using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace PvpXray { class SampleVerifier : Verifier.IChecker { public static string[] Checks => new[] { "PVP-80-1", "PVP-81-1", "PVP-82-1" }; public static int PassCount => 1; const string k_Manifest = "package.json"; readonly Verifier.Context m_Context; bool m_HasSamplesDir; bool m_HasSamplesTildeDir; readonly Dictionary m_SamplesByDir; class SampleEntry { public Json Json; public string JsonFilePath; public string Definition => JsonFilePath ?? $"{k_Manifest}: {Json.Path}"; } public SampleVerifier(Verifier.Context context) { m_Context = context; m_HasSamplesDir = false; m_HasSamplesTildeDir = false; m_SamplesByDir = new Dictionary(); } public void CheckItem(Verifier.PackageFile file, int passIndex) { var entry = file.Entry; var isInsideSampleDir = false; void CheckSamples(string expected, string expectedLower, ref bool hasIt) { if (entry.Components[0] != expectedLower) return; if (!entry.PathWithCase.StartsWithOrdinal(expected)) { var actualCasing = entry.PathWithCase.Split('/')[0]; m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", $"{actualCasing}: path has incorrect casing, should be {expected}"); } hasIt = isInsideSampleDir = true; } CheckSamples("Samples", "samples", ref m_HasSamplesDir); CheckSamples("Samples~", "samples~", ref m_HasSamplesTildeDir); if (isInsideSampleDir && entry.Filename == ".sample.json") { if (!entry.PathWithCase.EndsWithOrdinal(".sample.json")) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", $"{entry.PathWithCase}: .sample.json path has incorrect casing"); } try { var text = file.ReadToStringLegacy(); if (text.StartsWithOrdinal("\ufeff")) { throw new Verifier.FailAllException($"{file.Path}: file contains UTF-8 BOM"); } Json ret; try { ret = new Json(text, file.Path); } catch (SimpleJsonException) { throw new Verifier.FailAllException($"{file.Path}: file is not valid JSON"); } var se = m_SamplesByDir[entry.DirectoryWithCase] = new SampleEntry { Json = ret, JsonFilePath = entry.PathWithCase, }; if (se.Json["path"].IsPresent) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", $"{entry.PathWithCase}: .sample.json file should not contain \"path\" key"); } } catch (Exception e) when (e is SimpleJsonException || e is Verifier.FailAllException) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", e.Message); } } } public void Finish() { var manifest = m_Context.Manifest; if (m_HasSamplesDir && m_HasSamplesTildeDir) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", "package has both Samples and Samples~"); } if (m_HasSamplesDir) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-81-1", "packed package must have Samples~ directory, not Samples"); } if (manifest["samples"].IsArray) { var manifestSamples = manifest["samples"].Elements.Select(e => new SampleEntry { Json = e }).ToList(); // If package has both .sample.json files and a "samples" list in manifest, count must match. if (m_SamplesByDir.Count != 0 && manifestSamples.Count != m_SamplesByDir.Count) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", "number of samples in manifest does not match number of .sample.json files"); } foreach (var manifestSample in manifestSamples) { try { var sampleDir = manifestSample.Json["path"].String; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sampleDir)) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", $"{manifestSample.Definition} specifies a blank path"); } else if (!m_Context.DirectoryExists(sampleDir)) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", $"{manifestSample.Definition} specifies a non-existent path: {sampleDir}"); } if (m_SamplesByDir.TryGetValue(sampleDir, out var existing)) { // We accept an existing definition from a .sample.json file, but not from another package.json entry. if (existing.JsonFilePath == null) // it's from the manifest { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", $"{k_Manifest}: multiple definitions for sample at path {sampleDir}"); } } m_SamplesByDir[sampleDir] = manifestSample; } catch (SimpleJsonException e) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", e.FullMessage); } // Catch unmodified sample description from Package Starter Kit. // try { var description = manifestSample.Json["description"]; if (description.IsPresent) { var descriptionString = description.String; if (descriptionString.StartsWithOrdinal("Replace this string with your own description")) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-82-1", $"{k_Manifest}: {description.Path}"); } } } catch (SimpleJsonException e) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-82-1", e.FullMessage); } } } foreach (var item in m_SamplesByDir) { var sampleDir = item.Key; var sampleDirComponents = sampleDir.Split('/'); var entry = item.Value; try { var sampleName = entry.Json["displayName"].String; if (sampleName == "") { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", $"{entry.Definition}: displayName must be non-empty"); } } catch (SimpleJsonException e) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", $"{entry.Definition}: {e.Message}"); } var rootDirLower = sampleDirComponents[0].ToLowerInvariant(); if (rootDirLower != "samples" && rootDirLower != "samples~") { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", $"{entry.Definition}: samples must be inside Samples~ or Samples directory, not {sampleDir}"); } if (sampleDirComponents.Length > 2) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", $"{entry.Definition}: samples should be either immediately inside {sampleDirComponents[0]} directory or one level below, not {sampleDir}"); } var prefix = sampleDir + "/"; foreach (var other in m_SamplesByDir) { if (other.Key.StartsWithOrdinal(prefix)) { m_Context.AddError("PVP-80-1", $"{other.Value.Definition}: sample directory {other.Key} is nested inside another sample"); } } } } } }