using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Semver; namespace UnityEditor.PackageManager.ValidationSuite.ValidationTests.Standards { class ValidPackageManifestUS0007 : BaseStandardChecker { public override string StandardCode => "US-0007"; public override StandardVersion Version => new StandardVersion(1, 0, 2); const string UnityRegex = @"^[0-9]{4}\.[0-9]+$"; const string UnityReleaseRegex = @"^[0-9]+[a|b|f]{1}[0-9]+$"; const int MinDescriptionSize = 50; public void Check(ManifestData manifestData, ValidationType validationType) { // Check Description, make sure it's there, and not too short. if (manifestData.description.Length < MinDescriptionSize) { AddError($"In package.json, \"description\" is too short. Minimum Length = {MinDescriptionSize}. Current Length = {manifestData.description.Length}. {ErrorDocumentation.GetLinkMessage(ManifestValidation.k_DocsFilePath, "description-is-too-short")}"); } // check unity field, if it's there if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifestData.unity) && (manifestData.unity.Length > 6 || !Regex.Match(manifestData.unity, UnityRegex).Success)) { AddError($"In package.json, \"unity\" is invalid. It should only be . (e.g. 2018.4). Current unity = {manifestData.unity}. {ErrorDocumentation.GetLinkMessage(ManifestValidation.k_DocsFilePath, "unity-is-invalid")}"); } // check unityRelease field, if it's there if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifestData.unityRelease)) { // it should be valid if (!Regex.Match(manifestData.unityRelease, UnityReleaseRegex).Success) { AddError( $"In package.json, \"unityRelease\" is invalid. Current unityRelease = {manifestData.unityRelease}. {ErrorDocumentation.GetLinkMessage(ManifestValidation.k_DocsFilePath, "unityrelease-is-invalid")}"); } // it should be accompanied of a unity field if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifestData.unity)) { AddError( $"In package.json, \"unityRelease\" needs a \"unity\" field to be used. {ErrorDocumentation.GetLinkMessage(ManifestValidation.k_DocsFilePath, "unityrelease-without-unity")}"); } } // check documentation url field if (validationType == ValidationType.Promotion || validationType == ValidationType.CI) { if (!SemVersion.TryParse(manifestData.version, out var parsedVersion)) { AddError("Failed to extract major and minor version from \"version\" property in package.json."); return; } var allowedDocumentationUrl = $"{}@{parsedVersion.Major}.{parsedVersion.Minor}/manual/index.html"; // TODO: The standard says "The field documentationUrl is empty" but not "when running tests on CI, or during promotion" // Allow documentation URL to be set explicitly (PVS-101). Note that this is not currently allowed by the standard. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manifestData.documentationUrl) && manifestData.documentationUrl != allowedDocumentationUrl) { AddError("In package.json, \"documentationUrl\" can't be used for Unity packages. It is a features reserved for enterprise customers. The Unity documentation team will ensure the package's documentation is published in the appropriate fashion"); } } else { AddInformation("Skipping Git tags check as this is a package in development."); } } } }