdesigncafe.com/nature-shaders
// Documentation: https://support.visualdesigncafe.com/hc/categories/900000043503
// {% endcomment %}
#define Use_Macro_UNITY_MATRIX_M_instead_of_unity_ObjectToWorld unity_ObjectToWorld
#define Use_Macro_UNITY_MATRIX_I_M_instead_of_unity_WorldToObject unity_WorldToObject
struct CompressedFloat4x4
uint positionXY;
uint positionZ_scale;
uint rotationXY;
uint rotationZW;
uniform float3 _CompressionRange;
uniform float3 _CompressionBase;
uint CompressToUshort( float value, float precision )
return (uint)(value / precision * 65535.0);
uint CompressToByte( float value, float precision )
return (uint)(value / precision * 255.0);
float DecompressFromByte( uint value, float precision )
return value / 255.0 * precision;
float DecompressFromUshort( uint value, float precision )
return value / 65535.0 * precision;
void _UnpackInt( uint packedInt, out uint a, out uint b )
a = ( (uint) (packedInt >> 16) );
b = ( (uint) ((packedInt << 16) >> 16) );
void _UnpackShort( uint packedShort, out uint a, out uint b )
a = ( (uint) (packedShort >> 8) );
b = ( (uint) ((packedShort << 24) >> 24) );
uint _PackInt( uint ushortA, uint ushortB )
return ushortA << 16 | ushortB;
uint _PackShort( uint byteA, uint byteB )
return (byteA << 8) | byteB;
float4x4 QuaternionToMatrix(float4 quaternion)
float4x4 result = (float4x4)0;
float x = quaternion.x;
float y = quaternion.y;
float z = quaternion.z;
float w = quaternion.w;
float x2 = x + x;
float y2 = y + y;
float z2 = z + z;
float xx = x * x2;
float xy = x * y2;
float xz = x * z2;
float yy = y * y2;
float yz = y * z2;
float zz = z * z2;
float wx = w * x2;
float wy = w * y2;
float wz = w * z2;
result[0][0] = 1.0 - (yy + zz);
result[0][1] = xy - wz;
result[0][2] = xz + wy;
result[1][0] = xy + wz;
result[1][1] = 1.0 - (xx + zz);
result[1][2] = yz - wx;
result[2][0] = xz - wy;
result[2][1] = yz + wx;
result[2][2] = 1.0 - (xx + yy);
result[3][3] = 1.0;
return result;
void DecompressInstanceMatrix( inout float4x4 m, CompressedFloat4x4 compressedMatrix )
uint positionX, positionY, positionZ;
uint scaleXYZ;
uint rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ, rotationW;
_UnpackInt( compressedMatrix.positionXY, positionX, positionY );
_UnpackInt( compressedMatrix.positionZ_scale, positionZ, scaleXYZ );
_UnpackInt( compressedMatrix.rotationXY, rotationX, rotationY );
_UnpackInt( compressedMatrix.rotationZW, rotationZ, rotationW );
uint scaleX, scaleY;
_UnpackShort( scaleXYZ, scaleX, scaleY );
float3 position =
DecompressFromUshort(positionX, _CompressionRange.x) + _CompressionBase.x,
DecompressFromUshort(positionY, _CompressionRange.y) + _CompressionBase.y,
DecompressFromUshort(positionZ, _CompressionRange.z) + _CompressionBase.z );
float3 scale =
DecompressFromByte(scaleX, 16.0),
DecompressFromByte(scaleY, 16.0),
DecompressFromByte(scaleX, 16.0) );
float4 rotation =
DecompressFromUshort(rotationX, 2.0) - 1.0,
DecompressFromUshort(rotationY, 2.0) - 1.0,
DecompressFromUshort(rotationZ, 2.0) - 1.0,
DecompressFromUshort(rotationW, 2.0) - 1.0 );
m = QuaternionToMatrix( rotation );
m[0][0] *= scale.x; m[1][0] *= scale.y; m[2][0] *= scale.z;
m[0][1] *= scale.x; m[1][1] *= scale.y; m[2][1] *= scale.z;
m[0][2] *= scale.x; m[1][2] *= scale.y; m[2][2] *= scale.z;
m[0][3] *= scale.x; m[1][3] *= scale.y; m[2][3] *= scale.z;
m[0][3] = position.x;
m[1][3] = position.y;
m[2][3] = position.z;
#if defined(SHADER_API_GLCORE) \
|| defined(SHADER_API_D3D11) \
|| defined(SHADER_API_GLES3) \
|| defined(SHADER_API_METAL) \
|| defined(SHADER_API_VULKAN) \
|| defined(SHADER_API_PSSL) \
uniform StructuredBuffer<CompressedFloat4x4> _NatureRendererBuffer;
float4x4 inverse(float4x4 input)
#define minor(a,b,c) determinant(float3x3(input.a, input.b, input.c))
float4x4 cofactors = float4x4(
minor(_22_23_24, _32_33_34, _42_43_44),
-minor(_21_23_24, _31_33_34, _41_43_44),
minor(_21_22_24, _31_32_34, _41_42_44),
-minor(_21_22_23, _31_32_33, _41_42_43),
-minor(_12_13_14, _32_33_34, _42_43_44),
minor(_11_13_14, _31_33_34, _41_43_44),
-minor(_11_12_14, _31_32_34, _41_42_44),
minor(_11_12_13, _31_32_33, _41_42_43),
minor(_12_13_14, _22_23_24, _42_43_44),
-minor(_11_13_14, _21_23_24, _41_43_44),
minor(_11_12_14, _21_22_24, _41_42_44),
-minor(_11_12_13, _21_22_23, _41_42_43),
-minor(_12_13_14, _22_23_24, _32_33_34),
minor(_11_13_14, _21_23_24, _31_33_34),
-minor(_11_12_14, _21_22_24, _31_32_34),
minor(_11_12_13, _21_22_23, _31_32_33)
#undef minor
return transpose(cofactors) / determinant(input);
// Pre-calculate and cache data for Nature Shaders that relies on
// per-object data instead of per-vertex or per-pixel.
void PreCalculateNatureShadersData()
g_ObjectPivot = GetAbsolutePositionWS( float3(unity_ObjectToWorld[0].w, unity_ObjectToWorld[1].w, unity_ObjectToWorld[2].w) );
// {% if wind %}
g_ConstantWindOffset = cross( GetWindDirection().xyz, float3(0,1,0) );
// {% endif %}
g_PivotOffset = length( float3(g_ObjectPivot.x + g_FloatingOriginOffset_Ambient.x, 0, g_ObjectPivot.z + g_FloatingOriginOffset_Ambient.y) );
g_ObjectUp = TransformObjectToWorldDir( float3(0, 1, 0) );
// {% if fade %}
GetFade( g_ObjectPivot, g_WindFade, g_ScaleFade );
// {% endif %}
PerlinNoise( g_ObjectPivot.xz + (any(_FloatingOriginOffset_Color) ? _FloatingOriginOffset_Color.xy : g_FloatingOriginOffset_Color.xy), _ColorVariationSpread, g_WorldNoise);
void SetupNatureRenderer()
DecompressInstanceMatrix(unity_ObjectToWorld, _NatureRendererBuffer[unity_InstanceID]);
unity_WorldToObject = inverse(unity_ObjectToWorld);
void NatureRenderer_float( float3 vertex, out float3 vertexOut )
vertexOut = vertex;