{ "name": "com.unity.terrain-tools", "displayName": "Terrain Tools", "version": "5.1.0", "unity": "2023.1", "unityRelease": "0a25", "description": "The Terrain Tools package adds additional Terrain sculpting brushes and tools to Unity. This add-on toolset is suitable if you require more control over the appearance of your Terrain, and want to streamline Terrain workflows. It’s also useful when you want to make more complex-looking Terrain, or author Terrain Texture data in external digital content creation tools.", "dependencies": { "com.unity.modules.terrain": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.terrainphysics": "1.0.0" }, "keywords": [ "Terrain", "Brush", "Toolbox", "Mask", "Filter", "Noise" ], "_upm": { "changelog": "### Changed:\n- Documentation updates for filterstacks, creating custom tools, brush controls, and brush mask filters\n- Reverted some breaking API changes to OnInspector and OnToolSettings\n\n## Added:\n- HasBrushAttribute properties in example code\n\n## Fixed:\n- Memory leak on CondensedSlider" }, "upmCi": { "footprint": "649245526d5e130c6c377ca4ffe618b9626dc9b5" }, "documentationUrl": "https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.terrain-tools@5.1/manual/index.html", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/TerrainTools.git", "type": "git", "revision": "cf308d1839c90e92f613ab06cebfb2ebee581553" }, "_fingerprint": "69763fd5d928a83e52365b8a4ae60ec99e1c1d71" }