// This file is generated. Do not modify by hand. // XML documentation file not found. To check if public methods have XML comments, // make sure the XML doc file is present and located next to the scraped dll namespace UnityEditor.Formats.Fbx.Exporter { public static class ConvertToNestedPrefab { public static UnityEngine.GameObject ConvertToPrefabVariant(UnityEngine.GameObject toConvert, string fbxDirectoryFullPath = default(string), string fbxFullPath = default(string), string prefabDirectoryFullPath = default(string), string prefabFullPath = default(string), ConvertToPrefabVariantOptions convertOptions = default(ConvertToPrefabVariantOptions)); } public class ConvertToPrefabVariantOptions { public bool AnimateSkinnedMesh { get; set; } public UnityEngine.Transform AnimationDest { get; set; } public UnityEngine.Transform AnimationSource { get; set; } public ExportFormat ExportFormat { get; set; } public bool UseMayaCompatibleNames { get; set; } public ConvertToPrefabVariantOptions() {} } public enum ExportFormat { ASCII = 0, Binary = 1, } public class ExportModelOptions { public bool AnimateSkinnedMesh { get; set; } public UnityEngine.Transform AnimationDest { get; set; } public UnityEngine.Transform AnimationSource { get; set; } public bool EmbedTextures { get; set; } public ExportFormat ExportFormat { get; set; } public bool ExportUnrendered { get; set; } public bool KeepInstances { get; set; } public LODExportType LODExportType { get; set; } public Include ModelAnimIncludeOption { get; set; } public ObjectPosition ObjectPosition { get; set; } public bool PreserveImportSettings { get; set; } public bool UseMayaCompatibleNames { get; set; } public ExportModelOptions() {} } public class FbxExportSettingsException : System.Exception { } [UnityEditor.Recorder.RecorderSettings(typeof(FbxRecorder), @"FBX")] public class FbxRecorderSettings : UnityEditor.Recorder.RecorderSettings { public UnityEditor.Recorder.Input.AnimationInputSettings AnimationInputSettings { get; set; } public bool ExportGeometry { get; set; } protected override string Extension { get; } public override System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable InputsSettings { get; } public override bool IsPlatformSupported { get; } public UnityEngine.Transform TransferAnimationDest { get; set; } public UnityEngine.Transform TransferAnimationSource { get; set; } public FbxRecorderSettings() {} protected override void GetErrors(System.Collections.Generic.List errors); public override void OnAfterDuplicate(); } public enum Include { Anim = 1, Model = 0, ModelAndAnim = 2, } public enum LODExportType { All = 0, Highest = 1, Lowest = 2, } public sealed class ModelExporter { public ModelExporter() {} public static string ExportObject(string filePath, UnityEngine.Object singleObject); public static string ExportObject(string filePath, UnityEngine.Object singleObject, ExportModelOptions exportOptions = default(ExportModelOptions)); public static string ExportObjects(string filePath, UnityEngine.Object[] objects = default(UnityEngine.Object[])); public static string ExportObjects(string filePath, UnityEngine.Object[] objects = default(UnityEngine.Object[]), ExportModelOptions exportOptions = default(ExportModelOptions)); } public enum ObjectPosition { LocalCentered = 0, Reset = 2, WorldAbsolute = 1, } }