using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace PvpXray { class ChangelogVerifier : Verifier.IChecker { const string k_Changelog = ""; static readonly Regex k_H2Pattern = new Regex(@"^## (?.*?)\r?$", RegexOptions.Multiline); static readonly Regex k_HeaderPattern = new Regex(@"^\[(?.*)\]( - (?\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}))?$"); const string k_DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; public static string[] Checks => new[] { "PVP-40-1", // Changelog sections are well-formed (US-0039) "PVP-41-1", // Changelog has no [Unreleased] section (US-0039) "PVP-43-1", // Changelog has entry for package version (US-0039) }; public static int PassCount => 1; readonly Verifier.Context m_Context; public ChangelogVerifier(Verifier.Context context) { m_Context = context; if (!context.Files.Contains(k_Changelog)) { throw new Verifier.FailAllException($"{k_Changelog}: file could not be read as UTF-8 text"); } } static int LineNumber(string text, int index) { var lineNumber = 1; for (var i = 0; i < index; i++) { if (text[i] == '\n') { lineNumber++; } } return lineNumber; } public void CheckItem(Verifier.PackageFile file, int passIndex) { if (file.Path != k_Changelog) return; var changelog = file.ReadToStringLegacy(); var h2Matches = k_H2Pattern.Matches(changelog); if (h2Matches.Count == 0) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-40-1", $"{k_Changelog}: at least one changelog section is required"); m_Context.AddError("PVP-43-1", $"{k_Changelog}: missing Unreleased section or section for package version"); } foreach (var (h2Match, sectionIndex) in h2Matches.Cast().Select((match, index) => (match, index))) { var h2Text = h2Match.Groups["text"].Value; string cachedLocation = null; string Location() => cachedLocation = cachedLocation ?? $"line {LineNumber(changelog, h2Match.Index)}"; void AddErrorWithLocation(string checkId, string error) => m_Context.AddError(checkId, $"{k_Changelog}: {Location()}: {error}"); var headerMatch = k_HeaderPattern.Match(h2Text); if (!headerMatch.Success) { AddErrorWithLocation("PVP-40-1", $"header must match regex: {k_HeaderPattern}"); continue; } var version = headerMatch.Groups["version"].Value; var dateGroup = headerMatch.Groups["date"]; var firstSection = sectionIndex == 0; if (version == "Unreleased") { if (dateGroup.Success) { AddErrorWithLocation("PVP-40-1", "Unreleased section header must not specify a date"); } if (!firstSection) { AddErrorWithLocation("PVP-40-1", "Unreleased section is not the first section"); } AddErrorWithLocation("PVP-41-1", "Unreleased section is not allowed for public release"); } else { if (!PackageId.ValidSemVer.IsMatch(version)) { AddErrorWithLocation("PVP-40-1", "version must be a valid SemVer version"); } if (dateGroup.Success) { var date = dateGroup.Value; if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(date, k_DateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out _)) { AddErrorWithLocation("PVP-40-1", $"date must be valid and match format: {k_DateFormat}"); } } else { AddErrorWithLocation("PVP-40-1", "date must be specified"); } if (firstSection) { try { if (version != m_Context.Manifest["version"].String) { AddErrorWithLocation("PVP-43-1", "version in first section header doesn't match version in package manifest"); } } catch (SimpleJsonException e) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-43-1", e.FullMessage); } } } } } public void Finish() { } } }