using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.Tilemaps { /// /// Tool for doing an erase with the Tile Palette /// public sealed class EraseTool : TilemapEditorTool { private static class Styles { public static string tooltipStringFormat = "|Erase with active brush ({0})"; public static string shortcutId = GridPaintPaletteWindow.ShortcutIds.k_Erase; public static GUIContent toolContent = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Grid.EraserTool", GetTooltipText(tooltipStringFormat, shortcutId)); } /// /// Tooltip String Format for the EraseTool /// protected override string tooltipStringFormat { get { return Styles.tooltipStringFormat; } } /// /// Shortcut Id for the EraseTool /// protected override string shortcutId { get { return Styles.shortcutId; } } /// /// Toolbar Icon for the EraseTool /// public override GUIContent toolbarIcon { get { return Styles.toolContent; } } } }