# Debug materials and shaders (MatCap mode) In MatCap mode, the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) replaces the functionality of the Scene view's Lighting button with a material capture (MatCap) view. MatCap mode uses an image that completely captures a Material, including baked-in lighting. When using MatCap mode, HDRP replaces all the Materials and lighting in the Scene with what's in the MatCap. MatCap mode is useful to navigate and get a sense of the Scene without setting up the Scene lighting. For example, if you were to edit a dark area, like the inside of a cave, MatCap mode makes it much easier to navigate in this low lighting. ## Using MatCap To activate MatCap mode, disable the Lighting toggle in the Scene view. ![](Images/MatCap1.png) MatCap mode preserves the normal maps and you can use the original Material albedo. To configure MatCap mode, go to **Edit** > **Preferences** > **HD Render Pipeline** and use the following properties. ## Properties 1. Open the **Graphics** tab in the **Preferences** window (menu: **Edit > Preferences > Graphics**). 2. Under **High Definition Render Pipeline** and **MatCap Mode**: ![](Images/MatCap_Settings.png) | **Property** | **Description** | | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | **Mix Albedo** | Enable to make HDRP mix the albedo of the Material with its material capture. | | **Intensity Scale** | Set the intensity of the material capture. This increases the brightness of the Scene. This is useful if the albedo darkens the Scene considerably. | ## Default material captures HDRP provides neutral and metallic default MatCaps. You can change the MatCap in your [HDRP Asset's](HDRP-Asset.md) **HDRenderPipelineResources**. To do this: 1. Select the HDRP Asset in the Project window to view it in the Inspector. 2. Enter [Debug mode](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/InspectorOptions.html) then find the **Render Pipeline Resources** property. 3. Double-click the asset assigned to the **Render Pipeline Resources** property to view it in the Inspector. 4. Go to the **Textures** section and assign your custom MatCap Texture to the **MatCap Tex** property. You can also activate MatCap view as a **Lighting Debug Mode** in the [Rendering Debugger](use-the-rendering-debugger.md). ## MatCap examples ![](Images/MatCap2.png) MatCap off ![](Images/MatCap3.png) MatCap on ![](Images/MatCap4.png) MatCap on with albedo