using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER using UnityEditor.Presets; #endif using System.Linq; namespace UnityEditor.Formats.Fbx.Exporter { internal class ConvertToPrefabEditorWindow : ExportOptionsEditorWindow { protected override GUIContent WindowTitle { get { return new GUIContent("Convert Options"); } } protected override float MinWindowHeight { get { return 350; } } // determined by trial and error protected override string ExportButtonName { get { return "Convert"; } } private string m_prefabFileName = ""; private float m_prefabExtLabelWidth; protected override bool DisableNameSelection { get { var toExport = ToExport; return (toExport != null && toExport.Length > 1); } } protected override bool DisableTransferAnim { get { var toExport = ToExport; return toExport == null || toExport.Length > 1; } } public static ConvertToPrefabEditorWindow Init(IEnumerable toConvert) { ConvertToPrefabEditorWindow window = CreateWindow(); window.InitializeWindow(); window.SetGameObjectsToConvert(toConvert); window.Show(); return window; } protected void SetGameObjectsToConvert(IEnumerable toConvert) { ToExport = toConvert.OrderBy(go =>; TransferAnimationSource = null; TransferAnimationDest = null; var toExport = ToExport; string fbxFileName = null; if (toExport.Length == 1) { var go = ModelExporter.GetGameObject(toExport[0]); // check if the GameObject is a model instance, use as default filename and path if it is GameObject mainAsset = ConvertToNestedPrefab.GetFbxAssetOrNull(go); if (!mainAsset) { // Use the game object's name m_prefabFileName =; } else { // Use the asset's name var mainAssetRelPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(mainAsset); // remove Assets/ from beginning of path mainAssetRelPath = mainAssetRelPath.Substring("Assets".Length); m_prefabFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mainAssetRelPath); ExportSettings.AddFbxSavePath(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(mainAssetRelPath)); fbxFileName = m_prefabFileName; } var fullPrefabPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(ExportSettings.PrefabAbsoluteSavePath, m_prefabFileName + ".prefab"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullPrefabPath)) { m_prefabFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ConvertToNestedPrefab.IncrementFileName(ExportSettings.PrefabAbsoluteSavePath, m_prefabFileName + ".prefab")); } // if only one object selected, set transfer source/dest to this object if (go) { TransferAnimationSource = go.transform; TransferAnimationDest = go.transform; } } else if (toExport.Length > 1) { m_prefabFileName = "(automatic)"; } // if there is an existing fbx file then use its name, otherwise use the same name as for the prefab this.SetFilename(fbxFileName != null ? fbxFileName : m_prefabFileName); } protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); if (!InnerEditor) { InnerEditor = UnityEditor.Editor.CreateEditor(ConvertToPrefabSettingsInstance); } m_prefabExtLabelWidth = FbxExtLabelStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(".prefab")).x; } /// /// Return the number of objects in the selection that contain RectTransforms. /// protected int GetUIElementsInExportSetCount() { int count = 0; foreach (var obj in ToExport) { var go = ModelExporter.GetGameObject(obj); var rectTransforms = go.GetComponentsInChildren(); count += rectTransforms.Length; } return count; } protected bool ExportSetContainsAnimation() { foreach (var obj in ToExport) { var go = ModelExporter.GetGameObject(obj); if (go.GetComponentInChildren() || go.GetComponentInChildren()) { return true; } } return false; } protected override bool Export() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExportFileName)) { Debug.LogError("FbxExporter: Please specify an fbx filename"); return false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_prefabFileName)) { Debug.LogError("FbxExporter: Please specify a prefab filename"); return false; } var fbxDirPath = ExportSettings.GetAbsoluteSavePath(FbxSavePaths[SelectedFbxPath]);; var fbxPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(fbxDirPath, ExportFileName + ".fbx"); var prefabDirPath = ExportSettings.GetAbsoluteSavePath(PrefabSavePaths[SelectedPrefabPath]); var prefabPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(prefabDirPath, m_prefabFileName + ".prefab"); if (ToExport == null) { Debug.LogError("FbxExporter: missing object for conversion"); return false; } int rectTransformCount = GetUIElementsInExportSetCount(); if (rectTransformCount > 0) { // Warn that UI elements will break if converted string warning = string.Format("Warning: UI Components (ie, RectTransform) are not saved when converting to FBX.\n{0} item(s) in the selection will lose their UI components.", rectTransformCount); bool result = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( string.Format("{0} Warning", ModelExporter.PACKAGE_UI_NAME), warning, "Convert and Lose UI", "Cancel"); if (!result) { return false; } } if (SettingsObject.UseMayaCompatibleNames && SettingsObject.AllowSceneModification) { string warning = "Names of objects in the hierarchy may change with the Compatible Naming option turned on"; if (ExportSetContainsAnimation()) { warning = "Compatible Naming option turned on. Names of objects in hierarchy may change and break animations."; } // give a warning dialog that indicates that names in the scene may change int result = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex( string.Format("{0} Warning", ModelExporter.PACKAGE_UI_NAME), warning, "OK", "Turn off and continue", "Cancel" ); if (result == 1) { // turn compatible naming off SettingsObject.SetUseMayaCompatibleNames(false); } else if (result == 2) { return false; } } if (ToExport.Length == 1) { var go = ModelExporter.GetGameObject(ToExport[0]); // Check if we'll be clobbering files. If so, warn the user // first and let them cancel out. if (!OverwriteExistingFile(prefabPath)) { return false; } if (ConvertToNestedPrefab.WillExportFbx(go)) { if (!OverwriteExistingFile(fbxPath)) { return false; } } ConvertToNestedPrefab.Convert( go, fbxFullPath: fbxPath, prefabFullPath: prefabPath, exportOptions: ); return true; } bool onlyPrefabAssets = ConvertToNestedPrefab.SetContainsOnlyPrefabAssets(ToExport); int groupIndex = -1; // no need to undo if we aren't converting anything that's in the scene if (!onlyPrefabAssets) { Undo.IncrementCurrentGroup(); groupIndex = Undo.GetCurrentGroup(); Undo.SetCurrentGroupName(ConvertToNestedPrefab.UndoConversionCreateObject); } foreach (var obj in ToExport) { // Convert, automatically choosing a file path that won't clobber any existing files. var go = ModelExporter.GetGameObject(obj); ConvertToNestedPrefab.Convert( go, fbxDirectoryFullPath: fbxDirPath, prefabDirectoryFullPath: prefabDirPath, exportOptions: ); } if (!onlyPrefabAssets && groupIndex >= 0) { Undo.CollapseUndoOperations(groupIndex); Undo.IncrementCurrentGroup(); } return true; } public const string k_SessionStoragePrefix = "FbxExporterConvertOptions_{0}"; protected override string SessionStoragePrefix { get { return k_SessionStoragePrefix; } } public override void ResetSessionSettings(string defaultSettings = null) { base.ResetSessionSettings(defaultSettings); // save the source and dest as these are not serialized var source =; var dest =; m_convertToPrefabSettingsInstance = null;;; m_prefabSavePaths = null; SelectedPrefabPath = 0; InnerEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(ConvertToPrefabSettingsInstance); } protected override void StoreSettingsInSession() { base.StoreSettingsInSession(); // store Prefab Save Paths StorePathsInSession(k_SessionPrefabPathsName, m_prefabSavePaths); SessionState.SetInt(string.Format(SessionStoragePrefix, k_SessionSelectedPrefabPathName), SelectedPrefabPath); } private List m_prefabSavePaths; internal List PrefabSavePaths { get { if (m_prefabSavePaths == null) { // Try to restore from session, fall back to Fbx Export Settings RestorePathsFromSession(k_SessionPrefabPathsName, ExportSettings.instance.GetCopyOfPrefabSavePaths(), out m_prefabSavePaths); SelectedPrefabPath = SessionState.GetInt(string.Format(SessionStoragePrefix, k_SessionSelectedPrefabPathName), ExportSettings.instance.SelectedPrefabPath); } return m_prefabSavePaths; } } [SerializeField] private int m_selectedPrefabPath = 0; internal int SelectedPrefabPath { get { return m_selectedPrefabPath; } set { m_selectedPrefabPath = value; } } private ConvertToPrefabSettings m_convertToPrefabSettingsInstance; public ConvertToPrefabSettings ConvertToPrefabSettingsInstance { get { if (m_convertToPrefabSettingsInstance == null) { // make a copy of the settings m_convertToPrefabSettingsInstance = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(ConvertToPrefabSettings)) as ConvertToPrefabSettings; // load settings stored in Unity session, default to DefaultPreset, if none then Export Settings var defaultPresets = Preset.GetDefaultPresetsForObject(m_convertToPrefabSettingsInstance); if (defaultPresets.Length <= 0) { RestoreSettingsFromSession(; } else { // apply the first default preset // TODO: figure out what it means to have multiple default presets, when would they be applied? defaultPresets[0].ApplyTo(m_convertToPrefabSettingsInstance); RestoreSettingsFromSession(; } } return m_convertToPrefabSettingsInstance; } } public override void SaveExportSettings() { // check if the settings are different from what is in the Project Settings and only store // if they are. Otherwise we want to keep them updated with changes to the Project Settings. bool settingsChanged = !(ConvertToPrefabSettingsInstance.Equals(ExportSettings.instance.ConvertToPrefabSettings)); var projectSettingsFbxPaths = ExportSettings.instance.GetCopyOfFbxSavePaths(); settingsChanged |= !projectSettingsFbxPaths.SequenceEqual(FbxSavePaths); var projectSettingsPrefabPaths = ExportSettings.instance.GetCopyOfPrefabSavePaths(); settingsChanged |= !projectSettingsPrefabPaths.SequenceEqual(PrefabSavePaths); settingsChanged |= SelectedPrefabPath != ExportSettings.instance.SelectedPrefabPath; settingsChanged |= SelectedFbxPath != ExportSettings.instance.SelectedFbxPath; if (settingsChanged) { StoreSettingsInSession(); } } protected override ExportOptionsSettingsSerializeBase SettingsObject { get { return; } } #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER protected override void ShowPresetReceiver() { ShowPresetReceiver(ConvertToPrefabSettingsInstance); } #endif protected override void CreateCustomUI() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(new GUIContent( "Prefab Name", "Filename to save prefab to."), GUILayout.Width(LabelWidth - TextFieldAlignOffset)); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(DisableNameSelection); // Show the export name with an uneditable ".prefab" at the end //------------------------------------- EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(EditorStyles.textField, GUILayout.Height(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight)); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; // continually resize to contents var textFieldSize = NameTextFieldStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(m_prefabFileName)); m_prefabFileName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(m_prefabFileName, NameTextFieldStyle, GUILayout.Width(textFieldSize.x + 5), GUILayout.MinWidth(5)); m_prefabFileName = ModelExporter.ConvertToValidFilename(m_prefabFileName); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(".prefab", FbxExtLabelStyle, GUILayout.Width(m_prefabExtLabelWidth)); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); //----------------------------------- EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(new GUIContent( "Prefab Path", "Relative path for saving FBX Prefab Variants."), GUILayout.Width(LabelWidth - FieldOffset)); var pathLabels = ExportSettings.GetRelativeSavePaths(PrefabSavePaths); SelectedPrefabPath = EditorGUILayout.Popup(SelectedPrefabPath, pathLabels, GUILayout.MinWidth(SelectableLabelMinWidth)); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("...", "Browse to a new location to save prefab to"), EditorStyles.miniButton, GUILayout.Width(BrowseButtonWidth))) { string initialPath = Application.dataPath; string fullPath = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel( "Select FBX Prefab Variant Save Path", initialPath, null ); // Unless the user canceled, make sure they chose something in the Assets folder. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath)) { var relativePath = ExportSettings.ConvertToAssetRelativePath(fullPath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativePath)) { Debug.LogWarning("Please select a location in the Assets folder"); } else { ExportSettings.AddSavePath(relativePath, PrefabSavePaths); SelectedPrefabPath = 0; // Make sure focus is removed from the selectable label // otherwise it won't update GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } }