using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditorInternal; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering; namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.HighDefinition { static partial class HDProbeUI { [Flags] internal enum ToolBar { None = 0, InfluenceShape = 1 << 0, Blend = 1 << 1, NormalBlend = 1 << 2, CapturePosition = 1 << 3, MirrorPosition = 1 << 4, MirrorRotation = 1 << 5, ShowChromeGizmo = 1 << 6, //not really an edit mode. Should be move later to contextual tool overlay } internal interface IProbeUISettingsProvider { ProbeSettingsOverride displayedCaptureSettings { get; } ProbeSettingsOverride displayedAdvancedCaptureSettings { get; } ProbeSettingsOverride displayedCustomSettings { get; } Type customTextureType { get; } ToolBar[] toolbars { get; } Dictionary shortcuts { get; } } // Constants const EditMode.SceneViewEditMode EditBaseShape = (EditMode.SceneViewEditMode)100; const EditMode.SceneViewEditMode EditInfluenceShape = (EditMode.SceneViewEditMode)101; const EditMode.SceneViewEditMode EditInfluenceNormalShape = (EditMode.SceneViewEditMode)102; const EditMode.SceneViewEditMode EditCapturePosition = (EditMode.SceneViewEditMode)103; const EditMode.SceneViewEditMode EditMirrorPosition = (EditMode.SceneViewEditMode)104; const EditMode.SceneViewEditMode EditMirrorRotation = (EditMode.SceneViewEditMode)105; //Note: EditMode.SceneViewEditMode.ReflectionProbeOrigin is still used //by legacy reflection probe and have its own mecanism that we don't want static readonly Dictionary k_ToolbarMode = new Dictionary { { ToolBar.InfluenceShape, EditBaseShape }, { ToolBar.Blend, EditInfluenceShape }, { ToolBar.NormalBlend, EditInfluenceNormalShape }, { ToolBar.CapturePosition, EditCapturePosition }, { ToolBar.MirrorPosition, EditMirrorPosition }, { ToolBar.MirrorRotation, EditMirrorRotation } }; // Probe Setting Mode cache static readonly GUIContent[] k_ModeContents = { new GUIContent("Baked"), new GUIContent("Custom"), new GUIContent("Realtime") }; static readonly int[] k_ModeValues = { (int)ProbeSettings.Mode.Baked, (int)ProbeSettings.Mode.Custom, (int)ProbeSettings.Mode.Realtime }; internal struct Drawer where TProvider : struct, IProbeUISettingsProvider, InfluenceVolumeUI.IInfluenceUISettingsProvider { // Toolbar content cache static readonly EditMode.SceneViewEditMode[][] k_ListModes; static readonly GUIContent[][] k_ListContent; static Drawer() { var provider = new TProvider(); // Build toolbar content cache var toolbars = provider.toolbars; k_ListContent = new GUIContent[toolbars.Length][]; k_ListModes = new EditMode.SceneViewEditMode[toolbars.Length][]; var listMode = new List(); var listContent = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < toolbars.Length; ++i) { listMode.Clear(); listContent.Clear(); var toolBar = toolbars[i]; for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(int) * 8; ++j) { var toolbarJ = (ToolBar)(1 << j); if ((toolBar & toolbarJ) > 0) { if (toolBar == ToolBar.ShowChromeGizmo) { listContent.Add(k_ToolbarContents[toolbarJ]); } else { listMode.Add(k_ToolbarMode[toolbarJ]); listContent.Add(k_ToolbarContents[toolbarJ]); } } } k_ListContent[i] = listContent.ToArray(); k_ListModes[i] = listMode.ToArray(); } } // Tool bars public static void DrawToolbars(SerializedHDProbe serialized, Editor owner) { var provider = new TProvider(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUI.changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < k_ListModes.Length - 1; ++i) EditMode.DoInspectorToolbar(k_ListModes[i], k_ListContent[i], HDEditorUtils.GetBoundsGetter(owner), owner); //Special case: show chrome gizmo should be mouved to overlay tool. //meanwhile, display it as an option of toolbar EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); IHDProbeEditor probeEditor = owner as IHDProbeEditor; int selected = probeEditor.showChromeGizmo ? 0 : -1; int newSelected = GUILayout.Toolbar(selected, new[] { k_ListContent[k_ListModes.Length - 1][0] }, GUILayout.Height(20), GUILayout.Width(30)); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { //allow deselection if (selected >= 0 && newSelected == selected) selected = -1; else selected = newSelected; probeEditor.showChromeGizmo = selected == 0; SceneView.RepaintAll(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } public static void DoToolbarShortcutKey(Editor owner) { var provider = new TProvider(); var toolbars = provider.toolbars; var shortcuts = provider.shortcuts; var evt = Event.current; if (evt.type != EventType.KeyDown || !evt.shift) return; if (shortcuts.TryGetValue(evt.keyCode, out ToolBar toolbar)) { bool used = false; foreach (ToolBar t in toolbars) { if ((t & toolbar) > 0) { used = true; break; } } if (!used) return; var targetMode = k_ToolbarMode[toolbar]; var mode = EditMode.editMode == targetMode ? EditMode.SceneViewEditMode.None : targetMode; EditorApplication.delayCall += () => EditMode.ChangeEditMode(mode, HDEditorUtils.GetBoundsGetter(owner)(), owner); evt.Use(); } } // Drawers public static void DrawPrimarySettings(SerializedHDProbe serialized, Editor owner) { var provider = new TProvider(); #if !ENABLE_BAKED_PLANAR if (serialized is SerializedPlanarReflectionProbe) { serialized.probeSettings.mode.intValue = (int)ProbeSettings.Mode.Realtime; } else { #endif // Probe Mode EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(serialized.probeSettings.mode, k_ModeContents, k_ModeValues, k_BakeTypeContent); #if !ENABLE_BAKED_PLANAR } #endif switch ((ProbeSettings.Mode)serialized.probeSettings.mode.intValue) { case ProbeSettings.Mode.Realtime: { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serialized.probeSettings.realtimeMode); if ((ProbeSettings.ProbeType)serialized.probeSettings.type.intValue == ProbeSettings.ProbeType.ReflectionProbe) EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serialized.probeSettings.timeSlicing, k_TimeSlicingContent); break; } case ProbeSettings.Mode.Custom: { Rect lineRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, 64); EditorGUI.BeginProperty(lineRect, k_CustomTextureContent, serialized.customTexture); { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var customTexture = EditorGUI.ObjectField(lineRect, k_CustomTextureContent, serialized.customTexture.objectReferenceValue, provider.customTextureType, false); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) serialized.customTexture.objectReferenceValue = customTexture; } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); break; } } } public static void DrawCaptureSettings(SerializedHDProbe serialized, Editor owner) { var provider = new TProvider(); ProbeSettingsUI.Draw(serialized.probeSettings, owner, provider.displayedCaptureSettings); } public static void DrawCaptureSettingsAdditionalProperties(SerializedHDProbe serialized, Editor owner) { var provider = new TProvider(); ProbeSettingsUI.Draw(serialized.probeSettings, owner, provider.displayedAdvancedCaptureSettings); } public static void DrawCustomSettings(SerializedHDProbe serialized, Editor owner) { var provider = new TProvider(); ProbeSettingsUI.Draw(serialized.probeSettings, owner, provider.displayedCustomSettings); } public static void DrawInfluenceSettings(SerializedHDProbe serialized, Editor owner) { InfluenceVolumeUI.Draw(serialized.probeSettings.influence, owner); } public static void DrawProjectionSettings(SerializedHDProbe serialized, Editor owner) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serialized.proxyVolume, k_ProxyVolumeContent); if ( == null) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serialized.probeSettings.proxyUseInfluenceVolumeAsProxyVolume); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) serialized.Apply(); } if (serialized.proxyVolume.objectReferenceValue != null) { var proxy = (ReflectionProxyVolumeComponent)serialized.proxyVolume.objectReferenceValue; if (proxy.proxyVolume.shape != serialized.probeSettings.influence.shape.GetEnumValue() && proxy.proxyVolume.shape != ProxyShape.Infinite) EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( k_ProxyInfluenceShapeMismatchHelpBoxText, MessageType.Error, true ); } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( serialized.probeSettings.proxyUseInfluenceVolumeAsProxyVolume.boolValue ? k_NoProxyHelpBoxText : k_NoProxyInfiniteHelpBoxText, MessageType.Info, true ); } // Don't display distanceBasedRoughness if the projection is infinite (as in this case we force distanceBasedRoughness to be 0 in code) if (owner is HDReflectionProbeEditor && !(serialized.proxyVolume.objectReferenceValue == null && serialized.probeSettings.proxyUseInfluenceVolumeAsProxyVolume.boolValue == false)) EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serialized.probeSettings.distanceBasedRoughness, EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Distance Based Roughness", "When enabled, HDRP uses the assigned Proxy Volume to calculate distance based roughness for reflections. This produces more physically-accurate results if the Proxy Volume closely matches the environment.")); } static readonly string[] k_BakeCustomOptionText = { "Bake as new Cubemap..." }; static readonly string[] k_BakeButtonsText = { "Bake All Reflection Probes" }; public static void DrawBakeButton(SerializedHDProbe serialized, Editor owner) { // Disable baking of multiple probes with different modes if (serialized.probeSettings.mode.hasMultipleDifferentValues) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "Baking is not possible when selecting probe with different modes", MessageType.Info ); return; } //Display a warning for the user if we are not in the quality setting with the highest resolution setting for reflection probes if (!IsHighestSettingForCubeResolution()) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "You are currently not in the highest quality setting, if you bake now the reflection probe resolution will be lower than it should be for higher quality levels.", MessageType.Warning); } // Check if current mode support baking var mode = (ProbeSettings.Mode)serialized.probeSettings.mode.intValue; var doesModeSupportBaking = mode == ProbeSettings.Mode.Custom || mode == ProbeSettings.Mode.Baked; if (!doesModeSupportBaking) return; var probeType = (ProbeSettings.ProbeType)serialized.probeSettings.type.intValue; // Check if all scene are saved to a file (requirement to bake probes) foreach (var target in serialized.serializedObject.targetObjects) { var comp = (Component)target; var go = comp.gameObject; var scene = go.scene; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scene.path)) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "Baking is possible only if all open scenes are saved on disk. " + "Please save the scenes before baking.", MessageType.Info ); return; } } switch (mode) { case ProbeSettings.Mode.Custom: { if ( { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The Resolution of this Probe has been set to Off, it therefore cannot be baked", MessageType.Info); } else { if (ButtonWithDropdownList( EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent( "Bake", "Bakes Probe's texture, overwriting the existing texture asset (if any)." ), k_BakeCustomOptionText, data => { switch ((int)data) { case 0: RenderInCustomAsset(, false); break; } })) { RenderInCustomAsset(, true); } } break; } case ProbeSettings.Mode.Baked: { #pragma warning disable 618 if (UnityEditor.Lightmapping.giWorkflowMode != UnityEditor.Lightmapping.GIWorkflowMode.OnDemand) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Baking of this probe is automatic because this probe's type is 'Baked' and the Lighting window is using 'Auto Baking'. The texture created is stored in the GI cache.", MessageType.Info); break; } #pragma warning restore 618 GUI.enabled =; if ( { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The Resolution of this Probe has been set to Off, it therefore cannot be baked", MessageType.Info); } else { // Bake button in non-continous mode if (ButtonWithDropdownList( EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Bake"), k_BakeButtonsText, data => { if ((int)data == 0) { var system = ScriptableBakedReflectionSystemSettings.system; system.BakeAllReflectionProbes(); } }, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { HDBakedReflectionSystem.BakeProbes(serialized.serializedObject.targetObjects .OfType().ToArray()); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } GUI.enabled = true; var staticLightingSky = SkyManager.GetStaticLightingSky(); if (staticLightingSky != null && staticLightingSky.profile != null) { var skyType = staticLightingSky.staticLightingSkyUniqueID == 0 ? "no Sky" : SkyManager.skyTypesDict[staticLightingSky.staticLightingSkyUniqueID].Name .ToString(); var cloudType = staticLightingSky.staticLightingCloudsUniqueID == 0 ? "no Clouds" : SkyManager.cloudTypesDict[staticLightingSky.staticLightingCloudsUniqueID].Name .ToString(); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( $"Static Lighting Sky uses {skyType} and {cloudType} of profile {}.", MessageType.Info); } } break; } case ProbeSettings.Mode.Realtime: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } public static void DrawSHNormalizationStatus(SerializedHDProbe serialized, Editor owner) { if (HDRenderPipeline.currentAsset.currentPlatformRenderPipelineSettings.lightProbeSystem != RenderPipelineSettings.LightProbeSystem.AdaptiveProbeVolumes) return; const string kResolution = " Please ensure that probe positions are valid (not inside static geometry) then bake lighting to regenerate data."; const string kMixedMode = "Unable to show normalization data validity when selecting probes with different modes."; const string kMixedValidity = "Baked reflection probe normalization data is partially invalid." + kResolution; const string kValid = "Baked reflection probe normalization data is valid."; const string kInvalid = "Baked reflection probe normalization data is invalid." + kResolution; var spMode = serialized.serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ProbeSettings.mode"); var spValid = serialized.serializedObject.FindProperty("m_HasValidSHForNormalization"); if (spMode.intValue != (int)ProbeSettings.Mode.Baked) return; EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (spMode.hasMultipleDifferentValues) EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(kMixedMode, MessageType.Info); else if (spValid.hasMultipleDifferentValues) EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(kMixedValidity, MessageType.Warning); else EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(spValid.boolValue ? kValid : kInvalid, spValid.boolValue ? MessageType.Info : MessageType.Warning); } static MethodInfo k_EditorGUI_ButtonWithDropdownList = typeof(EditorGUI).GetMethod("ButtonWithDropdownList", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, CallingConventions.Any, new[] { typeof(GUIContent), typeof(string[]), typeof(GenericMenu.MenuFunction2), typeof(GUILayoutOption[]) }, new ParameterModifier[0]); static bool ButtonWithDropdownList(GUIContent content, string[] buttonNames, GenericMenu.MenuFunction2 callback, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { return (bool)k_EditorGUI_ButtonWithDropdownList.Invoke(null, new object[] { content, buttonNames, callback, options }); } static void RenderInCustomAsset(HDProbe probe, bool useExistingCustomAsset) { var provider = new TProvider(); string assetPath = null; if (useExistingCustomAsset && probe.customTexture != null && !probe.customTexture.Equals(null)) assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(probe.customTexture); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath)) { assetPath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject( "Save custom capture",, "exr", "Save custom capture"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath)) { var target = (RenderTexture)HDProbeSystem.CreateRenderTargetForMode( probe, ProbeSettings.Mode.Custom ); HDBakedReflectionSystem.RenderAndWriteToFile( probe, assetPath, target, out var cameraSettings, out var cameraPositionSettings ); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(assetPath); HDBakedReflectionSystem.ImportAssetAt(probe, assetPath); CoreUtils.Destroy(target); var assetTarget = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath); probe.SetTexture(ProbeSettings.Mode.Custom, assetTarget); probe.SetRenderData(ProbeSettings.Mode.Custom, new HDProbe.RenderData(cameraSettings, cameraPositionSettings)); EditorUtility.SetDirty(probe); } } } static internal void Drawer_DifferentShapeError(SerializedHDProbe serialized, Editor owner) { var proxy = serialized.proxyVolume.objectReferenceValue as ReflectionProxyVolumeComponent; if (proxy != null && proxy.proxyVolume.shape != serialized.probeSettings.influence.shape.GetEnumValue() && proxy.proxyVolume.shape != ProxyShape.Infinite) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( k_ProxyInfluenceShapeMismatchHelpBoxText, MessageType.Error, true ); } } static internal bool IsHighestSettingForCubeResolution() { HDRenderPipelineAsset currentAsset = (QualitySettings.renderPipeline as HDRenderPipelineAsset); if(currentAsset == null) { return true; } CubeReflectionResolution highestTierInCurrent = GetHighestCubemapResolutionSetting(currentAsset.currentPlatformRenderPipelineSettings); CubeReflectionResolution highestResolution = highestTierInCurrent; //Iterate over every quality setting to check their settings for the cubemap resolution for (int i = 0; i < QualitySettings.count; ++i) { var asset = QualitySettings.GetRenderPipelineAssetAt(i) as HDRenderPipelineAsset; if (asset != null) { //Iterate through reflection cube map quality tiers CubeReflectionResolution highestInTier = GetHighestCubemapResolutionSetting(asset.currentPlatformRenderPipelineSettings); if (highestInTier > highestResolution) { highestResolution = highestInTier; } } } return highestResolution == highestTierInCurrent; } //Iterating over every CubeReflectionResolutionTier for a certain RenderPipelineSetting and return the highest value found static internal CubeReflectionResolution GetHighestCubemapResolutionSetting(RenderPipelineSettings settings) { CubeReflectionResolution highestTierInCurrent = CubeReflectionResolution.CubeReflectionResolution0; //Iterate through reflection cube map quality tiers, hardcoded to 3 tiers as they are always low, medium and high and there //doesnt seem to be a better way to iterate over ScalableSettings for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var res = settings.cubeReflectionResolution[i]; if(res > highestTierInCurrent) { highestTierInCurrent = res; } } return highestTierInCurrent; } static internal void Drawer_ToolBarButton( ToolBar button, Editor owner, params GUILayoutOption[] options ) => HDEditorUtils.DrawToolBarButton(button, owner, k_ToolbarMode, k_ToolbarContents, options); } }