
62 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2024-08-26 13:07:20 -07:00
// Is the camera in orthographic mode? (1 yes, 0 no)
#define ORTHO (1 - UNITY_MATRIX_P[3][3])
// How far to pull vertices towards camera in orthographic mode
const float ORTHO_CAM_OFFSET = .0001;
inline float4 ClipToScreen(float4 v)
v.xy /= v.w;
v.xy = v.xy * .5 + .5;
v.xy *= _ScreenParams.xy;
return v;
inline float4 ScreenToClip(float4 v)
v.xy /= _ScreenParams.xy;
v.xy = (v.xy - .5) / .5;
v.xy *= v.w;
return v;
inline float4 UnityObjectToClipPosWithOffset(float3 pos)
float4 ret = float4(UnityObjectToViewPos(pos), 1);
//Offsetting the edges to avoid z-fighting problems
//Do not offset when using orthographic camera as XY are
//screen coords, this would shift the rendering
ret.xyz *= lerp(.99, 1, unity_OrthoParams.w);
//Moving edges closer
//.99 is not sufficient for Orthographic Camera
ret.z *= lerp(1, 0.95, unity_OrthoParams.w);
return mul(UNITY_MATRIX_P, ret);
inline float4 UnityObjectToClipPosWithOffsetMetal(float3 pos)
float4 ret = float4(UnityObjectToViewPos(pos), 1);
ret *= lerp(.99, .95, ORTHO);
return mul(UNITY_MATRIX_P, ret);
inline float4 GetPickerColor(float4 pos, float2 texcoord1)
// convert vertex to screen space, add pixel-unit xy to vertex, then transform back to clip space.
float4 clip = pos;
clip.xy /= clip.w;
clip.xy = clip.xy * .5 + .5;
clip.xy *= _ScreenParams.xy;
clip.xy += texcoord1.xy * 3.5;
clip.z -= .0001 * (1 - UNITY_MATRIX_P[3][3]);
clip.xy /= _ScreenParams.xy;
clip.xy = (clip.xy - .5) / .5;
clip.xy *= clip.w;
return clip;