using System; namespace UnityEngine.VFX.Utility { [ExecuteAlways] [RequireComponent(typeof(VisualEffect))] class VFXOutputEventPrefabSpawn : VFXOutputEventAbstractHandler { public override bool canExecuteInEditor => true; public uint instanceCount => m_InstanceCount; public GameObject prefabToSpawn => m_PrefabToSpawn; public bool parentInstances => m_ParentInstances; #pragma warning disable 414, 649 [SerializeField, Tooltip("The maximum number of prefabs that can be active at a time")] uint m_InstanceCount = 5; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The prefab to enable upon event received. Prefabs are created as hidden and stored in a pool, upon enabling this behavior. Upon receiving an event a prefab from the pool is enabled and will be disabled when reaching its lifetime.")] GameObject m_PrefabToSpawn; [SerializeField, Tooltip("Whether to attach prefab instances to current game object. Use this setting to treat position and angle attributes as local space.")] bool m_ParentInstances; #pragma warning restore 414, 649 #if UNITY_EDITOR bool m_Dirty = true; #endif [Tooltip("Whether to use the position attribute to set prefab position on spawn")] public bool usePosition = true; [Tooltip("Whether to use the angle attribute to set prefab rotation on spawn")] public bool useAngle = true; [Tooltip("Whether to use the scale attribute to set prefab localScale on spawn")] public bool useScale = true; [Tooltip("Whether to use the lifetime attribute to determine how long the prefab will be enabled")] public bool useLifetime = true; static readonly GameObject[] k_EmptyGameObjects = new GameObject[0]; static readonly float[] k_EmptyTimeToLive = new float[0]; GameObject[] m_Instances = k_EmptyGameObjects; float[] m_TimesToLive = k_EmptyTimeToLive; protected override void OnDisable() { base.OnDisable(); foreach (var instance in m_Instances) instance.SetActive(false); } void OnDestroy() { DisposeInstances(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR void OnValidate() { m_Dirty = true; } #endif void DisposeInstances() { foreach (var instance in m_Instances) { if (instance) { if (Application.isPlaying) Destroy(instance); else DestroyImmediate(instance); } } m_Instances = k_EmptyGameObjects; m_TimesToLive = k_EmptyTimeToLive; } static readonly int k_PositionID = Shader.PropertyToID("position"); static readonly int k_AngleID = Shader.PropertyToID("angle"); static readonly int k_ScaleID = Shader.PropertyToID("scale"); static readonly int k_LifetimeID = Shader.PropertyToID("lifetime"); void UpdateHideFlag(GameObject instance) { instance.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; //We are using HideInHierarchy to prevent unexpected deletion in edit mode. //instance.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave | HideFlags.NotEditable; } void CheckAndRebuildInstances() { bool rebuild = m_Instances.Length != m_InstanceCount; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (m_Dirty) { rebuild = true; m_Dirty = false; } #endif if (rebuild) { DisposeInstances(); if (m_PrefabToSpawn != null && m_InstanceCount != 0) { m_Instances = new GameObject[m_InstanceCount]; m_TimesToLive = new float[m_InstanceCount]; #if UNITY_EDITOR var prefabAssetType = UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetPrefabAssetType(m_PrefabToSpawn); #endif for (int i = 0; i < m_Instances.Length; i++) { GameObject newInstance = null; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (prefabAssetType != UnityEditor.PrefabAssetType.NotAPrefab) newInstance = UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(m_PrefabToSpawn) as GameObject; if (newInstance == null) newInstance = Instantiate(m_PrefabToSpawn); #else newInstance = Instantiate(m_PrefabToSpawn); #endif = $"{name} - #{i} - {}"; newInstance.SetActive(false); newInstance.transform.parent = m_ParentInstances ? transform : null; UpdateHideFlag(newInstance); m_Instances[i] = newInstance; m_TimesToLive[i] = float.NegativeInfinity; } } } } public override void OnVFXOutputEvent(VFXEventAttribute eventAttribute) { CheckAndRebuildInstances(); int freeIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < m_Instances.Length; i++) { if (!m_Instances[i].activeSelf) { freeIdx = i; break; } } if (freeIdx != -1) { var availableInstance = m_Instances[freeIdx]; availableInstance.SetActive(true); if (usePosition && eventAttribute.HasVector3(k_PositionID)) { if (m_ParentInstances) availableInstance.transform.localPosition = eventAttribute.GetVector3(k_PositionID); else availableInstance.transform.position = eventAttribute.GetVector3(k_PositionID); } if (useAngle && eventAttribute.HasVector3(k_AngleID)) { if (parentInstances) availableInstance.transform.localEulerAngles = eventAttribute.GetVector3(k_AngleID); else availableInstance.transform.eulerAngles = eventAttribute.GetVector3(k_AngleID); } if (useScale && eventAttribute.HasVector3(k_ScaleID)) availableInstance.transform.localScale = eventAttribute.GetVector3(k_ScaleID); if (useLifetime && eventAttribute.HasFloat(k_LifetimeID)) m_TimesToLive[freeIdx] = eventAttribute.GetFloat(k_LifetimeID); else m_TimesToLive[freeIdx] = float.NegativeInfinity; var handlers = availableInstance.GetComponentsInChildren(); foreach (var handler in handlers) handler.OnVFXEventAttribute(eventAttribute, m_VisualEffect); } //Else, can't find an instance available, ignoring. } void Update() { if (Application.isPlaying || (executeInEditor && canExecuteInEditor)) { CheckAndRebuildInstances(); var dt = Time.deltaTime; for (int i = 0; i < m_Instances.Length; i++) { #if UNITY_EDITOR //Reassign hide flag, "open prefab" could have resetted this hide flag. UpdateHideFlag(m_Instances[i]); #endif // Negative infinity for non-time managed if (m_TimesToLive[i] == float.NegativeInfinity) continue; // Else, manage time if (m_TimesToLive[i] <= 0.0f && m_Instances[i].activeSelf) m_Instances[i].SetActive(false); else m_TimesToLive[i] -= dt; } } else { DisposeInstances(); } } } }