using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using PvpXray; using Semver; using UnityEditor.PackageManager.ValidationSuite.ValidationTests.Standards; namespace UnityEditor.PackageManager.ValidationSuite.ValidationTests { internal class ManifestValidation : BaseValidation { readonly SemVerCheckUS0005 semVerCheckUS0005 = new SemVerCheckUS0005(); readonly PackageNamingConventionUS0006 packageNamingConventionUs0006 = new PackageNamingConventionUS0006(); readonly ValidPackageManifestUS0007 validPackageManifestUs0007 = new ValidPackageManifestUS0007(); readonly DependencyVersionsCorrectlyIndicatedUS0084 dependencyVersionsCorrectlyIndicatedUs0084 = new DependencyVersionsCorrectlyIndicatedUS0084(); internal override List ImplementedStandardsList => new List { semVerCheckUS0005, packageNamingConventionUs0006, validPackageManifestUs0007, dependencyVersionsCorrectlyIndicatedUs0084, }; internal static readonly int MaxDisplayNameLength = 50; internal static readonly string k_DocsFilePath = "manifest_validation_error.html"; public ManifestValidation() { TestName = "Manifest Validation"; TestDescription = "Validate that the information found in the manifest is well formatted."; TestCategory = TestCategory.DataValidation; SupportedValidations = new[] { ValidationType.CI, ValidationType.LocalDevelopment, ValidationType.LocalDevelopmentInternal, ValidationType.Promotion, ValidationType.VerifiedSet }; //TODO: this validation contains many standards check, not sure if all of them should be run against FeatureSet //We might need to somehow split the checks into their own classes so we can filter on that. SupportedPackageTypes = new[] { PackageType.Template, PackageType.Tooling, PackageType.FeatureSet }; } protected override void Run() { // Start by declaring victory TestState = TestState.Succeeded; var manifestData = Context.ProjectPackageInfo; if (manifestData == null) { AddError("Manifest not available. Not validating manifest contents."); return; } ValidateManifestMarshalling(manifestData); validPackageManifestUs0007.Check(manifestData, Context.ValidationType); packageNamingConventionUs0006.Check(, manifestData.displayName); ValidateAuthor(manifestData); semVerCheckUS0005.Check(manifestData.version); ValidateDependencies(); dependencyVersionsCorrectlyIndicatedUs0084.Check(manifestData); } private void ValidateManifestMarshalling(ManifestData manifestData) { foreach (var marshallError in manifestData.decodingErrors) { AddError(marshallError.Message); } } private void ValidateDependencies() { // Check if there are dependencies to check and exit early if (Context.ProjectPackageInfo.dependencies.Count == 0) return; var isFeature = Context.ProjectPackageInfo.PackageType == PackageType.FeatureSet; // Make sure all dependencies are already published in production. foreach (var dependency in Context.ProjectPackageInfo.dependencies) { // Check if the dependency semver is valid before doing anything else SemVersion depVersion; if (!isFeature && !SemVersion.TryParse(dependency.Value, out depVersion)) { AddError(@"In package.json, dependency ""{0}"" : ""{1}"" needs to be a valid ""Semver"". {2}", dependency.Key, dependency.Value, ErrorDocumentation.GetLinkMessage(ManifestValidation.k_DocsFilePath, "dependency-needs-to-be-a-valid-semver")); continue; } var dependencyInfo = Utilities.UpmListOffline(dependency.Key).FirstOrDefault(); // Built in packages are shipped with the editor, and will therefore never be published to production. if (dependencyInfo != null && dependencyInfo.source == PackageSource.BuiltIn) { continue; } // Check if this package's dependencies are in production. That is a requirement for promotion. // make sure to check the version actually resolved by upm and not the one necessarily listed by the package // If the packageId is included in Context.packageIdsForPromotion then we can skip this check, as the package // is expected to be promoted by another process var version = dependencyInfo != null ? dependencyInfo.version : dependency.Value; var packageId = new PackageId(dependency.Key, version); if (Context.ValidationType != ValidationType.VerifiedSet && (Context.packageIdsForPromotion == null || Context.packageIdsForPromotion.Length < 1 || !Context.packageIdsForPromotion.Contains(packageId.Id)) && !Utilities.PackageExistsOnProduction(packageId)) { // ignore if package is part of the context already if (Context.ValidationType == ValidationType.Promotion || Context.ValidationType == ValidationType.AssetStore) AddError("Package dependency {0} is not promoted in production. {1}", packageId, ErrorDocumentation.GetLinkMessage(ManifestValidation.k_DocsFilePath, "package-dependency-[packageID]-is-not-published-in-production")); else AddWarning("Package dependency {0} must be promoted to production before this package is promoted to production. (Except for core packages)", packageId); } // only check this in CI or internal local development // Make sure the dependencies I ask for that exist in the project have the good version if (Context.ValidationType == ValidationType.CI || Context.ValidationType == ValidationType.LocalDevelopmentInternal) { PackageInfo packageInfo = Utilities.UpmListOffline(dependency.Key).FirstOrDefault(); if (packageInfo != null && packageInfo.version != dependency.Value) { AddWarning("Package {2} depends on {0}, which is found locally but with another version. To remove this warning, in the package.json file of {2}, change the dependency of {0}@{1} to {0}@{3}.", dependency.Key, dependency.Value,, packageInfo.version); } } } // TODO: Validate the Package dependencies meet the minimum editor requirement (eg: 2018.3 minimum for package A is 2, make sure I don't use 1) } private void ValidateAuthor(ManifestData manifestData) { if (manifestData.IsAuthoredByUnity()) { ValidateUnityAuthor(manifestData); } else { ValidateNonUnityAuthor(manifestData); } } private void ValidateUnityAuthor(ManifestData manifestData) { if ( != null) { // make sure it is not present in order to have a unified presentation of the author for all of our packages AddError("A Unity package must not have an author field. Please remove the field. {0}", ErrorDocumentation.GetLinkMessage(ManifestValidation.k_DocsFilePath, "a_unity_package_must_not_have_an_author_field")); } } // the author field is required for non-unity packages private void ValidateNonUnityAuthor(ManifestData manifestData) { // if authordetails is set, then author == "" if (String.IsNullOrEmpty( && manifestData.authorDetails == null) { AddError( "The `author` field is mandatory. Please add an `author` field in your package.json file", ErrorDocumentation.GetLinkMessage(ManifestValidation.k_DocsFilePath, "author_is_mandatory")); return; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty( && manifestData.authorDetails == null) { return; // valid } // non unity packages should have either a string or AuthorDetails { name: ""*, email: "", url: ""} if (String.IsNullOrEmpty( { AddError( "Invalid `author` field. The `author` field in your package.json file can be a string or an object ( name, email, url ), where `name` is mandatory. {0}", ErrorDocumentation.GetLinkMessage(ManifestValidation.k_DocsFilePath, "author_is_invalid")); } } } }