# Light sources The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) includes multiple types of light sources. You can also control how lights spread, and attach them to a specific place or GameObject. | Page | Description | |-|-| |[Create and configure light sources](Light-Component.md)|Use the light component to add light sources to a scene.| |[Create and edit lights at runtime](creating-and-editing-lights-at-runtime.md)|Use the light component to modify lights while running an application.| |[Understand IES Light profiles](IES-Profile.md)|Learn how to use an IES file to control how a light spreads.| |[Anchor a light source](light-anchor.md)|Attach the position of a light source to a GameObject in your scene.| |[View and control a light from its perspective](lights-placement-tool.md)|Look through a light and change its properties.| |[Use light rendering layers](Rendering-Layers.md)|Make lights affect specific renderers.|