forked from BilalY/Rasagar
367 lines
18 KiB
367 lines
18 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Semver;
using Unity.APIComparison.Framework.Changes;
using Unity.APIComparison.Framework.Collectors;
using UnityEditor.Compilation;
using UnityEditor.PackageManager.ValidationSuite.Utils;
using UnityEngine;
using AssemblyResolutionException = Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolutionException;
namespace UnityEditor.PackageManager.ValidationSuite.ValidationTests
internal class ApiValidation : BaseAssemblyValidation
public ApiValidation()
TestName = "API Validation";
TestDescription = "Checks public API for style and changest that conflict with Semantic Versioning.";
TestCategory = TestCategory.ApiValidation;
SupportedValidations = new[] { ValidationType.CI, ValidationType.LocalDevelopmentInternal, ValidationType.Promotion };
SupportedPackageTypes = new[] { PackageType.Tooling };
public ApiValidation(ValidationAssemblyInformation validationAssemblyInformation)
: base(validationAssemblyInformation)
private AssemblyInfo[] GetAndCheckAsmdefs()
var relevantAssemblyInfo = GetRelevantAssemblyInfo();
if (Context.ProjectPackageInfo.LifecyclePhase != LifecyclePhase.Preview && Context.ProjectPackageInfo.LifecyclePhase != LifecyclePhase.Experimental)
var previousAssemblyDefinitions = GetAssemblyDefinitionDataInFolder(Context.PreviousPackageInfo.path);
var versionChangeType = Context.VersionChangeType;
foreach (var assemblyInfo in relevantAssemblyInfo)
//assembly is in the package
var previousAssemblyDefinition = previousAssemblyDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(ad => DoAssembliesMatch(ad, assemblyInfo.assemblyDefinition));
if (previousAssemblyDefinition == null)
continue; //new asmdefs are fine
var excludePlatformsDiff = string.Format("Was:\"{0}\" Now:\"{1}\"",
string.Join(", ", previousAssemblyDefinition.excludePlatforms),
string.Join(", ", assemblyInfo.assemblyDefinition.excludePlatforms));
if (previousAssemblyDefinition.excludePlatforms.Any(p => !assemblyInfo.assemblyDefinition.excludePlatforms.Contains(p)) &&
versionChangeType == VersionChangeType.Patch)
AddError("Removing from excludePlatfoms requires a new minor or major version. " + excludePlatformsDiff);
else if (assemblyInfo.assemblyDefinition.excludePlatforms.Any(p =>
!previousAssemblyDefinition.excludePlatforms.Contains(p)) &&
(versionChangeType == VersionChangeType.Patch || versionChangeType == VersionChangeType.Minor))
AddError("Adding to excludePlatforms requires a new major version. " + excludePlatformsDiff);
var includePlatformsDiff = string.Format("Was:\"{0}\" Now:\"{1}\"",
string.Join(", ", previousAssemblyDefinition.includePlatforms),
string.Join(", ", assemblyInfo.assemblyDefinition.includePlatforms));
if (previousAssemblyDefinition.includePlatforms.Any(p => !assemblyInfo.assemblyDefinition.includePlatforms.Contains(p)) &&
(versionChangeType == VersionChangeType.Patch || versionChangeType == VersionChangeType.Minor))
AddError("Removing from includePlatfoms requires a new major version. " + includePlatformsDiff);
else if (assemblyInfo.assemblyDefinition.includePlatforms.Any(p => !previousAssemblyDefinition.includePlatforms.Contains(p)))
if (previousAssemblyDefinition.includePlatforms.Length == 0 &&
(versionChangeType == VersionChangeType.Minor || versionChangeType == VersionChangeType.Patch))
AddError("Adding the first entry in includePlatforms requires a new major version. " + includePlatformsDiff);
else if (versionChangeType == VersionChangeType.Patch)
AddError("Adding to includePlatforms requires a new minor or major version. " + includePlatformsDiff);
return relevantAssemblyInfo;
private bool DoAssembliesMatch(AssemblyDefinition assemblyDefinition1, AssemblyDefinition assemblyDefinition2)
return validationAssemblyInformation.GetAssemblyName(assemblyDefinition1, true).Equals(validationAssemblyInformation.GetAssemblyName(assemblyDefinition2, false));
private AssemblyDefinition[] GetAssemblyDefinitionDataInFolder(string directory)
return Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.asmdef", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
protected override void Run(AssemblyInfo[] info)
TestState = TestState.Succeeded;
// can be set to override the sanity checks and so ensure devs
// can run PVS tests on non Windows boxes.
const string howToRunMessage =
"In order for API Validation to run the platform must be Windows and " +
"the package manifest must have a unity property that matches the major and minor version of " +
"the editor that Package Validation Suite is run with.";
// Skip unless platform is Windows
if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor)
"Skipping API Validation because platform is not Windows. " +
"API Validation is unreliable when comparing against assemblies built on a different platform.");
TestState = TestState.NotRun;
// Skip unless package manifest has unity property
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Context.ProjectPackageInfo.unity))
AddInformation("Skipping API Validation because package manifest has no unity property.");
TestState = TestState.NotRun;
// Skip unless package manifest unity property matches major and minor version of editor
var unityVersionMajorMinorMatch = Regex.Match(Application.unityVersion, @"^(\d+\.\d+)");
if (!unityVersionMajorMinorMatch.Success)
AddError($"Failed to extract major and minor version editor version string: {Application.unityVersion}");
var unityVersionMajorMinor = unityVersionMajorMinorMatch.Groups[0].Value;
if (Context.ProjectPackageInfo.unity != unityVersionMajorMinor)
AddInformation("Skipping API Validation because package manifest unity property doesn't match current editor version.");
TestState = TestState.NotRun;
//does it compile?
if (EditorUtility.scriptCompilationFailed)
AddError("Compilation failed. Please fix any compilation errors.");
if (EditorApplication.isCompiling)
AddError("Compilation in progress. Please wait for compilation to finish.");
if (Context.PreviousPackageInfo == null)
AddInformation("No previous package version. Skipping Semantic Versioning checks.");
TestState = TestState.NotRun;
//does it have asmdefs for all scripts?
var assemblies = GetAndCheckAsmdefs();
//Run analyzers
class AssemblyChange
public string assemblyName;
public List<string> additions = new List<string>();
public List<string> breakingChanges = new List<string>();
public AssemblyChange(string assemblyName)
this.assemblyName = assemblyName;
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
class ApiDiff
public List<string> missingAssemblies = new List<string>();
public List<string> newAssemblies = new List<string>();
public List<AssemblyChange> assemblyChanges = new List<AssemblyChange>();
public int breakingChanges;
public int additions;
public int removedAssemblyCount;
private void CheckApiDiff(AssemblyInfo[] assemblyInfo)
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER && !UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
TestState = TestState.NotRun;
AddInformation("Api breaking changes validation only available on Unity 2019.1 or newer.");
var diff = new ApiDiff();
var assembliesForPackage = assemblyInfo.Where(a => !validationAssemblyInformation.IsTestAssembly(a)).ToArray();
if (Context.PreviousPackageBinaryDirectory == null)
TestState = TestState.NotRun;
AddInformation("Previous package binaries must be present on artifactory to do API diff.");
var oldAssemblyPaths = Directory.GetFiles(Context.PreviousPackageBinaryDirectory, "*.dll");
//Build diff
foreach (var info in assembliesForPackage)
var assemblyDefinition = info.assemblyDefinition;
var oldAssemblyPath = oldAssemblyPaths.FirstOrDefault(p => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p) ==;
if (info.assembly != null)
var extraSearchFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(System.ObsoleteAttribute).Assembly.Location);
var assemblySearchFolder = new[]
extraSearchFolder, // System assemblies folder
Path.Combine(EditorApplication.applicationContentsPath, "Managed"), // Main Unity assemblies folder.
Path.Combine(EditorApplication.applicationContentsPath, "Managed/UnityEngine"), // Module assemblies folder.
Path.GetDirectoryName(info.assembly.outputPath), // TODO: This is not correct. We need to keep all dependencies for the previous binaries. For now, use the same folder as the current version when resolving dependencies.
Context.ProjectPackageInfo.path // make sure to add the package folder as well, because it may contain .dll files
const string logsDirectory = "Logs";
File.WriteAllText($"{logsDirectory}/ApiValidationParameters.{DateTime.Now.Ticks}.txt", $"previous: {oldAssemblyPath}\ncurrent: {info.assembly.outputPath}\nsearch path: {string.Join("\n", assemblySearchFolder)}");
var apiChangesAssemblyInfo = new APIChangesCollector.AssemblyInfo()
BaseAssemblyPath = oldAssemblyPath,
BaseAssemblyExtraSearchFolders = assemblySearchFolder,
CurrentAssemblyPath = info.assembly.outputPath,
CurrentExtraSearchFolders = assemblySearchFolder
List<IAPIChange> entityChanges;
entityChanges = APIChangesCollector.Collect(apiChangesAssemblyInfo).SelectMany(c => c.Changes).Where(c => !IsOverride(c)).ToList();
catch (AssemblyResolutionException exception)
if (exception.AssemblyReference.Name == "UnityEditor.CoreModule" ||
exception.AssemblyReference.Name == "UnityEngine.CoreModule")
"Failed comparing against assemblies of previously promoted version of package. \n" +
"This is most likely because the assemblies that were compared against were built with a different version of Unity. \n" +
"If you are certain that there are no API changes warranting bumping the package version then you can add an exception for this error:\n" +
ErrorDocumentation.GetLinkMessage("validation_exceptions.html", ""));
AddInformation($"APIChangesCollector.Collect threw exception:\n{exception}");
var assemblyChange = new AssemblyChange(
additions = entityChanges.Where(c => c.IsAdd()).Select(c => c.ToString()).ToList(),
// Among all attribute changes, only the Obsolete attribute should be considered a breaking change
breakingChanges = entityChanges.Where(c => !c.IsAdd() && !((c.GetType()).Equals(typeof(AttributeChange)))).Select(c => c.ToString()).ToList()
if (entityChanges.Count > 0)
if (oldAssemblyPath == null)
foreach (var oldAssemblyPath in oldAssemblyPaths)
var oldAssemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(oldAssemblyPath);
if (assembliesForPackage.All(a => != oldAssemblyName))
//separate changes
diff.additions = diff.assemblyChanges.Sum(v => v.additions.Count);
diff.removedAssemblyCount = diff.missingAssemblies.Count;
diff.breakingChanges = diff.assemblyChanges.Sum(v => v.breakingChanges.Count);
AddInformation("Tested against version {0}", Context.PreviousPackageInfo.Id);
AddInformation("API Diff - Breaking changes: {0} Additions: {1} Missing Assemblies: {2}",
if (diff.breakingChanges > 0 || diff.additions > 0)
TestOutput.AddRange(diff.assemblyChanges.Select(c => new ValidationTestOutput() { Type = TestOutputType.Information, Output = JsonUtility.ToJson(c, true) }));
string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(diff, true);
// Ensure results directory exists before trying to write to it
File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(ValidationSuiteReport.ResultsPath, "ApiValidationReport.json"), json);
//Figure out type of version change (patch, minor, major)
//Error if changes are not allowed
var changeType = Context.VersionChangeType;
if (changeType == VersionChangeType.Unknown)
if (Context.ProjectPackageInfo.LifecyclePhase == LifecyclePhase.Preview || Context.ProjectPackageInfo.LifecyclePhase == LifecyclePhase.Experimental)
ExperimentalPackageValidateApiDiffs(diff, changeType);
ReleasePackageValidateApiDiffs(diff, changeType);
private static bool IsOverride(IAPIChange change) => change is MemberAdded ma && ma.Overrides != null;
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
private void ExperimentalPackageValidateApiDiffs(ApiDiff diff, VersionChangeType changeType)
if (diff.breakingChanges > 0 && changeType == VersionChangeType.Patch)
AddError("For Experimental or Preview Packages, breaking changes require a new minor version.");
if (changeType == VersionChangeType.Patch)
foreach (var assembly in diff.missingAssemblies)
AddError("Assembly \"{0}\" no longer exists or is no longer included in build. For Experimental or Preview Packages, this change requires a new minor version.", assembly);
private void ReleasePackageValidateApiDiffs(ApiDiff diff, VersionChangeType changeType)
if (diff.breakingChanges > 0 && changeType != VersionChangeType.Major)
AddError("Breaking changes require a new major version.");
if (diff.additions > 0 && changeType == VersionChangeType.Patch)
AddError("Additions require a new minor or major version.");
if (changeType != VersionChangeType.Major)
foreach (var assembly in diff.missingAssemblies)
AddError("Assembly \"{0}\" no longer exists or is no longer included in build. This change requires a new major version.", assembly);
if (changeType == VersionChangeType.Patch)
foreach (var assembly in diff.newAssemblies)
AddError("New assembly \"{0}\" may only be added in a new minor or major version.", assembly);