2024-08-26 23:07:20 +03:00

458 lines
17 KiB

// Ref: A Scalable and Production Ready Sky and Atmosphere Rendering Technique - Hillaire, ESGR 2020
// https://sebh.github.io/publications/egsr2020.pdf
#pragma only_renderers d3d11 playstation xboxone xboxseries vulkan metal switch
//#pragma enable_d3d11_debug_symbols
#pragma kernel MultiScatteringLUT OUTPUT_MULTISCATTERING
#pragma kernel SkyViewLUT
#pragma kernel AtmosphericScatteringLUTCamera AtmosphericScatteringLUT=AtmosphericScatteringLUTCamera CAMERA_SPACE
#pragma kernel AtmosphericScatteringLUTWorld AtmosphericScatteringLUT=AtmosphericScatteringLUTWorld
#pragma kernel AtmosphericScatteringBlur
#define DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_ULTRA_LOW // Different options are too expensive.
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Sampling/Hammersley.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/Lighting/LightDefinition.cs.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/ShaderLibrary/ShaderVariables.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/Sky/PhysicallyBasedSky/PhysicallyBasedSkyEvaluation.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/Sky/SkyUtils.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/Lighting/LightLoop/HDShadow.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/Lighting/LightLoop/VolumetricCloudsShadowSampling.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/Lighting/AtmosphericScattering/AtmosphericScattering.hlsl"
// This is the main function that integrates atmosphere along a ray
// It is baked in various LUTs by all the kernels below
// O is position in planet space, V is view dir in world space
void EvaluateAtmosphericColor(float3 O, float3 V, float tExit,
float3 L, out float3 multiScattering,
out float3 skyColor, out float3 skyTransmittance)
skyColor = 0.0f;
skyTransmittance = 1.0f;
multiScattering = 0.0f;
const uint sampleCount = 16;
for (uint s = 0; s < sampleCount; s++)
float t, dt;
GetSample(s, sampleCount, tExit, t, dt);
const float3 P = O + t * V;
const float r = max(length(P), _PlanetaryRadius);
const float3 N = P * rcp(r);
const float height = r - _PlanetaryRadius;
const float3 sigmaE = AtmosphereExtinction(height);
const float3 scatteringMS = AirScatter(height) + AerosolScatter(height);
const float3 transmittanceOverSegment = TransmittanceFromOpticalDepth(sigmaE * dt);
multiScattering += IntegrateOverSegment(scatteringMS, transmittanceOverSegment, skyTransmittance, sigmaE);
const float3 phaseScatter = scatteringMS * IsotropicPhaseFunction();
const float3 S = EvaluateSunColorAttenuation(dot(N, L), r) * phaseScatter;
skyColor += IntegrateOverSegment(S, transmittanceOverSegment, skyTransmittance, sigmaE);
for (uint i = 0; i < _CelestialLightCount; i++)
CelestialBodyData light = _CelestialBodyDatas[i];
float3 L = -light.forward.xyz;
const float3 sunTransmittance = EvaluateSunColorAttenuation(dot(N, L), r);
const float3 phaseScatter = AirScatter(height) * AirPhase(-dot(L, V)) + AerosolScatter(height) * AerosolPhase(-dot(L, V));
const float3 multiScatteredLuminance = EvaluateMultipleScattering(dot(N, L), height);
float3 S = sunTransmittance * phaseScatter + multiScatteredLuminance * scatteringMS;
skyColor += IntegrateOverSegment(light.color * S, transmittanceOverSegment, skyTransmittance, sigmaE);
skyTransmittance *= transmittanceOverSegment;
// Multiple-Scattering LUT
#define SAMPLE_COUNT 64
RW_TEXTURE2D(float3, _MultiScatteringLUT_RW);
groupshared float3 gs_radianceMS[SAMPLE_COUNT];
groupshared float3 gs_radiance[SAMPLE_COUNT];
float3 RenderPlanet(float3 P, float3 L)
float3 N = normalize(P);
float3 albedo = _GroundAlbedo.xyz;
float3 gBrdf = INV_PI * albedo;
float cosHoriz = ComputeCosineOfHorizonAngle(_PlanetaryRadius);
float cosTheta = dot(N, L);
float3 intensity = 0.0f;
if (cosTheta >= cosHoriz)
float3 opticalDepth = ComputeAtmosphericOpticalDepth(_PlanetaryRadius, cosTheta, true);
intensity = TransmittanceFromOpticalDepth(opticalDepth);
return gBrdf * (saturate(dot(N, L)) * intensity);
void ParallelSum(uint threadIdx, inout float3 radiance, inout float3 radianceMS)
radiance = float3(WaveActiveSum(radiance.x), WaveActiveSum(radiance.y), WaveActiveSum(radiance.z));
radianceMS = float3(WaveActiveSum(radianceMS.x), WaveActiveSum(radianceMS.y), WaveActiveSum(radianceMS.z));
gs_radiance[threadIdx] = radiance;
gs_radianceMS[threadIdx] = radianceMS;
for (uint s = SAMPLE_COUNT / 2u; s > 0u; s >>= 1u)
if (threadIdx < s)
gs_radiance[threadIdx] += gs_radiance[threadIdx + s];
gs_radianceMS[threadIdx] += gs_radianceMS[threadIdx + s];
radiance = gs_radiance[0];
radianceMS = gs_radianceMS[0];
[numthreads(1, 1, SAMPLE_COUNT)]
void MultiScatteringLUT(uint3 coord : SV_DispatchThreadID)
const uint threadIdx = coord.z;
/// Map thread id to position in planet space + light direction
float sunZenithCosAngle, radialDistance;
UnmapMultipleScattering(coord.xy, sunZenithCosAngle, radialDistance);
float3 L = float3(0.0, sunZenithCosAngle, SinFromCos(sunZenithCosAngle));
float3 O = float3(0.0f, radialDistance, 0.0f);
float2 U = Hammersley2d(threadIdx, SAMPLE_COUNT);
float3 V = SampleSphereUniform(U.x, U.y);
/// Compute single scattering light in direction V
float3 N; float r; // These params correspond to the entry point
float tEntry = IntersectAtmosphere(O, -V, N, r).x;
float tExit = IntersectAtmosphere(O, -V, N, r).y;
float cosChi = dot(N, V);
float cosHor = ComputeCosineOfHorizonAngle(r);
bool rayIntersectsAtmosphere = (tEntry >= 0);
bool lookAboveHorizon = (cosChi >= cosHor);
bool seeGround = rayIntersectsAtmosphere && !lookAboveHorizon;
if (seeGround)
tExit = tEntry + IntersectSphere(_PlanetaryRadius, cosChi, r).x;
float3 multiScattering = 0.0f, skyColor = 0.0f, skyTransmittance = 1.0f;
if (tExit > 0.0f)
EvaluateAtmosphericColor(O, V, tExit, L, multiScattering, skyColor, skyTransmittance);
if (seeGround)
skyColor += RenderPlanet(O + tExit * V, L) * skyTransmittance;
const float dS = FOUR_PI * IsotropicPhaseFunction() / SAMPLE_COUNT;
float3 radiance = skyColor * dS;
float3 radianceMS = multiScattering * dS;
/// Accumulate light from all directions using LDS
ParallelSum(threadIdx, radiance, radianceMS);
if (threadIdx > 0)
/// Approximate infinite multiple scattering
const float3 F_ms = 1.0f * rcp(1.0 - radianceMS); // Equation 9
const float3 MS = radiance * F_ms; // Equation 10
_MultiScatteringLUT_RW[coord.xy] = MS;
// Sky View LUT
RW_TEXTURE2D(float3, _SkyViewLUT_RW);
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void SkyViewLUT(uint2 coord : SV_DispatchThreadID)
const float3 N = float3(0, 1, 0);
const float r = _PlanetaryRadius;
const float3 O = r * N;
float3 V;
UnmapSkyView(coord, V);
float tExit = IntersectSphere(_AtmosphericRadius, dot(N, V), r).y;
float3 skyColor, skyTransmittance;
EvaluateAtmosphericColor(O, V, tExit, skyColor, skyTransmittance);
_SkyViewLUT_RW[coord] = skyColor / _CelestialLightExposure;
// Atmospheric Scattering LUT
RW_TEXTURE3D(float3, _AtmosphericScatteringLUT_RW);
float3 ParallelPrefixProduct(uint threadIdx, float3 transmittance)
// For some reason WavePrefixProduct doesn't compile on gamecore
return float3(WavePrefixProduct(transmittance.x), WavePrefixProduct(transmittance.y), WavePrefixProduct(transmittance.z));
else gs_data[threadIdx+1] = transmittance;
uint k = s << 1;
if (threadIdx % k >= s)
gs_data[threadIdx] *= gs_data[(threadIdx & ~(k - 1)) + s - 1];
return gs_data[threadIdx];
float3 ParallelPostfixSum(uint threadIdx, float3 radiance)
// for some reason, the sum has to be done per component
return float3(WavePrefixSum(radiance.x), WavePrefixSum(radiance.y), WavePrefixSum(radiance.z)) + radiance;
gs_data[threadIdx] = radiance;
uint k = s << 1;
if (threadIdx % k >= s)
gs_data[threadIdx] += gs_data[(threadIdx & ~(k - 1)) + s - 1];
return gs_data[threadIdx];
void AtmosphericScatteringLUT(uint2 coord : SV_GroupID, uint s : SV_GroupIndex)
const float2 uv = (coord + 0.5) / res;
float3 V = -GetSkyViewDirWS(uv * _ScreenSize.xy);
float3 O;
float t, dt;
UnmapAtmosphericScattering(s, V, O, t, dt);
float3 skyColor = 0.0f;
float3 skyTransmittance = 1.0f;
// Following is the loop from EvaluateAtmosphericColor, with each iteration evaluated on a thread
// Additionally we sample shadow map for more precise occlusion
float3 P = O + t * V;
// When ray starts to intersect the planet, don't stop but move the point to the surface
// This is important because we bilinear sample the LUT and don't want garbage values anywhere
if (length(P) < _PlanetaryRadius)
P = normalize(P) * _PlanetaryRadius;
V = normalize(P - O);
const float r = max(length(P), _PlanetaryRadius + 1);
const float3 N = P * rcp(r);
const float height = r - _PlanetaryRadius;
const float3 sigmaE = AtmosphereExtinction(height);
const float3 scatteringMS = AirScatter(height) + AerosolScatter(height);
const float3 transmittanceOverSegment = TransmittanceFromOpticalDepth(sigmaE * dt);
skyTransmittance = ParallelPrefixProduct(s, transmittanceOverSegment);
float sunShadow = 1.0f;
if (_DirectionalShadowIndex >= 0)
DirectionalLightData light = _DirectionalLightDatas[_DirectionalShadowIndex];
HDShadowContext shadowContext = InitShadowContext();
// See GetDirectionalShadowAttenuation, call is inlined for optimization
// Find if last cascade is usable, we only use this one as we don't need precise occlusion and it's faster
int shadowSplitIndex = _CascadeShadowCount - 1;
float4 sphere = shadowContext.directionalShadowData.sphereCascades[shadowSplitIndex];
float3 posWS = P + _PlanetCenterPosition;
float3 wposDir = posWS - sphere.xyz;
float distSq = dot(wposDir, wposDir);
if (distSq <= sphere.w)
HDShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[light.shadowIndex];
LoadDirectionalShadowDatas(sd, shadowContext, light.shadowIndex + shadowSplitIndex);
float3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoordsAtlas(sd, _CascadeShadowAtlasSize.zw, posWS + sd.cacheTranslationDelta.xyz, false);
sunShadow = DIRECTIONAL_FILTER_ALGORITHM(sd, 0, posTC, _ShadowmapCascadeAtlas, s_linear_clamp_compare_sampler, FIXED_UNIFORM_BIAS);
if (_VolumetricCloudsShadowOriginToggle.w == 1.0)
sunShadow *= EvaluateVolumetricCloudsShadows(light, posWS);
for (uint i = 0; i < _CelestialLightCount; i++)
CelestialBodyData light = _CelestialBodyDatas[i];
float3 L = -light.forward.xyz;
float shadow = (light.shadowIndex >= 0) ? sunShadow : 1.0f;
const float3 sunTransmittance = shadow * EvaluateSunColorAttenuation(dot(N, L), r);
const float3 phaseScatter = AirScatter(height) * AirPhase(-dot(L, V)) + AerosolScatter(height) * AerosolPhase(-dot(L, V));
const float3 multiScatteredLuminance = EvaluateMultipleScattering(dot(N, L), height);
// Compute color
float3 S = sunTransmittance * phaseScatter + multiScatteredLuminance * scatteringMS;
skyColor += IntegrateOverSegment(light.color * S, transmittanceOverSegment, skyTransmittance, sigmaE);
skyColor = ParallelPostfixSum(s, skyColor);
// Make sure first slice is all black. Looks better for bilinear at close range
if (s == 0) skyColor = 0.0f;
skyColor = Desaturate(skyColor, _ColorSaturation);
_AtmosphericScatteringLUT_RW[uint3(coord, s)] = skyColor * _IntensityMultiplier * GetCurrentExposureMultiplier();
// Gaussian blur pass to reduce artefacts due to low resolution buffer
// We have to use LDS in order to blur the buffer in place
// To reduce lds size, we store floats as fp16 which forces to handle 4 pixel per thread
void Store2Pixels(int index, float3 pixel1, float3 pixel2)
gs_cacheR[index] = f32tof16(pixel1.r) | f32tof16(pixel2.r) << 16;
gs_cacheG[index] = f32tof16(pixel1.g) | f32tof16(pixel2.g) << 16;
gs_cacheB[index] = f32tof16(pixel1.b) | f32tof16(pixel2.b) << 16;
void Load2Pixels(int index, out float3 pixel1, out float3 pixel2)
uint rr = gs_cacheR[index];
uint gg = gs_cacheG[index];
uint bb = gs_cacheB[index];
pixel1 = float3(f16tof32(rr ), f16tof32(gg ), f16tof32(bb ));
pixel2 = float3(f16tof32(rr >> 16), f16tof32(gg >> 16), f16tof32(bb >> 16));
float3 BlurPixels(float3 a, float3 b, float3 c, float3 d, float3 e)
return 0.30364122471313626 * c
+ 0.23647602357935094 * (b + d)
+ 0.1117033640640809 * (a + e);
[numthreads(HALF_RES, HALF_RES, 1)]
void AtmosphericScatteringBlur(int3 coord : SV_DispatchThreadID)
int3 coordF = int3(coord.xy * 2, coord.z);
float3 p00 = _AtmosphericScatteringLUT_RW[coordF + int3(0, 0, 0)];
float3 p10 = _AtmosphericScatteringLUT_RW[coordF + int3(1, 0, 0)];
float3 p01 = _AtmosphericScatteringLUT_RW[coordF + int3(0, 1, 0)];
float3 p11 = _AtmosphericScatteringLUT_RW[coordF + int3(1, 1, 0)];
int prev, next;
int index = coord.x * 2 + (coord.y * PBRSKYCONFIG_ATMOSPHERIC_SCATTERING_LUT_WIDTH);
float3 s0, s1, s2, s3;
Store2Pixels(index + 0, p00, p10);
Store2Pixels(index + 1, p01, p11);
// Horizontal blur
prev = max(coord.x - 1, 0) * 2 + coord.y * PBRSKYCONFIG_ATMOSPHERIC_SCATTERING_LUT_WIDTH;
next = min(coord.x + 1, HALF_RES - 1) * 2 + coord.y * PBRSKYCONFIG_ATMOSPHERIC_SCATTERING_LUT_WIDTH;
Load2Pixels(prev + 0, s0, s1);
Load2Pixels(next + 0, s2, s3);
float3 blur00 = BlurPixels(s0, s1, p00, p10, s2);
float3 blur10 = BlurPixels(s1, p00, p10, s2, s3);
Load2Pixels(prev + 1, s0, s1);
Load2Pixels(next + 1, s2, s3);
float3 blur01 = BlurPixels(s0, s1, p01, p11, s2);
float3 blur11 = BlurPixels(s1, p01, p11, s2, s3);
// We are probably missing a barrier here
Store2Pixels(index + 0, blur00, blur01);
Store2Pixels(index + 1, blur10, blur11);
// Vertical blur
prev = coord.x * 2 + max(coord.y - 1, 0) * PBRSKYCONFIG_ATMOSPHERIC_SCATTERING_LUT_WIDTH;
next = coord.x * 2 + min(coord.y + 1, HALF_RES - 1) * PBRSKYCONFIG_ATMOSPHERIC_SCATTERING_LUT_WIDTH;
Load2Pixels(prev + 0, s0, s1);
Load2Pixels(next + 0, s2, s3);
_AtmosphericScatteringLUT_RW[coordF + uint3(0,0,0)] = BlurPixels(s0, s1, blur00, blur01, s2);
_AtmosphericScatteringLUT_RW[coordF + uint3(0,1,0)] = BlurPixels(s1, blur00, blur01, s2, s3);
Load2Pixels(prev + 1, s0, s1);
Load2Pixels(next + 1, s2, s3);
_AtmosphericScatteringLUT_RW[coordF + uint3(1,0,0)] = BlurPixels(s0, s1, blur10, blur11, s2);
_AtmosphericScatteringLUT_RW[coordF + uint3(1,1,0)] = BlurPixels(s1, blur10, blur11, s2, s3);