using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Assertions; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.Compositor { // Holds a list of layers and layer/composition properties. This is serialized and can be shared between projects internal class CompositionProfile : ScriptableObject { [SerializeField] List m_ShaderProperties = new List(); public void AddPropertiesFromShaderAndMaterial(CompositionManager compositor, Shader shader, Material material) { // reflect the non-texture shader properties List propertyNames = new List(); int propCount = shader.GetPropertyCount(); for (int i = 0; i < propCount; i++) { ShaderProperty sp = ShaderProperty.Create(shader, material, i); AddShaderProperty(compositor, sp); propertyNames.Add(sp.propertyName); } // remove any left-over properties that do not appear in the shader anymore for (int j = m_ShaderProperties.Count - 1; j >= 0; --j) { int indx = propertyNames.FindIndex(x => x == m_ShaderProperties[j].propertyName); if (indx < 0) { m_ShaderProperties.RemoveAt(j); } } // Now remove any left-over layers that do not appear in the shader anymore for (int j = compositor.layers.Count - 1; j >= 0; --j) { if (compositor.layers[j].outputTarget != CompositorLayer.OutputTarget.CameraStack) { int indx = propertyNames.FindIndex(x => x == compositor.layers[j].name); if (indx < 0) { compositor.RemoveLayerAtIndex(j); } } } } public void AddShaderProperty(CompositionManager compositor, ShaderProperty sp) { Assert.IsNotNull(sp); // Check if property should be shown in the inspector bool hide = ((int)sp.flags & (int)ShaderPropertyFlags.NonModifiableTextureData) != 0 || ((int)sp.flags & (int)ShaderPropertyFlags.HideInInspector) != 0; if (!hide) { // Check if property already exists / do not add duplicates int indx = m_ShaderProperties.FindIndex(s => s.propertyName == sp.propertyName); if (indx < 0) { m_ShaderProperties.Add(sp); } } // For textures, check if we already have this layer in the layer list. If not, add it. if (sp.propertyType == ShaderPropertyType.Texture && sp.canBeUsedAsRT) { int indx = compositor.layers.FindIndex(s => == sp.propertyName); if (indx < 0 && !hide) { var newLayer = CompositorLayer.CreateOutputLayer(sp.propertyName); compositor.layers.Add(newLayer); } else if (indx >= 0 && hide) { // if a layer that was in the list is now hidden, remove it compositor.RemoveLayerAtIndex(indx); } } } public void CopyPropertiesToMaterial(Material material) { foreach (var prop in m_ShaderProperties) { if (prop.propertyType == ShaderPropertyType.Float) { material.SetFloat(prop.propertyName, prop.value.x); } else if (prop.propertyType == ShaderPropertyType.Vector) { material.SetVector(prop.propertyName, prop.value); } else if (prop.propertyType == ShaderPropertyType.Range) { material.SetFloat(prop.propertyName, prop.value.x); } else if (prop.propertyType == ShaderPropertyType.Color) { material.SetColor(prop.propertyName, prop.value); } } } } }