Shader "Hidden/Universal Render Pipeline/Bloom" { HLSLINCLUDE #pragma multi_compile_local _ _USE_RGBM #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Filtering.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/Runtime/Utilities/Blit.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/DynamicScalingClamping.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/UnityInput.hlsl" #include_with_pragmas "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/FoveatedRenderingKeywords.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/FoveatedRendering.hlsl" TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTexLowMip); float4 _SourceTexLowMip_TexelSize; float4 _Params; // x: scatter, y: clamp, z: threshold (linear), w: threshold knee #define Scatter _Params.x #define ClampMax _Params.y #define Threshold _Params.z #define ThresholdKnee _Params.w half4 EncodeHDR(half3 color) { #if _USE_RGBM half4 outColor = EncodeRGBM(color); #else half4 outColor = half4(color, 1.0); #endif #if UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA return half4(sqrt(, outColor.w); // linear to γ #else return outColor; #endif } half3 DecodeHDR(half4 color) { #if UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA *=; // γ to linear #endif #if _USE_RGBM return DecodeRGBM(color); #else return; #endif } half3 SamplePrefilter(float2 uv, float2 offset) { float2 texelSize = _BlitTexture_TexelSize.xy; half4 color = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, uv + texelSize * offset); #if _ENABLE_ALPHA_OUTPUT // When alpha is enabled, regions with zero alpha should not generate any bloom / glow. Therefore we pre-multipy the color with the alpha channel here and the rest // of the computations remain float3. Still, when bloom is applied to the final image, bloom will still be spread on regions with zero alpha (see UberPost.compute) *= color.w; #endif return; } half4 FragPrefilter(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); float2 uv = UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(input.texcoord); #if defined(SUPPORTS_FOVEATED_RENDERING_NON_UNIFORM_RASTER) UNITY_BRANCH if (_FOVEATED_RENDERING_NON_UNIFORM_RASTER) { uv = RemapFoveatedRenderingLinearToNonUniform(uv); } #endif #if _BLOOM_HQ half3 A = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2(-1.0, -1.0)); half3 B = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2( 0.0, -1.0)); half3 C = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2( 1.0, -1.0)); half3 D = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2(-0.5, -0.5)); half3 E = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2( 0.5, -0.5)); half3 F = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2(-1.0, 0.0)); half3 G = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2( 0.0, 0.0)); half3 H = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2( 1.0, 0.0)); half3 I = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2(-0.5, 0.5)); half3 J = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2( 0.5, 0.5)); half3 K = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2(-1.0, 1.0)); half3 L = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2( 0.0, 1.0)); half3 M = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2( 1.0, 1.0)); half2 div = (1.0 / 4.0) * half2(0.5, 0.125); half3 color = (D + E + I + J) * div.x; color += (A + B + G + F) * div.y; color += (B + C + H + G) * div.y; color += (F + G + L + K) * div.y; color += (G + H + M + L) * div.y; #else half3 color = SamplePrefilter(uv, float2(0,0)); #endif // User controlled clamp to limit crazy high broken spec color = min(ClampMax, color); // Thresholding half brightness = Max3(color.r, color.g, color.b); half softness = clamp(brightness - Threshold + ThresholdKnee, 0.0, 2.0 * ThresholdKnee); softness = (softness * softness) / (4.0 * ThresholdKnee + 1e-4); half multiplier = max(brightness - Threshold, softness) / max(brightness, 1e-4); color *= multiplier; // Clamp colors to positive once in prefilter. Encode can have a sqrt, and sqrt(-x) == NaN. Up/Downsample passes would then spread the NaN. color = max(color, 0); return EncodeHDR(color); } half4 FragBlurH(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); float2 texelSize = _BlitTexture_TexelSize.xy * 2.0; float2 uv = UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(input.texcoord); // 9-tap gaussian blur on the downsampled source half3 c0 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv - float2(texelSize.x * 4.0, 0.0), texelSize))); half3 c1 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv - float2(texelSize.x * 3.0, 0.0), texelSize))); half3 c2 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv - float2(texelSize.x * 2.0, 0.0), texelSize))); half3 c3 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv - float2(texelSize.x * 1.0, 0.0), texelSize))); half3 c4 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv , texelSize))); half3 c5 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv + float2(texelSize.x * 1.0, 0.0), texelSize))); half3 c6 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv + float2(texelSize.x * 2.0, 0.0), texelSize))); half3 c7 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv + float2(texelSize.x * 3.0, 0.0), texelSize))); half3 c8 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv + float2(texelSize.x * 4.0, 0.0), texelSize))); half3 color = c0 * 0.01621622 + c1 * 0.05405405 + c2 * 0.12162162 + c3 * 0.19459459 + c4 * 0.22702703 + c5 * 0.19459459 + c6 * 0.12162162 + c7 * 0.05405405 + c8 * 0.01621622; return EncodeHDR(color); } half4 FragBlurV(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); float2 texelSize = _BlitTexture_TexelSize.xy; float2 uv = UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(input.texcoord); // Optimized bilinear 5-tap gaussian on the same-sized source (9-tap equivalent) half3 c0 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv - float2(0.0, texelSize.y * 3.23076923), texelSize))); half3 c1 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv - float2(0.0, texelSize.y * 1.38461538), texelSize))); half3 c2 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv , texelSize))); half3 c3 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv + float2(0.0, texelSize.y * 1.38461538), texelSize))); half3 c4 = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(uv + float2(0.0, texelSize.y * 3.23076923), texelSize))); half3 color = c0 * 0.07027027 + c1 * 0.31621622 + c2 * 0.22702703 + c3 * 0.31621622 + c4 * 0.07027027; return EncodeHDR(color); } half3 Upsample(float2 uv) { half3 highMip = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, uv)); #if _BLOOM_HQ half3 lowMip = DecodeHDR(SampleTexture2DBicubic(TEXTURE2D_X_ARGS(_SourceTexLowMip, sampler_LinearClamp), uv, _SourceTexLowMip_TexelSize.zwxy, (1.0).xx, unity_StereoEyeIndex)); #else half3 lowMip = DecodeHDR(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTexLowMip, sampler_LinearClamp, uv)); #endif return lerp(highMip, lowMip, Scatter); } half4 FragUpsample(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); half3 color = Upsample(UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(input.texcoord)); return EncodeHDR(color); } ENDHLSL SubShader { Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline"} LOD 100 ZTest Always ZWrite Off Cull Off Pass { Name "Bloom Prefilter" HLSLPROGRAM #pragma vertex Vert #pragma fragment FragPrefilter #pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _BLOOM_HQ #pragma multi_compile_fragment _ _ENABLE_ALPHA_OUTPUT ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "Bloom Blur Horizontal" HLSLPROGRAM #pragma vertex Vert #pragma fragment FragBlurH ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "Bloom Blur Vertical" HLSLPROGRAM #pragma vertex Vert #pragma fragment FragBlurV ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "Bloom Upsample" HLSLPROGRAM #pragma vertex Vert #pragma fragment FragUpsample #pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _BLOOM_HQ ENDHLSL } } }