using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace PvpXray { class PathVerifier : Verifier.IChecker { // REMEMBER: Checks must not be changed once added. Any modifications must be implemented as a NEW check. // Note: These path validations are all run on LOWERCASE paths (unless explicitly using "XxxWithCase"). // Use only Ordinal string comparisons (and Invariant transforms); see StringExtensions.cs. static readonly (string, Func)[] k_SinglePathValidations = { // PVP-21-1: No JPEG image assets (US-0110) ("PVP-21-1", e => e.HasComponent("documentation~", "tests") || !e.HasExtension(".jpg", ".jpeg")), // PVP-22-1: File paths may not exceed 140 characters (US-0113) ("PVP-22-1", e => e.Path.Length <= 140), // PVP-23-1: Restricted filename extensions (US-0115) ("PVP-23-1", e => !e.HasExtension(".bat", ".bin", ".com", ".csh", ".dom", ".exe", ".jse", ".msi", ".msp", ".mst", ".ps1", ".vb", ".vbe", ".vbs", ".vbscript", ".vs", ".vsd", ".vsh")), // PVP-24-1: Restricted filenames (US-0115) ("PVP-24-1", e => !e.HasFilename("assetstoretools.dll", "assetstoretoolsextra.dll", "droidsansmono.ttf", "csc.rsp")), // PVP-25-1: Unapproved filenames (US-0115) ("PVP-25-1", e => e.Filename != "standard assets" && !e.Filename.StartsWithOrdinal("standard assets.") && !e.HasExtension(".unitypackage", ".zip", ".rar", ".lib", ".dll", ".js")), // PVP-33-1: No filenames that ought to never appear in a package ("PVP-33-1", e => !e.HasFilename( ".ds_store", ".volumeicon.icns", ".apdisk", ".localized", // macOS ".appcollector.yaml", ".appcollector.yml", "appcollector.yaml", "appcollector.yml", // AppCollector ".buginfo", // Buginfo ".editorconfig", // EditorConfig ".eslintrc.js", ".eslintrc.cjs", ".eslintrc.yaml", ".eslintrc.yml", ".eslintrc.json", ".eslintignore", "eslint.config.js", // ESLint ".gitattributes", ".gitignore", ".gitmodules", // Git ".gitlab-ci.yml", // GitLab ".hgeol", ".hgignore", ".hgsub", ".hgsubstate", ".hgtags", // Mercurial ".npmignore", ".npmrc", "npm-debug.log", // npm ".readme -", "readme -", // Package Starter Kit meta docs ("external instructions for partners") ".repoconfig", // unity-meta formatting tools ".sample.json", ".tests.json", "build.bat", "", // UPM-CI "catalog-info.yaml", "catalog-info.yml", // Backstage "codecov.yml", // Codecov "codeowners", "", "", // GitHub ".lock-wscript", "config.gypi", // Node.js "", // Internal quality report "renovate.json", "renovate.json5", ".renovaterc", ".renovaterc.json", ".renovaterc.json5", // Renovate "sonarqube.analysis.xml", // SonarQube "testrunneroptions.json") // UTR && e.Path != "" // Contribution document rarely makes sense outside repository context. && !e.Filename.StartsWithOrdinal("._") // macOS && !e.Filename.StartsWithOrdinal(".wafpickle-") // Node.js && !e.HasExtension( ".api", // API file ".orig", // Merge backup file ".swp") // Vim swap file && !e.HasDirectoryComponent( ".build_script", "upm-ci~", // UPM-CI ".documentrevisions-v100", ".spotlight-v100", ".temporaryitems", ".trash", ".trashes", ".fseventsd", "__macosx", // macOS ".editor", // unity-downloader-cli ".git", // Git ".github", // GitHub ".gitlab", // GitLab ".hg", ".hglf", // Mercurial ".idea", ".vs", ".vscode", // IDEs ".svn", // Subversion ".yamato", // Yamato "cvs") // CVS && !e.Path.StartsWithOrdinal("node_modules/") // Node.js ), // PVP-34-1: No file paths matching `*.zip*` glob ("PVP-34-1", e => !e.Path.Contains(".zip")), // PVP-38-1: No assets in Resources system directory (US-0111) ("PVP-38-1", e => e.IsHidden || !e.HasDirectoryComponent("resources")), // PVP-62-1: filename must be spelled in lowercase ("PVP-62-1", e => e.Filename != "" || e.Components[0] != "documentation~" || e.PathWithCase.EndsWithOrdinal("")), }; // REMEMBER: Checks must not be changed once added. Any modifications must be implemented as a NEW check. // Note: These path validations are run against all file paths in the package at once, // e.g. to check for the existence of a certain file. static readonly (string, Predicate>, string)[] k_AllPathsValidations = { // PVP-28-1: Must have .signature file (US-0134) ("PVP-28-1", paths => paths.Contains(".signature"), "Missing .signature file"), // PVP-50-1: Must have file ("PVP-50-1", paths => paths.Contains(""), "Missing file"), }; public static string[] Checks => k_SinglePathValidations.Select(v => v.Item1) .Concat(k_AllPathsValidations.Select(v => v.Item1)) .ToArray(); public static int PassCount => 0; public PathVerifier(Verifier.Context context) { foreach (var path in context.Files) { var entry = new PathEntry(path); foreach (var (check, isValid) in k_SinglePathValidations) { if (!isValid(entry)) { context.AddError(check, path); } } } foreach (var (check, isValid, error) in k_AllPathsValidations) { if (!isValid(context.Files)) { context.AddError(check, error); } } } public void CheckItem(Verifier.PackageFile file, int passIndex) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } public void Finish() { } } }