forked from BilalY/Rasagar
254 lines
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254 lines
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// By defining this, we replace specular GGX values with the original Cook-Torrance ones used in the raster version
void OverrideSpecularValue(MaterialData mtlData, float3 sampleDir, out float3 specularValue)
float3 H = normalize(mtlData.V + sampleDir);
float NdotL = dot(GetSpecularNormal(mtlData), sampleDir);
float NdotV = dot(GetSpecularNormal(mtlData), mtlData.V);
float NdotH = dot(GetSpecularNormal(mtlData), H);
float VdotH = dot(mtlData.V, H);
specularValue = MultiLobesCookTorrance(mtlData.bsdfData, NdotL, NdotV, NdotH, VdotH) * NdotL;
bool SampleSpecular(MaterialData mtlData, float3 inputSample, out float3 sampleDir, out float3 value, out float pdf)
uint i;
float lobeWeight[CARPAINT2_LOBE_COUNT], CoeffNormalization = rcp(GetSpecularCoeffSum(mtlData)); // We know the sum is > 0.0
for (i = 0; i < CARPAINT2_LOBE_COUNT; i++)
lobeWeight[i] = _CarPaint2_CTCoeffs[i] * CoeffNormalization;
uint lobeIndex[CARPAINT2_LOBE_COUNT];
for (i = 0; i < CARPAINT2_LOBE_COUNT; i++)
if (inputSample.z < lobeWeight[i])
inputSample.z -= lobeWeight[i];
// Should always be the case, but let's avoid any precision issue
i = min(i, CARPAINT2_LOBE_COUNT - 1);
for (uint j = 0; j < CARPAINT2_LOBE_COUNT; j++)
lobeIndex[j] = (i + j) % CARPAINT2_LOBE_COUNT;
if (!BRDF::SampleGGX(mtlData, GetSpecularNormal(mtlData), mtlData.bsdfData.roughness[lobeIndex[0]], _CarPaint2_CTF0s[lobeIndex[0]], inputSample, sampleDir, value, pdf))
return false;
value *= _CarPaint2_CTCoeffs[lobeIndex[0]];
pdf *= lobeWeight[lobeIndex[0]];
float3 lobeValue;
float lobePdf;
for (i = 1; i < CARPAINT2_LOBE_COUNT; i++)
BRDF::EvaluateGGX(mtlData, GetSpecularNormal(mtlData), mtlData.bsdfData.roughness[lobeIndex[i]], _CarPaint2_CTF0s[lobeIndex[i]], sampleDir, lobeValue, lobePdf);
value += lobeValue * _CarPaint2_CTCoeffs[lobeIndex[i]];
pdf += lobePdf * lobeWeight[lobeIndex[i]];
OverrideSpecularValue(mtlData, sampleDir, value);
value *= 4.0 / PI; // Matches an error in MultiLobesCookTorrance(...) in AxF.hlsl
return true;
void EvaluateSpecular(MaterialData mtlData, float3 sampleDir, out float3 value, out float pdf)
value = 0.0;
pdf = 0.0;
float3 lobeValue;
float lobePdf, CoeffNormalization = rcp(GetSpecularCoeffSum(mtlData)); // We know the sum is > 0.0
for (uint i = 0; i < CARPAINT2_LOBE_COUNT; i++)
BRDF::EvaluateGGX(mtlData, GetSpecularNormal(mtlData), mtlData.bsdfData.roughness[i], _CarPaint2_CTF0s[i], sampleDir, lobeValue, lobePdf);
value += lobeValue * _CarPaint2_CTCoeffs[i];
pdf += lobePdf * _CarPaint2_CTCoeffs[i] * CoeffNormalization;
OverrideSpecularValue(mtlData, sampleDir, value);
value *= 4.0 / PI; // Matches an error in MultiLobesCookTorrance(...) in AxF.hlsl
void GetAnglesFromDirections(float3 N, float3 V, float3 L, out float thetaH, out float thetaD)
float3 H = normalize(V + L);
float NdotH = saturate(dot(N, H));
float LdotH = saturate(dot(L, H));
thetaH = FastACosPos(NdotH);
thetaD = FastACosPos(LdotH);
float3 GetFlakesValue(MaterialData mtlData, float3 sampleDir, float thetaH, float thetaD)
float NdotL = dot(GetSpecularNormal(mtlData), sampleDir);
return CarPaint_BTF(thetaH, thetaD, (SurfaceData)0, mtlData.bsdfData, true) * NdotL;
bool SampleMaterial(MaterialData mtlData, float3 inputSample, out float3 sampleDir, out MaterialResult result)
if (IsAbove(mtlData))
float3 value, brdfColor;
float pdf, thetaH, thetaD;
float f0ClearCoat = IorToFresnel0(mtlData.bsdfData.clearcoatIOR);
float3 fresnelClearCoat, coatingTransmission = 1.0;
if (inputSample.z < mtlData.bsdfWeight[0]) // Diffuse BRDF
if (!BRDF::SampleLambert(mtlData, GetDiffuseNormal(mtlData), inputSample, sampleDir, result.diffValue, result.diffPdf))
return false;
GetAnglesFromDirections(GetDiffuseNormal(mtlData), mtlData.V, sampleDir, thetaH, thetaD);
brdfColor = GetBRDFColor(thetaH, thetaD);
result.diffPdf *= mtlData.bsdfWeight[0];
if (mtlData.bsdfWeight[1] > BSDF_WEIGHT_EPSILON)
BRDF::EvaluateGGX(mtlData, GetCoatNormal(mtlData), CLEAR_COAT_ROUGHNESS, f0ClearCoat, sampleDir, value, pdf, fresnelClearCoat);
coatingTransmission = 1.0 - fresnelClearCoat;
result.specValue += value * mtlData.bsdfData.clearcoatColor;
result.specPdf += mtlData.bsdfWeight[1] * pdf;
result.diffValue *= brdfColor * mtlData.bsdfData.ambientOcclusion * coatingTransmission;
if (mtlData.bsdfWeight[2] > BSDF_WEIGHT_EPSILON)
EvaluateSpecular(mtlData, sampleDir, value, pdf);
result.specValue += value * brdfColor * coatingTransmission;
result.specPdf += mtlData.bsdfWeight[2] * pdf;
else if (inputSample.z < mtlData.bsdfWeight[0] + mtlData.bsdfWeight[1]) // Clear coat BRDF
if (!BRDF::SampleGGX(mtlData, GetCoatNormal(mtlData), CLEAR_COAT_ROUGHNESS, f0ClearCoat, inputSample, sampleDir, result.specValue, result.specPdf, fresnelClearCoat))
return false;
GetAnglesFromDirections(GetDiffuseNormal(mtlData), mtlData.V, sampleDir, thetaH, thetaD);
brdfColor = GetBRDFColor(thetaH, thetaD);
coatingTransmission = 1.0 - fresnelClearCoat;
result.specValue *= mtlData.bsdfData.clearcoatColor;
result.specPdf *= mtlData.bsdfWeight[1];
if (mtlData.bsdfWeight[0] > BSDF_WEIGHT_EPSILON)
BRDF::EvaluateLambert(mtlData, GetDiffuseNormal(mtlData), sampleDir, result.diffValue, result.diffPdf);
result.diffValue *= brdfColor * mtlData.bsdfData.ambientOcclusion * coatingTransmission;
result.diffPdf *= mtlData.bsdfWeight[0];
if (mtlData.bsdfWeight[2] > BSDF_WEIGHT_EPSILON)
EvaluateSpecular(mtlData, sampleDir, value, pdf);
result.specValue += value * brdfColor * coatingTransmission;
result.specPdf += mtlData.bsdfWeight[2] * pdf;
else // Specular BRDF
// Renormalize inputSample.z
inputSample.z = (inputSample.z - (mtlData.bsdfWeight[0] + mtlData.bsdfWeight[1])) / mtlData.bsdfWeight[3];
if (!SampleSpecular(mtlData, inputSample, sampleDir, result.specValue, result.specPdf))
return false;
GetAnglesFromDirections(GetDiffuseNormal(mtlData), mtlData.V, sampleDir, thetaH, thetaD);
brdfColor = GetBRDFColor(thetaH, thetaD);
result.specValue *= brdfColor;
result.specPdf *= mtlData.bsdfWeight[2];
if (mtlData.bsdfWeight[1] > BSDF_WEIGHT_EPSILON)
BRDF::EvaluateGGX(mtlData, GetCoatNormal(mtlData), CLEAR_COAT_ROUGHNESS, f0ClearCoat, sampleDir, value, pdf, fresnelClearCoat);
coatingTransmission = 1.0 - fresnelClearCoat;
result.specValue = result.specValue * coatingTransmission + value * mtlData.bsdfData.clearcoatColor;
result.specPdf += mtlData.bsdfWeight[1] * pdf;
if (mtlData.bsdfWeight[0] > BSDF_WEIGHT_EPSILON)
BRDF::EvaluateLambert(mtlData, GetDiffuseNormal(mtlData), sampleDir, result.diffValue, result.diffPdf);
result.diffValue *= brdfColor * mtlData.bsdfData.ambientOcclusion * coatingTransmission;
result.diffPdf *= mtlData.bsdfWeight[0];
// Add flakes to the specular component
result.specValue += GetFlakesValue(mtlData, sampleDir, thetaH, thetaD) * coatingTransmission;
return result.diffPdf + result.specPdf > 0.0;
void EvaluateMaterial(MaterialData mtlData, float3 sampleDir, out MaterialResult result)
if (IsAbove(mtlData))
float3 value, brdfColor;
float pdf, thetaH, thetaD;
float3 fresnelClearCoat, coatingTransmission = 1.0;
GetAnglesFromDirections(GetDiffuseNormal(mtlData), mtlData.V, sampleDir, thetaH, thetaD);
brdfColor = GetBRDFColor(thetaH, thetaD);
if (mtlData.bsdfWeight[1] > BSDF_WEIGHT_EPSILON)
BRDF::EvaluateGGX(mtlData, GetCoatNormal(mtlData), CLEAR_COAT_ROUGHNESS, IorToFresnel0(mtlData.bsdfData.clearcoatIOR), sampleDir, result.specValue, result.specPdf, fresnelClearCoat);
coatingTransmission = 1.0 - fresnelClearCoat;
result.specValue *= mtlData.bsdfData.clearcoatColor;
result.specPdf *= mtlData.bsdfWeight[1];
if (mtlData.bsdfWeight[0] > BSDF_WEIGHT_EPSILON)
BRDF::EvaluateLambert(mtlData, GetDiffuseNormal(mtlData), sampleDir, result.diffValue, result.diffPdf);
result.diffValue *= brdfColor * coatingTransmission;
result.diffValue *= mtlData.bsdfData.ambientOcclusion; // Take into account AO the same way as in SampleMaterial
result.diffPdf *= mtlData.bsdfWeight[0];
if (mtlData.bsdfWeight[2] > BSDF_WEIGHT_EPSILON)
EvaluateSpecular(mtlData, sampleDir, value, pdf);
result.specValue += value * brdfColor * coatingTransmission;
result.specPdf += mtlData.bsdfWeight[2] * pdf;
// Add flakes to the specular component
result.specValue += GetFlakesValue(mtlData, sampleDir, thetaH, thetaD) * coatingTransmission;