using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor.VFX.Block; namespace UnityEditor.VFX { [VFXHelpURL("Subgraph")] [VFXInfo(name = "Empty Subgraph Block")] class VFXSubgraphBlock : VFXBlock { [VFXSetting(VFXSettingAttribute.VisibleFlags.InInspector), SerializeField] protected VisualEffectSubgraphBlock m_Subgraph; [NonSerialized] VFXModel[] m_SubChildren; [NonSerialized] VFXBlock[] m_SubBlocks; VFXGraph m_UsedSubgraph; public VisualEffectSubgraphBlock subgraph { get { if (!isValid) return null; return m_Subgraph; } } public override void GetImportDependentAssets(HashSet dependencies) { base.GetImportDependentAssets(dependencies); if (!object.ReferenceEquals(m_Subgraph, null)) { dependencies.Add(m_Subgraph.GetInstanceID()); } } public override void CheckGraphBeforeImport() { base.CheckGraphBeforeImport(); // If the graph is reimported it can be because one of its dependency such as the subgraphs, has been changed. if (!VFXGraph.explicitCompile) { ResyncSlots(true); ResyncCustomAttributes(); } } public sealed override string name => m_Subgraph != null ? ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName( : "Empty Subgraph Block"; protected override IEnumerable inputProperties { get { if (m_isInOnEnable) // Recreate copy cannot be called in OnEnable because the subgraph my not have been enabled itself so in OnEnable send back the previous input properties { if (subgraph != null) { foreach (var inputSlot in inputSlots) yield return new VFXPropertyWithValue(, inputSlot.value); } } else { if (m_Subgraph == null && !object.ReferenceEquals(m_Subgraph, null)) m_Subgraph = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(m_Subgraph.GetInstanceID()) as VisualEffectSubgraphBlock; if (m_SubChildren == null && subgraph != null) // if the subasset exists but the subchildren has not been recreated yet, return the existing slots RecreateCopy(); foreach (var param in GetParameters(InputPredicate).OrderBy(t => t.order)) { yield return VFXSubgraphUtility.GetPropertyFromInputParameter(param); } } } } static bool InputPredicate(VFXParameter param) { return && !param.isOutput; } IEnumerable GetParameters(Func predicate) { if (m_SubChildren == null) return Enumerable.Empty(); return m_SubChildren.OfType().Where(predicate).OrderBy(t => t.order); } bool m_isInOnEnable; private new void OnEnable() { m_isInOnEnable = true; base.OnEnable(); m_isInOnEnable = false; } void SubChildrenOnInvalidate(VFXModel model, InvalidationCause cause) { Invalidate(this, cause); } public override IEnumerable usedAttributes => m_SubChildren?.OfType().SelectMany(x => x.usedAttributes) ?? Array.Empty(); public override IEnumerable attributes { get { if (m_SubBlocks != null) { foreach (var block in m_SubBlocks) { foreach (var attribute in block.attributes) yield return attribute; } } } } public void RecreateCopy() { if (m_SubChildren != null) { foreach (var child in m_SubChildren) { if (child != null) { child.onInvalidateDelegate -= SubChildrenOnInvalidate; ScriptableObject.DestroyImmediate(child, true); } } } if (subgraph == null) { m_SubChildren = null; m_SubBlocks = null; m_UsedSubgraph = null; return; } var graph = m_Subgraph.GetResource().GetOrCreateGraph(); HashSet dependencies = new HashSet(); var context = graph.children.OfType().FirstOrDefault(); if (context == null) { m_SubChildren = null; m_SubBlocks = null; m_UsedSubgraph = null; return; } foreach (var child in graph.children.Where(t => t is VFXOperator || t is VFXParameter)) { dependencies.Add(child); child.CollectDependencies(dependencies); } foreach (var block in context.children) { dependencies.Add(block); block.CollectDependencies(dependencies); } var copy = VFXMemorySerializer.DuplicateObjects(dependencies.ToArray()); m_UsedSubgraph = graph; m_UsedSubgraph.SyncCustomAttributes(); m_SubChildren = copy.OfType().Where(t => t is VFXBlock || t is VFXOperator || t is VFXParameter).ToArray(); m_SubBlocks = m_SubChildren.OfType().ToArray(); foreach (var child in m_SubChildren) { child.CheckGraphBeforeImport(); child.onInvalidateDelegate += SubChildrenOnInvalidate; } foreach (var child in copy) { child.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; } foreach (var subgraphBlocks in m_SubBlocks.OfType()) subgraphBlocks.RecreateCopy(); SyncSlots(VFXSlot.Direction.kInput, true); ResyncCustomAttributes(); if (GetGraph() is { } mainGraph) { mainGraph.SyncCustomAttributes(); } } public void PatchInputExpressions() { if (m_SubChildren == null) return; var inputExpressions = new List(); foreach (var slot in inputSlots.SelectMany(t => t.GetExpressionSlots())) { inputExpressions.Add(slot.GetExpression()); } VFXSubgraphUtility.TransferExpressionToParameters(inputExpressions, GetParameters(t => VFXSubgraphUtility.InputPredicate(t)).OrderBy(t => t.order)); } public VFXModel[] subChildren => m_SubChildren; public IEnumerable recursiveSubBlocks { get { return m_SubBlocks == null || !isActive ? Enumerable.Empty() : (m_SubBlocks.SelectMany(t => t is VFXSubgraphBlock ? (t as VFXSubgraphBlock).recursiveSubBlocks : Enumerable.Repeat(t, 1))); } } public override bool isValid { get { if (m_Subgraph == null) return true; VFXGraph subGraph = m_Subgraph.GetResource().GetOrCreateGraph(); VFXBlockSubgraphContext blockContext = subGraph.children.OfType().First(); VFXContext parent = GetParent(); if (parent == null) return true; if (blockContext == null) return false; return (blockContext.compatibleContextType & parent.contextType) == parent.contextType; } } public override VFXContextType compatibleContexts { get { return (subgraph != null) ? subgraph.GetResource().GetOrCreateGraph().children.OfType().First().compatibleContextType : VFXContextType.All; } } public override VFXDataType compatibleData { get { return (subgraph != null) ? subgraph.GetResource().GetOrCreateGraph().children.OfType().First().ownedType : VFXDataType.Particle | VFXDataType.SpawnEvent; } } public override void CollectDependencies(HashSet objs, bool ownedOnly = true) { base.CollectDependencies(objs, ownedOnly); if (m_SubChildren == null || ownedOnly) return; foreach (var child in m_SubChildren) { if (!(child is VFXParameter)) { objs.Add(child); if (child is VFXModel) (child as VFXModel).CollectDependencies(objs, false); } } } public void SetSubblocksFlattenedParent() { VFXContext parent = GetParent(); foreach (var block in recursiveSubBlocks) block.flattenedParent = parent; } protected internal override void Invalidate(VFXModel model, InvalidationCause cause) { if (cause == InvalidationCause.kSettingChanged) { var graph = GetGraph(); if (graph != null && subgraph != null && m_Subgraph.GetResource() != null) { var otherGraph = m_Subgraph.GetResource().GetOrCreateGraph(); if (otherGraph == graph || otherGraph.subgraphDependencies.Contains(graph.GetResource().visualEffectObject)) m_Subgraph = null; // prevent cyclic dependencies. if (otherGraph != m_UsedSubgraph) RecreateCopy(); if (graph.GetResource().isSubgraph) // BuildSubgraphDependencies is called for vfx by recompilation, but in subgraph we must call it explicitely graph.BuildSubgraphDependencies(); } else if (m_UsedSubgraph != null) RecreateCopy(); } else if (cause == InvalidationCause.kParamChanged || cause == InvalidationCause.kExpressionValueInvalidated) { VFXSlot slot = model as VFXSlot; if (slot != null && slot.IsMasterSlot()) { int slotIndex = GetSlotIndex(slot); if (slotIndex >= 0) // Not a toggle slot { var parameter = m_SubChildren.OfType().FirstOrDefault(m => m.order == slotIndex); if (parameter != null) parameter.GetOutputSlot(0).Invalidate(InvalidationCause.kExpressionValueInvalidated); // Propagate value change event to subblock parameter } } } base.Invalidate(model, cause); } protected override void OnAdded() { base.OnAdded(); ResyncCustomAttributes(); } private void ResyncCustomAttributes() { var graph = GetGraph(); if (graph == null || m_SubChildren == null) { return; } foreach (var customAttribute in usedAttributes) { if (!graph.attributesManager.Exist( { graph.TryAddCustomAttribute(, customAttribute.type, customAttribute.description, true, out _); } else { graph.TryUpdateCustomAttribute(, CustomAttributeUtility.GetSignature(customAttribute.type), customAttribute.description, true); } graph.SetCustomAttributeDirty(); } } } }