# FBX Recorder properties
Use **FBX Recorder properties** to record FBX animations in Play mode via either [the Recorder window](record-in-play-mode-recorder-window.md) or [a Recorder clip in Timeline](record-in-play-mode-recorder-clip.md). They let you specify what gets exported during the recording.
>To use the FBX Recorder, you have to install the [Recorder](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.recorder@latest) package in addition to the FBX Exporter package. To fully configure an FBX Recorder, you must also set the general recording Properties, at least the recording time or frame interval.
_FBX Recorder properties in the Recorder window context._
## Input
Define the source and the content of your recording.
| Property || Function |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| **GameObject** ||The [GameObject](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-GameObject.html) to record the animation from.|
| **Recorded Component(s)** ||The components of the GameObject to record.
Choose more than one item to record more than one component.
**Note:** The FBX Recorder can only export the same component properties as the [animation export feature of the FBX Exporter](features-behaviors-exported-attributes.md#animation). |
| **Record Hierarchy** ||Enable this property to record the GameObject's child GameObjects.|
| **Clamped Tangents** || Enable this option to set all [key tangents](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/EditingCurves.html) of the recorded animation to **Clamped Auto**. Disabling the option sets the tangents to **Auto** (legacy).
Clamped tangents are useful to prevent curve overshoots when the animation data is discontinuous. |
| **Anim. Compression** || Specifies the keyframe reduction level to use to compress the recorded animation curve data. |
| | Lossy | Applies an overall keyframe reduction. The Recorder removes animation keys based on a relative tolerance of 0.5 percent, to overall simplify the curve. This reduces the file size but directly affects the original curve accuracy. |
| | Lossless | Applies keyframe reduction to constant curves only. The Recorder removes all unnecessary keys when the animation curve is a straight line, but keeps all recorded keys as long as the animation is not constant. |
| | Disabled | Disables the animation compression. The Recorder saves all animation keys throughout the recording, even when the animation curve is a straight line. This might result in large files and slow playback. |
## Output Format
| Property | Function |
| :--- | :--- |
| **Format** | The FBX Recorder always generates an FBX file. |
| **Export Geometry** | Use this option to export the geometry of the recorded GameObject to FBX, if any. |
### Transfer Animation
| Property | Function |
| :--- | :--- |
| **Source** | The object to transfer the transform animation from.
• **Source** must be an ancestor of **Destination**.
• **Source** may be an ancestor of the selected object. |
| **Destination** | The object to transfer the transform animation to.
This object receives the transform animation on objects between **Source** and **Destination** as well as the animation on the **Source** itself. |
## Output File
Specify the output **Path** and **File Name** pattern to save the FBX file.
>Output File properties work the same for all types of recorders. The [Unity Recorder documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.recorder@latest/index.html) describes these properties in detail.