using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using JetBrains.Annotations; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Compilation; using UnityEditor.PackageManager.ValidationSuite; using UnityEditor.PackageManager.ValidationSuite.ValidationTests; using UnityEngine; using PvpXray; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; static class Pvp { // This is an entrypoint intended to be run using: // unity -batchmode -executeMethod Pvp.RunTests [UsedImplicitly] static void RunTests() { try { Utilities.EnsureDirectoryExists("Library/pvp"); var pvp = new PvpRunner(); foreach (var packageId in pvp.VerificationSetIds) { var path = $"Library/pvp/{packageId.Name}.result.json"; Debug.Log($"Running PVP checks for {packageId}; results will be saved to {path}."); var results = pvp.Run(packageId.Name, null); File.WriteAllText(path, results.ToJson()); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Write($"Pvp.RunTests failed with exception: {e}"); EditorApplication.Exit(1); } EditorApplication.Exit(0); } } namespace UnityEditor.PackageManager.ValidationSuite { class InternalTestErrorException : Exception { public InternalTestErrorException() { } public InternalTestErrorException(string message) : base(message) { } public InternalTestErrorException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { } } // PVP check implementations must implement this interface, and also // define a parameterless constructor. interface IPvpChecker { // The list of PV check IDs that this checker is responsible for. string[] Checks { get; } void Run(in PvpRunner.Input input, PvpRunner.Output output); } [UsedImplicitly] class XrayValidationChecker : IPvpChecker { public string[] Checks { get; } = Verifier.CheckerSet.PvsCheckers.Checks; public void Run(in PvpRunner.Input input, PvpRunner.Output output) { var package = new FileSystemPackage(input.Package.path, input.Manifest); var resultFileStub = Verifier.OneShot(new VerifierContext(package) { HttpClient = new PvpHttpClient(Utilities.VSuiteName, cache: true), VerificationSet = input.VerificationSet, }, Verifier.CheckerSet.PvsCheckers, package); foreach (var entry in resultFileStub.Results) { var checkId = entry.Key; var checkResult = entry.Value; if (checkResult.SkipReason == null) { foreach (var message in checkResult.Errors) { output.Error(checkId, message); } } else { output.Skip(checkId, checkResult.SkipReason); } } foreach (var entry in resultFileStub.Baselines) { output.Baseline(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } } class PvpRunner { public struct Input { public AssemblyInfo[] AssemblyInfo; public byte[] Manifest; public ManifestData Package; public List VerificationSet; } public readonly struct Output { readonly Dictionary m_Checks; readonly Dictionary m_Baselines; internal Output(Dictionary checks, Dictionary baselines) { m_Checks = checks; m_Baselines = baselines; } public void Error(string checkId, string message) { if (!m_Checks.TryGetValue(checkId, out var checkResult)) { ValidateCheckId(checkId); throw new ArgumentException($"IPvpChecker added error for undeclared check {checkId}"); } checkResult.Errors.Add(message); } public void Skip(string checkId, string reason) { if (!m_Checks.TryGetValue(checkId, out var checkResult)) { ValidateCheckId(checkId); throw new ArgumentException($"IPvpChecker added skip reason for undeclared check {checkId}"); } if (checkResult.SkipReason != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"IPvpChecker added skip reason for check {checkId} more than once; previous skip reason {checkResult.SkipReason}, new skip reason: {reason}"); } checkResult.SkipReason = reason; } public void Baseline(string name, string hash) { m_Baselines[name] = hash; } } public class CheckResult { public List Errors = new List(); public string SkipReason; } public class Results { readonly Dictionary m_Checks; readonly Dictionary m_Baselines; readonly string m_Implementation; static readonly string[] k_ContextEnvVars = new[] { "GIT_BRANCH", "GIT_REPOSITORY_URL", "GIT_REVISION", "GIT_TAG", "YAMATO_JOBDEFINITION_NAME", "YAMATO_JOB_ID", "YAMATO_OWNER_EMAIL", "YAMATO_PROJECT_ID", "YAMATO_PROJECT_NAME", }; public Dictionary Context { get; } = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary Target { get; } = new Dictionary(); public Results(Dictionary checks, Dictionary baselines, string implementation) { m_Checks = checks; m_Baselines = baselines; m_Implementation = implementation; foreach (var name in k_ContextEnvVars) { var value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(name); if (value != null) { Context[name] = value; } } } public string ToJson() { var results = new Dictionary(); var obj = new Dictionary { ["context"] = Context, ["implementation"] = m_Implementation, ["results"] = results, ["target"] = Target, }; var empty = new Dictionary(); foreach (var item in m_Checks) { var checkId = item.Key; var checkResult = item.Value; if (checkResult.SkipReason != null) { if (checkResult.Errors.Count != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Errors must be empty if SkipReason is not null"); } results[checkId] = new Dictionary { ["skip_reason"] = checkResult.SkipReason }; } else { results[checkId] = checkResult.Errors.Count != 0 ? new Dictionary { ["errors"] = checkResult.Errors } : empty; } } var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append('{'); SimpleJsonWriter.EmitGenericItems(sb, obj.OrderBy(kv => kv.Key, StringComparer.Ordinal), 0); if (m_Baselines.Count != 0) { sb.Length -= 1; // remove '\n' sb.Append(",\n \"baselines\": {\n"); var first = true; foreach (var baseline in m_Baselines.OrderBy(kv => kv.Key, StringComparer.Ordinal)) { if (!first) { sb.Append(",\n"); } first = false; SimpleJsonWriter.EmitName(sb, baseline.Key, 2); sb.Append(baseline.Value); } sb.Append("\n }\n"); } sb.Append("}\n"); return sb.ToString(); } } static readonly Regex k_Regex = new Regex("^PVP-[1-9][0-9]{1,3}-[1-9][0-9]{0,3}$"); internal static void ValidateCheckId(string id) { if (!k_Regex.IsMatch(id)) { throw new ArgumentException("invalid PVP check ID: " + id); } } readonly PackageInfo[] m_PackageInfos; readonly PackageInfo m_PvsPackageInfo; readonly List m_Validations; readonly List m_VerificationSet; internal readonly IReadOnlyList VerificationSetIds; public PvpRunner() { m_PackageInfos = Utilities.UpmListOffline(); // perf: this could fairly easily run in parallel with below m_PvsPackageInfo = GetPackageInfo(Utilities.VSuiteName); m_Validations = new List(); foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { m_Validations.AddRange( Utilities.GetTypesSafe(assembly) .Where(t => typeof(IPvpChecker).IsAssignableFrom(t) && !t.IsAbstract) .Select(t => (IPvpChecker)Activator.CreateInstance(t)) ); } var verificationSetIds = new List(m_PackageInfos.Length); VerificationSetIds = verificationSetIds; m_VerificationSet = new List(); foreach (var pkg in m_PackageInfos) { var tarballPath = GetLocalTarballPath(pkg); if (tarballPath == null) continue; if (!File.Exists(tarballPath)) throw new InternalTestErrorException("Cannot locate package tarball: " + pkg.packageId); // Don't check PVS unless PVS is the only local tarball package here. if (VerificationSetIds.Count != 0 && == Utilities.VSuiteName) continue; if (VerificationSetIds.Count == 1 && VerificationSetIds[0].Name == Utilities.VSuiteName) { // Remove PVS again now we've found another package. verificationSetIds.RemoveAt(0); m_VerificationSet.RemoveAt(0); } verificationSetIds.Add(new PackageId(pkg.packageId)); m_VerificationSet.Add(new VerifierContext.VerificationSetPackage( manifest: ReadTarFile(tarballPath, "package/package.json"), sha1: XrayUtils.Sha1(File.Open(tarballPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) )); } } #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER // 2019.3.0a3: PackageSource.LocalTarball added. static string GetLocalTarballPath(PackageInfo pkg) { if (pkg.source != PackageSource.LocalTarball) return null; var i = pkg.packageId.IndexOfOrdinal("@file:"); if (i == -1) throw new InternalTestErrorException("Expected @file in: " + pkg.packageId); // Resolve path relative to Packages folder. return Path.Combine("Packages", pkg.packageId.Substring(i + 6)); } #else static string GetLocalTarballPath(PackageInfo pkg) { var i = pkg.packageId.IndexOfOrdinal("@file:"); if (i == -1) return null; // Resolve path relative to Packages folder. var tarballPath = Path.Combine("Packages", pkg.packageId.Substring(i + 6)); if (Directory.Exists(tarballPath)) return null; // directory, not tarball return tarballPath; } #endif static byte[] ReadTarFile(string tarballPath, string nestedPath) { var (status, stdout) = RunTarCommand("xOf", tarballPath, nestedPath); if (status != 0) { throw new InternalTestErrorException($"'tar' could not extract file from tarball: {tarballPath}"); } return stdout; } static (int, byte[]) RunTarCommand(params string[] arguments) { // This relies on 'tar' being available locally, which is the case by // default on both Linux, macOS and Windows (as circa 2018). var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { Arguments = $"\"{string.Join("\" \"", arguments)}\"", CreateNoWindow = true, FileName = "tar", UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardInput = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, }; var p = Process.Start(psi) ?? throw new InternalTestErrorException("failed to start 'tar' command"); p.StandardInput.Close(); using (var buf = new MemoryStream()) { using (var stdout = p.StandardOutput.BaseStream) { stdout.CopyTo(buf); } p.WaitForExit(); return (p.ExitCode, buf.ToArray()); } } PackageInfo GetPackageInfo(string packageName) { return m_PackageInfos.FirstOrDefault(pi => == packageName) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"could not find {packageName} in package list"); } // Extracted from BaseAssemblyValidation.GetRelevantAssemblyInfo. static AssemblyInfo[] GetRelevantAssemblyInfo(string packagePath) { if (EditorUtility.scriptCompilationFailed) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Compilation failed. Please fix any compilation errors."); } if (EditorApplication.isCompiling) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Compilation in progress. Please wait for compilation to finish."); } var files = new HashSet(Directory.GetFiles(packagePath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)); var allAssemblyInfo = CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies().Select(Utilities.AssemblyInfoFromAssembly).Where(a => a != null).ToArray(); var packagePathPrefix = Path.GetFullPath(packagePath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; var assemblyInfoOutsidePackage = allAssemblyInfo.Where(a => !a.asmdefPath.StartsWithOrdinal(packagePathPrefix)).ToArray(); var badFilePath = assemblyInfoOutsidePackage.SelectMany(a => a.assembly.sourceFiles).Where(files.Contains).FirstOrDefault(); if (badFilePath != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Script \"{badFilePath}\" is not included by any asmdefs in the package."); } return allAssemblyInfo.Where(a => a.asmdefPath.StartsWithOrdinal(packagePathPrefix)).ToArray(); } public Results Run(string packageName, Action onProgress = null) { var progressNow = 0; var progressMax = m_Validations.Count + 1; onProgress?.Invoke(progressNow, progressMax); var checks = new Dictionary(); var baselines = new Dictionary(); var package = VettingContext.GetManifest(GetPackageInfo(packageName).resolvedPath); // Workaround for Packman rewriting the package manifest on disk in Unity 2023.2+. byte[] manifest = null; for (var i = 0; i < VerificationSetIds.Count; i++) { if (VerificationSetIds[i].Name == packageName) { manifest = m_VerificationSet[i].Manifest; break; } } var input = new Input { AssemblyInfo = GetRelevantAssemblyInfo(package.path), Manifest = manifest, Package = package, VerificationSet = m_VerificationSet, }; var output = new Output(checks, baselines); var results = new Results(checks, baselines, implementation: m_PvsPackageInfo.packageId) { Target = { ["package"] = new Dictionary { ["id"] = package.Id, ["sha1"] = null, // No sha1, as we're not testing a tarball. }, ["unity"] = new Dictionary { ["os"] = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor ? "macos" : Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor ? "windows" : Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.LinuxEditor ? "linux" : throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(), #if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER ["revision"] = UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.GetUnityBuildHash(), #endif ["version"] = Application.unityVersion, }, }, }; foreach (var validation in m_Validations) { foreach (var checkId in validation.Checks) { if (checks.ContainsKey(checkId)) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Multiple IPvpCheckers registered for check {checkId}"); ValidateCheckId(checkId); checks[checkId] = new CheckResult(); } } ++progressNow; onProgress?.Invoke(progressNow, progressMax); foreach (var validation in m_Validations) { try { validation.Run(input, output); } catch (InternalTestErrorException e) { foreach (var checkId in validation.Checks) { output.Error(checkId, $"internal error in test: {e.Message}"); } } ++progressNow; onProgress?.Invoke(progressNow, progressMax); } return results; } } }