using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.VFX; using UnityEditor.VFX.UI; using EditMode = UnityEditorInternal.EditMode; using UnityObject = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEditor.VFX { static class VisualEffectSerializationUtility { public static string GetTypeField(Type type) { if (type == typeof(Vector2)) { return "m_Vector2f"; } else if (type == typeof(Vector3)) { return "m_Vector3f"; } else if (type == typeof(Vector4)) { return "m_Vector4f"; } else if (type == typeof(Color)) { return "m_Vector4f"; } else if (type == typeof(AnimationCurve)) { return "m_AnimationCurve"; } else if (type == typeof(Gradient)) { return "m_Gradient"; } else if (type == typeof(Texture)) { return "m_NamedObject"; } else if (type == typeof(Texture2D)) { return "m_NamedObject"; } else if (type == typeof(Texture2DArray)) { return "m_NamedObject"; } else if (type == typeof(Texture3D)) { return "m_NamedObject"; } else if (type == typeof(Cubemap)) { return "m_NamedObject"; } else if (type == typeof(CubemapArray)) { return "m_NamedObject"; } else if (type == typeof(Mesh)) { return "m_NamedObject"; } else if (type == typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer)) { return "m_NamedObject"; } else if (type == typeof(float)) { return "m_Float"; } else if (type == typeof(int)) { return "m_Int"; } else if (type == typeof(uint)) { return "m_Uint"; } else if (type == typeof(bool)) { return "m_Bool"; } else if (type == typeof(Matrix4x4)) { return "m_Matrix4x4f"; } //Debug.LogError("unknown vfx property type:"+type.UserFriendlyName()); return null; } } [CustomEditor(typeof(VisualEffect))] [CanEditMultipleObjects] class AdvancedVisualEffectEditor : VisualEffectEditor, IToolModeOwner { new void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); EditMode.editModeStarted += OnEditModeStart; EditMode.editModeEnded += OnEditModeEnd; Selection.selectionChanged += OnHierarchySelectionChanged; // Try to auto attach because the selection could have changed while the VFX editor was disabled AutoAttachToSelection(); // Force rebuilding the parameter infos VisualEffect effect = (VisualEffect)targets[0]; var asset = effect.visualEffectAsset; if (asset != null && asset.GetResource() != null) { var graph = asset.GetResource().GetOrCreateGraph(); if (graph) { graph.BuildParameterInfo(); } } Undo.undoRedoPerformed += OnUndoRedoPerformed; } new void OnDisable() { // Reset play rate only when no vfx is selected anymore if (Selection.gameObjects.All(x => x.GetComponent() == null)) { base.OnDisable(); } else { OnDisableWithoutResetting(); } Undo.undoRedoPerformed -= OnUndoRedoPerformed; m_ContextsPerComponent.Clear(); EditMode.editModeStarted -= OnEditModeStart; EditMode.editModeEnded -= OnEditModeEnd; Selection.selectionChanged -= OnHierarchySelectionChanged; DetachIfDeleted(); } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { m_GizmoableParameters.Clear(); base.OnInspectorGUI(); } private void OnHierarchySelectionChanged() { AutoAttachToSelection(); } void OnEditModeStart(IToolModeOwner owner, EditMode.SceneViewEditMode mode) { if (mode == EditMode.SceneViewEditMode.Collider && owner == (IToolModeOwner)this) OnEditStart(); } void OnEditModeEnd(IToolModeOwner owner) { if (owner == (IToolModeOwner)this) OnEditEnd(); } void OnUndoRedoPerformed() { foreach (var contextAndGizmo in m_ContextsPerComponent) { contextAndGizmo.Value.context.Unprepare(); } } protected override void AssetField(VisualEffectResource resource) { using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_VisualEffectAsset, Contents.assetPath); bool saveEnabled = GUI.enabled; if (m_VisualEffectAsset.objectReferenceValue == null && !m_VisualEffectAsset.hasMultipleDifferentValues) { GUI.enabled = saveEnabled; if (GUILayout.Button(Contents.createAsset, EditorStyles.miniButton, Styles.MiniButtonWidth)) { CreateNewVFX(); } } else { GUI.enabled = saveEnabled && !m_VisualEffectAsset.hasMultipleDifferentValues && m_VisualEffectAsset.objectReferenceValue != null && resource != null; // Enabled state will be kept for all content until the end of the inspectorGUI. if (GUILayout.Button(Contents.openEditor, EditorStyles.miniButton, Styles.MiniButtonWidth)) { var asset = m_VisualEffectAsset.objectReferenceValue as VisualEffectAsset; VFXViewWindow window = VFXViewWindow.GetWindow(asset, true); window.LoadAsset(asset, targets.Length > 1 ? null : target as VisualEffect); } } GUI.enabled = saveEnabled; } } protected override void EditorModeInspectorButton() { EditMode.DoEditModeInspectorModeButton( EditMode.SceneViewEditMode.Collider, "Show Property Gizmos", EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("EditCollider"), this ); } VFXParameter GetParameter(string name, VisualEffectResource resource) { VisualEffect effect = (VisualEffect)target; if (effect.visualEffectAsset == null) return null; VFXGraph graph = resource.graph as VFXGraph; if (graph == null) return null; var parameter = graph.children.OfType().FirstOrDefault(t => t.exposedName == name && == true); if (parameter == null) return null; return parameter; } VFXParameter m_GizmoedParameter; List m_GizmoableParameters = new List(); protected override void EmptyLineControl(string name, string tooltip, VFXSpace? space, int depth, VisualEffectResource resource) { if (depth != 1) { base.EmptyLineControl(name, tooltip, space, depth, resource); return; } VFXParameter parameter = GetParameter(name, resource); if (parameter == null || !VFXGizmoUtility.HasGizmo(parameter.type)) { base.EmptyLineControl(name, tooltip, space, depth, resource); return; } if (m_EditJustStarted && m_GizmoedParameter == null) { m_EditJustStarted = false; m_GizmoedParameter = parameter; } m_GizmoableParameters.Add(parameter); if (!m_GizmoDisplayed) { base.EmptyLineControl(name, tooltip, space, depth, resource); return; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(Styles.overrideWidth); // Make the label half the width to make the tooltip EditorGUILayout.LabelField(GetGUIContent(name, tooltip), EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // Toggle Button EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); bool result = GUILayout.Toggle(m_GizmoedParameter == parameter, new GUIContent("Edit Gizmo"), EditorStyles.miniButton); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && result) { m_GizmoedParameter = parameter; } //GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } bool m_EditJustStarted; bool m_GizmoDisplayed; void OnEditStart() { m_GizmoDisplayed = true; m_EditJustStarted = true; } void OnEditEnd() { m_EditJustStarted = false; m_GizmoedParameter = null; m_GizmoDisplayed = false; } struct ContextAndGizmo { public GizmoContext context; public VFXGizmo gizmo; } protected override void PropertyOverrideChanged() { foreach (var context in m_ContextsPerComponent.Values.Select(t => t.context)) { context.Unprepare(); } } readonly Dictionary m_ContextsPerComponent = new(); ContextAndGizmo GetGizmo() { if (!m_ContextsPerComponent.TryGetValue((VisualEffect)target, out var context)) { context.context = new GizmoContext(new SerializedObject(target), m_GizmoedParameter); context.gizmo = VFXGizmoUtility.CreateGizmoInstance(context.context); m_ContextsPerComponent.Add((VisualEffect)target, context); } else { var prevType = context.context.portType; context.context.SetParameter(m_GizmoedParameter); if (context.context.portType != prevType) { context.gizmo = VFXGizmoUtility.CreateGizmoInstance(context.context); m_ContextsPerComponent[(VisualEffect)target] = context; } } return context; } class GizmoContext : VFXGizmoUtility.Context { readonly SerializedObject m_SerializedObject; readonly SerializedProperty m_VFXPropertySheet; readonly List>> m_ValueCmdList = new(); VFXParameter m_Parameter; public GizmoContext(SerializedObject obj, VFXParameter parameter) { m_SerializedObject = obj; m_Parameter = parameter; m_VFXPropertySheet = m_SerializedObject.FindProperty("m_PropertySheet"); } public override Type portType => m_Parameter.type; public override VFXSpace space => m_Parameter.outputSlots[0].space; private readonly List m_Stack = new(); public override object value { get { m_SerializedObject.Update(); m_Stack.Clear(); foreach (var cmd in m_ValueCmdList) { cmd(m_Stack); } return m_Stack[0]; } } public override VFXGizmo.IProperty RegisterProperty(string memberPath) { var cmdList = new List, object>>(); bool succeeded = BuildPropertyValue(cmdList, m_Parameter.type, m_Parameter.exposedName, memberPath.Split(new char[] { separator[0] }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), 0); if (succeeded) { return new Property(m_SerializedObject, cmdList); } return VFXGizmoUtility.NullProperty.defaultProperty; } void AddNewValue(List l, object o, SerializedProperty vfxField, string propertyPath, string[] memberPath, int depth) { vfxField.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(vfxField.arraySize); var newEntry = vfxField.GetArrayElementAtIndex(vfxField.arraySize - 1); newEntry.FindPropertyRelative("m_Overridden").boolValue = true; var valueProperty = newEntry.FindPropertyRelative("m_Value"); VFXSlot slot = m_Parameter.outputSlots[0]; for (int i = 0; i < memberPath.Length && i < depth; ++i) { slot = slot.children.First(t => == memberPath[i]); } l.Add(slot.value); // find the default value which is in the parameter. newEntry.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue = propertyPath; Unprepare(); // if we set the value we'll have to regenerate the cmdList for next time. } bool BuildPropertyValue(List, object>> cmdList, Type type, string propertyPath, string[] memberPath, int depth, FieldInfo specialSpacableVector3CaseField = null) { string field = VisualEffectSerializationUtility.GetTypeField(type); if (field != null) { var vfxField = m_VFXPropertySheet.FindPropertyRelative(field + ".m_Array"); if (vfxField == null) return false; SerializedProperty property = null; for (int i = 0; i < vfxField.arraySize; ++i) { property = vfxField.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); var nameProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue; if (nameProperty == propertyPath) { break; } property = null; } if (property != null) { SerializedProperty overrideProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("m_Overridden"); property = property.FindPropertyRelative("m_Value"); cmdList.Add((l, o) => overrideProperty.boolValue = true); } else { cmdList.Add((l, o) => { AddNewValue(l, o, vfxField, propertyPath, memberPath, depth); }); if (depth < memberPath.Length) { if (!BuildPropertySubValue(cmdList, type, memberPath, depth)) return false; } cmdList.Add((l, o) => { SetObjectValue(vfxField.GetArrayElementAtIndex(vfxField.arraySize - 1).FindPropertyRelative("m_Value"), l[l.Count - 1]); }); return true; } if (depth < memberPath.Length) { cmdList.Add((l, o) => l.Add(GetObjectValue(property))); if (!BuildPropertySubValue(cmdList, type, memberPath, depth)) return false; cmdList.Add((l, o) => SetObjectValue(property, l[l.Count - 1])); return true; } else { var currentValue = GetObjectValue(property); if (specialSpacableVector3CaseField != null) { cmdList.Add((l, o) => { var vector3Property = specialSpacableVector3CaseField.GetValue(o); SetObjectValue(property, vector3Property); }); return true; } else if (currentValue is T) { cmdList.Add((l, o) => SetObjectValue(property, o)); return true; } return false; } } else if (depth < memberPath.Length) { FieldInfo subField = type.GetField(memberPath[depth]); if (subField == null) return false; return BuildPropertyValue(cmdList, subField.FieldType, propertyPath + "_" + memberPath[depth], memberPath, depth + 1); } else if (typeof(Position) == type || typeof(Vector) == type || typeof(DirectionType) == type) { if (typeof(T) != type) { return false; } FieldInfo vector3Field = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).First(t => t.FieldType == typeof(Vector3)); string name = vector3Field.Name; return BuildPropertyValue(cmdList, typeof(Vector3), propertyPath + "_" + name, new string[] { name }, 1, vector3Field); } Debug.LogError("Setting A value across multiple property is not yet supported"); return false; } bool BuildPropertySubValue(List, object>> cmdList, Type type, string[] memberPath, int depth) { FieldInfo subField = type.GetField(memberPath[depth]); if (subField == null) return false; depth++; if (depth < memberPath.Length) { cmdList.Add((l, o) => l.Add(subField.GetValue(l[l.Count - 1]))); BuildPropertySubValue(cmdList, type, memberPath, depth); cmdList.Add((l, o) => subField.SetValue(l[l.Count - 2], l[l.Count - 1])); cmdList.Add((l, o) => l.RemoveAt(l.Count - 1)); } else { if (subField.FieldType != typeof(T)) return false; cmdList.Add((l, o) => subField.SetValue(l[l.Count - 1], o)); } return true; } public void SetParameter(VFXParameter parameter) { if (parameter != m_Parameter) { Unprepare(); m_Parameter = parameter; } } protected override void InternalPrepare() { m_ValueCmdList.Clear(); m_Stack.Clear(); m_ValueCmdList.Add(o => o.Add(m_Parameter.value)); BuildValue(m_ValueCmdList, portType, m_Parameter.exposedName); } void BuildValue(List>> cmdList, Type type, string propertyPath) { m_SerializedObject.Update(); string field = VisualEffectSerializationUtility.GetTypeField(type); if (field != null) { var vfxField = m_VFXPropertySheet.FindPropertyRelative(field + ".m_Array"); SerializedProperty property = null; if (vfxField != null) { for (int i = 0; i < vfxField.arraySize; ++i) { property = vfxField.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); var nameProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue; if (nameProperty == propertyPath) { break; } property = null; } } if (property?.FindPropertyRelative("m_Overridden") is { } overrideProperty) { property = property.FindPropertyRelative("m_Value"); cmdList.Add(o => { if (overrideProperty.boolValue) PushProperty(o, property); }); } } else { foreach (var fieldInfo in type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { if (fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(VFXSpace)) continue; cmdList.Add(o => { Push(o, fieldInfo); }); BuildValue(cmdList, fieldInfo.FieldType, propertyPath + "_" + fieldInfo.Name); cmdList.Add(o => Pop(o, fieldInfo) ); } } } void PushProperty(List stack, SerializedProperty property) { stack[stack.Count - 1] = GetObjectValue(property); } void Push(List stack, FieldInfo fieldInfo) { object prev = stack[stack.Count - 1]; stack.Add(fieldInfo.GetValue(prev)); } void Pop(List stack, FieldInfo fieldInfo) { fieldInfo.SetValue(stack[stack.Count - 2], stack[stack.Count - 1]); stack.RemoveAt(stack.Count - 1); } class Property : VFXGizmo.IProperty { readonly List, object>> m_CmdList; readonly List m_Stack = new(); readonly SerializedObject m_SerializedObject; public Property(SerializedObject serializedObject, List, object>> cmdList) { m_SerializedObject = serializedObject; m_CmdList = cmdList; } public bool isEditable => true; public void SetValue(T value) { m_Stack.Clear(); foreach (var cmd in m_CmdList) { cmd(m_Stack, value); } m_SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } } bool HasFrameBounds() { return targets.Length == 1; } //Callback used by scene view on 'F' shortcut. Bounds OnGetFrameBounds() { return GetWorldBoundsOfTarget(targets[0]); } internal override Bounds GetWorldBoundsOfTarget(UnityObject targetObject) { if (m_GizmoDisplayed && m_GizmoedParameter != null) { ContextAndGizmo context = GetGizmo(); Bounds result = VFXGizmoUtility.GetGizmoBounds(context.context, (VisualEffect)target, context.gizmo); return result; } return base.GetWorldBoundsOfTarget(targetObject); } private void OnSceneGUI() { if (m_GizmoDisplayed && m_GizmoedParameter != null && m_GizmoableParameters.Count > 0 && ((VisualEffect)target).visualEffectAsset != null) { ContextAndGizmo context = GetGizmo(); VFXGizmoUtility.Draw(context.context, (VisualEffect)target, context.gizmo); } } protected override void SceneViewGUICallback() { base.SceneViewGUICallback(); if (m_GizmoableParameters.Count > 0) { int current = m_GizmoDisplayed ? m_GizmoableParameters.IndexOf(m_GizmoedParameter) : -1; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Gizmos", GUILayout.Width(50)); int result = EditorGUILayout.Popup(current, m_GizmoableParameters.Select(t => t.exposedName).ToArray(), GUILayout.Width(140), GUILayout.Height(20)); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && result != current) { m_GizmoedParameter = m_GizmoableParameters[result]; if (!m_GizmoDisplayed) { m_GizmoDisplayed = true; EditMode.ChangeEditMode(EditMode.SceneViewEditMode.Collider, this); } Repaint(); } if (m_GizmoedParameter != null && m_GizmoDisplayed) { var context = GetGizmo(); var gizmoError = VFXGizmoUtility.CollectGizmoError(context.context, (VisualEffect)target); if (gizmoError != GizmoError.None) { var content = VFXSlotContainerEditor.Contents.GetGizmoErrorContent(gizmoError); GUILayout.Label(content, VFXSlotContainerEditor.Styles.warningStyle, GUILayout.Width(19), GUILayout.Height(18)); } else if (GUILayout.Button(VFXSlotContainerEditor.Contents.gizmoFrame, VFXSlotContainerEditor.Styles.frameButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(19), GUILayout.Height(18))) { var bounds = VFXGizmoUtility.GetGizmoBounds(context.context, (VisualEffect)target, context.gizmo); context.context.Unprepare(); //Restore initial state : if gizmo isn't actually rendered, it could be out of sync var sceneView = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView; if (sceneView) sceneView.Frame(bounds, false); } } else { var saveEnabled = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = false; GUILayout.Button(VFXSlotContainerEditor.Contents.gizmoFrame, VFXSlotContainerEditor.Styles.frameButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(19), GUILayout.Height(18)); GUI.enabled = saveEnabled; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } private void AutoAttachToSelection() { if ((Selection.activeObject as GameObject)?.GetComponent() is VisualEffect visualEffect) { foreach (var window in VFXViewWindow.GetAllWindows()) { window.AttachTo(visualEffect); } } } private void DetachIfDeleted() { VFXViewWindow.GetAllWindows().ToList().ForEach(x => x.DetachIfDeleted()); } private void CreateNewVFX() { void OnTemplateCreate(string templateFilePath) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateFilePath)) { var asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(templateFilePath); m_VisualEffectAsset.objectReferenceValue = asset; serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); VFXViewWindow.GetWindow(asset, true).LoadAsset(asset, targets.Length > 1 ? target as VisualEffect : null); } } VFXTemplateWindow.ShowCreateFromTemplate(null, OnTemplateCreate); } } }