using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using YamlMapping = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary; namespace PvpXray { class YamlAccessException : Exception { public string PackageFilePath { get; set; } public string NodePath { get; } public string FullMessage => $"{(PackageFilePath != null ? $"{PackageFilePath}: " : "")}{NodePath}: {Message}"; public YamlAccessException(string message, string nodePath) : base(message) { NodePath = nodePath; } } public class Yaml { /// Object property name simple enough to use in Path unquoted. static readonly Regex k_SimpleKey = new Regex("^[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$"); readonly object m_Node; readonly Yaml m_Parent; readonly string m_ParentKey; // The key of this YAML node in the parent mapping, or the index (as a // string) in the parent sequence. Throws if this is the root node. public string Key => m_ParentKey ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot take Key of a YAML root node"); string PackageFilePath { get; } void BuildPath(StringBuilder sb) { if (m_Parent != null) { m_Parent.BuildPath(sb); var isIndexOperation = m_Parent.IsSequence || !k_SimpleKey.IsMatch(Key); if (!isIndexOperation || sb.Length == 0) { sb.Append('.'); } if (isIndexOperation) { sb.Append('['); } if (isIndexOperation && m_Parent.IsMapping) // complex object key { Encode(Key, sb); } else { sb.Append(Key); } if (isIndexOperation) { sb.Append(']'); } } } static readonly Dictionary k_YamlTagNames = new Dictionary() { [typeof(Undefined)] = "undefined", [typeof(YamlMapping)] = "mapping", [typeof(List)] = "sequence", [typeof(string)] = "string", [typeof(void)] = "null", [typeof(bool)] = "boolean", [typeof(int)] = "integer", [typeof(float)] = "floating point", }; Type Tag => m_Node == null ? typeof(void) : m_Node.GetType(); T CheckTag() { if (Tag != typeof(T)) { throw new YamlAccessException($"wrong tag, expected {k_YamlTagNames[typeof(T)]} but was {k_YamlTagNames[Tag]}", Path) { PackageFilePath = PackageFilePath }; } return (T)m_Node; } Yaml(object node, Yaml parent, string parentKey, string packageFilePath) { m_Node = node; m_Parent = parent; m_ParentKey = parentKey; PackageFilePath = packageFilePath; } /// /// Can only parse small subset of YAML; see . /// public Yaml(string yaml, string packageFilePath) : this(new MiniYamlParser(yaml, packageFilePath).Node, null, null, packageFilePath) { } // Enumerate elements of a YAML sequence. public IEnumerable Elements => CheckTag>().Select((elm, index) => new Yaml(elm, this, index.ToString(), PackageFilePath)); public IEnumerable ElementsIfPresent => IfPresent?.Elements ?? Enumerable.Empty(); // Enumerate members of a YAML mapping. public IEnumerable Members => RawMapping.Select(kv => new Yaml(kv.Value, this, kv.Key, PackageFilePath)); public IEnumerable MembersIfPresent => IfPresent?.Members ?? Enumerable.Empty(); public Yaml IfPresent => IsPresent ? this : null; public bool IsPresent => !(m_Node is Undefined); public bool IsMapping => Tag == typeof(YamlMapping); public bool IsSequence => Tag == typeof(List); public bool IsString => Tag == typeof(string); public bool IsNull => Tag == typeof(void); public bool IsBoolean => Tag == typeof(bool); public bool IsInteger => Tag == typeof(int); public bool IsFloatingPoint => Tag == typeof(float); /// Returns the "location" of this element in the document as a jq-style path. public string Path { get { var sb = new StringBuilder(); BuildPath(sb); return sb.Length == 0 ? "." : sb.ToString(); } } YamlMapping RawMapping => CheckTag(); public string String => CheckTag(); public bool Boolean => CheckTag(); public int Integer => CheckTag(); public float FloatingPoint => CheckTag(); public Yaml this[string key] => new Yaml(RawMapping.TryGetValue(key, out var result) ? result : Undefined.Undefined, this, key, PackageFilePath); public static string Encode(string str) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); Encode(str, sb); return sb.ToString(); } internal static void Encode(string str, StringBuilder sb) { sb.Append('"'); foreach (var c in str) { var raw = (c >= ' ' && c <= '~' && c != '"' && c != '\\') // Printable ASCII except '"' and '\'. || (c >= 0xa0 && c != 0xfeff && c != 0xfffe && c != 0xffff); // Effectively U+00A0-U+D7FF, U+E000-U+FEFE, U+FF00-U+FFFD, and U+10000-U+10FFFF. if (raw) sb.Append(c); else { sb.Append('\\'); var j = "\"\\\n\r\t\b\f".IndexOf(c); if (j >= 0) sb.Append("\"\\nrtbf"[j]); else sb.AppendFormat("u{0:X4}", (uint)c); } } sb.Append('"'); } } class YamlParseException : Exception { public string PackageFilePath { get; set; } public int Line { get; } public int Column { get; } public string FullMessage => $"{(PackageFilePath != null ? $"{PackageFilePath}:" : "")}{Line}:{Column}: {Message}"; public YamlParseException(string message, int line, int column) : base(message) { Line = line; Column = column; } } /// Parses small subset of YAML 1.1/1.2 syntax, allowing only plain and /// double-quoted untagged single-line scalars, block mappings (with /// implicit string scalar keys), block sequences, the empty flow /// sequence (i.e. "[]"), and the empty flow mapping (i.e. "{}"). /// /// Implicit tags are resolved according to the YAML 1.2.2 Core schema. /// /// The following is not allowed for YAML 1.1/1.2 compatibility: /// - YAML 1.1-only boolean notation (e.g. yes/no). /// - Tab; sometimes valid YAML 1.2 but invalid YAML 1.1. /// - Non-ASCII line breaks; only breaks line in YAML 1.1. /// - Escaped forward slash; YAML 1.2 only. /// - U+007F-U+0084, U+0086-U+009F, U+FFFE, and U+FFFF in double-quoted /// scalar; YAML 1.2 only. /// - U+FEFF (byte order marker) except once at the beginning; allowed in /// plain scalar in YAML 1.1 but not 1.2, multiple BOMs are confusing. /// /// The following is not allowed for simplicity/clarity: /// - '~' as null plain scalar. /// - Base 8/16 integer plain scalar (e.g. 0o7, 0xf). /// - Unrecognized capitalization of plain scalar (e.g. nULL/YeS). class MiniYamlParser { const char k_ByteOrderMarker = '\ufeff'; const RegexOptions k_IgnoreCase = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant; // static readonly Regex k_Null = new Regex("^(?:null|Null|NULL|~)$"); static readonly Regex k_NullIgnoreCase = new Regex(k_Null.ToString(), k_IgnoreCase); static readonly Regex k_Bool = new Regex("^(?:true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE)$"); static readonly Regex k_BoolIgnoreCase = new Regex(k_Bool.ToString(), k_IgnoreCase); static readonly Regex k_IntBase10 = new Regex("^[-+]?[0-9]+$"); static readonly Regex k_IntBase8 = new Regex("^0o[0-7]+$"); static readonly Regex k_IntBase8IgnoreCase = new Regex(k_IntBase8.ToString(), k_IgnoreCase); static readonly Regex k_IntBase16 = new Regex("^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$"); static readonly Regex k_IntBase16IgnoreCase = new Regex(k_IntBase16.ToString(), k_IgnoreCase); static readonly Regex k_FloatNumber = new Regex(@"^[-+]?(?:\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$"); static readonly Regex k_FloatInfinity = new Regex(@"[-+]?(?:\.inf|\.Inf|\.INF)$"); static readonly Regex k_FloatInfinityIgnoreCase = new Regex(k_FloatInfinity.ToString(), k_IgnoreCase); static readonly Regex k_FloatNaN = new Regex(@"^(?:\.nan|\.NaN|\.NAN)$"); static readonly Regex k_FloatNaNIgnoreCase = new Regex(k_FloatNaN.ToString(), k_IgnoreCase); // static readonly Regex k_Yaml11Bool = new Regex(@"^(?:y|Y|yes|Yes|YES|n|N|no|No|NO|true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE|on|On|ON|off|Off|OFF)$"); static readonly Regex k_Yaml11BoolIgnoreCase = new Regex(k_Yaml11Bool.ToString(), k_IgnoreCase); static readonly float k_NegativeZero; int m_LineNumber = 1; int m_LineStartIndex; bool m_PlainScalarContinuable; // Used to determine correct error message without parsing multi-line scalars. string Input { get; } int Index { get; set; } public object Node { get; } static MiniYamlParser() { var bytes = new byte[4]; bytes[BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? 3 : 0] = 0x80; k_NegativeZero = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 0); } /// Assumes valid UTF-16 encoding. public MiniYamlParser(string yaml, string packageFilePath) { Input = yaml; try { Node = ParseDocument(); } catch (YamlParseException e) { e.PackageFilePath = packageFilePath; throw; } } object ParseDocument() { Accept(k_ByteOrderMarker); var indent = SkipCommentLines(); var node = ParseNode(ref indent); if (!EndOfInput) throw Fail(m_PlainScalarContinuable ? "multi-line plain scalar not allowed" : "expected end of input"); return node; } /// Skip comment lines (and indentation). int SkipCommentLines() { int indent; do { indent = SkipSpaces(); SkipTrailingComment(); } while (AcceptLineBreak()); return indent; } int SkipSpaces() { var start = Index; while (Accept(' ')) { } return Index - start; } /// Skip trailing comment (but keep line break). void SkipTrailingComment() { if (!Accept('#')) return; char c; while (!EndOfInput && (c = Next) != '\n' && c != '\r') ExpectNonBreakCodeUnit(); m_PlainScalarContinuable = false; // Comment cannot appear inside multi-line plain scalar. } /// Parse node (and skip comment lines and indentation). object ParseNode(ref int indent) { if (!EndOfInput && Next == '-' && !PlainScalarPrefix) return ParseBlockSequence(ref indent); var start = Index; var scalar = ParseScalar(out var end); if (Accept(':')) return ParseBlockMapping(ref indent, scalar, start, end); SkipTrailingComment(); if (AcceptLineBreak()) indent = SkipCommentLines(); return scalar; } YamlParseException NonStringBlockMappingKeyNotAllowed(int start, int end) { var raw = start == end ? "(empty)" : Input.Substring(start, end - start); throw Fail($"non-string block mapping key not allowed: {raw}", start); } /// Look two characters ahead to determine if we're about to parse a plain scalar. /// Only relevant when next character is '?', ':', or '-'. bool PlainScalarPrefix { get { var i = Index + 1; if (i >= Input.Length) return false; var c = Input[i]; return c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t' && c != ' '; } } /// Parse scalar or empty flow collection (and skip trailing spaces). object ParseScalar(out int end) { if (!EndOfInput) { var c = Next; switch (c) { case '[': return ParseEmptyFlowSequence(out end); case '{': return ParseEmptyFlowMapping(out end); case '|': case '>': throw Fail($"block scalar not allowed: {c}"); case '\'': throw Fail($"single-quoted scalar not allowed: {c}"); case '"': return ParseDoubleQuotedScalar(out end); } } return ParsePlainScalar(out end); } object ParseEmptyFlowSequence(out int end) { var start = Index; Index++; // Skip '['. SkipSpaces(); if (!Accept(']')) throw Fail("non-empty/multi-line flow sequence not allowed", start); SkipSpaces(); end = Index; return new List(); } object ParseEmptyFlowMapping(out int end) { var start = Index; Index++; // Skip '{'. SkipSpaces(); if (!Accept('}')) throw Fail("non-empty/multi-line flow mapping not allowed", start); SkipSpaces(); end = Index; return new YamlMapping(); } object ParseDoubleQuotedScalar(out int end) { var start = Index; Index++; // Skip '"'; var builder = new StringBuilder(); while (!EndOfInput) { var c = Next; switch (c) { case '"': Index++; SkipSpaces(); end = Index; return builder.ToString(); case '\\': builder.Append(ParseEscapeSequence()); continue; case '\n': case '\r': throw Fail("multi-line double-quoted scalar not allowed", start); } ExpectNonBreakCodeUnit(doubleQuotedScalar: true); builder.Append(c); } throw Fail("unterminated double-quoted scalar", start); } string ParseEscapeSequence() { var start = Index; Index++; // Skip '\'. YamlParseException InvalidEscapeSequence() => Fail($"invalid escape sequence: {Input.Substring(start, Index - start)}", start); if (EndOfInput) throw InvalidEscapeSequence(); var c = Input[Index++]; switch (c) { case '0': return "\0"; case 'a': return "\a"; case 'b': return "\b"; case 't': case '\t': return "\t"; case 'n': return "\n"; case 'v': return "\v"; case 'f': return "\f"; case 'r': return "\r"; case 'e': return "\x1b"; case ' ': return " "; case '"': return "\""; case '/': throw Fail(@"forward slash escape sequence not allowed: \/", start); case '\\': return "\\"; case 'N': return "\x85"; case '_': return "\xa0"; case 'L': return "\x2028"; case 'P': return "\x2029"; case 'x': return ParseEscapedUnicodeCodePoint(2, InvalidEscapeSequence); case 'u': return ParseEscapedUnicodeCodePoint(4, InvalidEscapeSequence); case 'U': return ParseEscapedUnicodeCodePoint(8, InvalidEscapeSequence); } throw InvalidEscapeSequence(); } string ParseEscapedUnicodeCodePoint(int digits, Func invalidEscapeSequence) { var start = Index; for (var i = 0; i < digits; i++) { if (EndOfInput) throw invalidEscapeSequence(); var c = Next; Index++; var isHexDigit = (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'); if (!isHexDigit) throw invalidEscapeSequence(); } var codePoint = Convert.ToUInt32(Input.Substring(start, Index - start), 16); if (codePoint > int.MaxValue) throw invalidEscapeSequence(); try { return char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)codePoint); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { throw invalidEscapeSequence(); } } object ParsePlainScalar(out int end) { m_PlainScalarContinuable = true; var start = end = Index; if (m_LineStartIndex == Index && Accept("---", "...")) { throw Fail($"document marker not allowed: {Input.Substring(start, Index - start)}", start); } if (!EndOfInput) { var c = Next; switch (c) { case '-' when !PlainScalarPrefix: throw Fail($"unexpected block sequence indicator: {c}"); case '?' when !PlainScalarPrefix: throw Fail($"explicit block mapping key not allowed: {c}"); case ',': case ']': case '}': case '@': case '`': throw Fail($"indicator cannot start plain scalar: {c}"); case '&': throw Fail($"node anchor not allowed: {c}"); case '*': throw Fail($"alias node not allowed: {c}"); case '!': throw Fail($"explicit tag not allowed: {c}"); case '%': throw Fail($"directive not allowed: {c}"); } } end = start; while (!EndOfInput) { var c = Next; if (c == ':' && !PlainScalarPrefix) break; if (c == '#' && end != Index) break; if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') break; ExpectNonBreakCodeUnit(); if (c != ' ') end = Index; } var length = end - start; string String() => Input.Substring(start, length); bool IsMatch(Regex regex) => regex.Match(Input, start, length).Success; // Null if (length == 0) return null; var first = Input[start]; if (length == 1 && first == '~') throw Fail("~ (null) not allowed", start); if (IsMatch(k_Null)) return null; // Bool if (IsMatch(k_Bool)) return first == 't' || first == 'T'; // Integer try { if (IsMatch(k_IntBase10)) return int.Parse(String(), NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (OverflowException) { throw Fail($"base 10 integer cannot be represented by 32-bit signed integer: {String()}", start); } if (IsMatch(k_IntBase8)) throw Fail($"base 8 integer not allowed: {String()}", start); if (IsMatch(k_IntBase16)) throw Fail($"base 16 integer not allowed: {String()}", start); // Floating point try { if (IsMatch(k_FloatNumber)) { var f = float.Parse(String(), NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowExponent, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (f == 0 && first == '-') return k_NegativeZero; // Mono doesn't parse negative zero correctly. return f; } } catch (OverflowException) { return first == '-' ? float.NegativeInfinity : float.PositiveInfinity; } if (IsMatch(k_FloatInfinity)) return first == '-' ? float.NegativeInfinity : float.PositiveInfinity; if (IsMatch(k_FloatNaN)) return float.NaN; // Reject YAML 1.1 boolean notation. if (IsMatch(k_Yaml11Bool)) throw Fail($"YAML 1.1 boolean variation not allowed: {String()}", start); // Reject "unrecognized" capitalization. if (IsMatch(k_NullIgnoreCase)) throw Fail($"unrecognized capitalization of null not allowed: {String()}", start); if (IsMatch(k_BoolIgnoreCase)) throw Fail($"unrecognized capitalization of boolean not allowed: {String()}", start); if (IsMatch(k_IntBase8IgnoreCase)) throw Fail($"unrecognized capitalization of base 8 integer not allowed: {String()}", start); if (IsMatch(k_IntBase16IgnoreCase)) throw Fail($"unrecognized capitalization of base 16 integer not allowed: {String()}", start); if (IsMatch(k_FloatInfinityIgnoreCase)) throw Fail($"unrecognized capitalization of floating point infinity not allowed: {String()}", start); if (IsMatch(k_FloatNaNIgnoreCase)) throw Fail($"unrecognized capitalization of floating point not-a-number not allowed: {String()}", start); if (IsMatch(k_Yaml11BoolIgnoreCase)) throw Fail($"unrecognized capitalization of YAML 1.1 boolean variation not allowed: {String()}", start); return String(); } object ParseBlockSequence(ref int indent) { var sequence = new List(); var firstIndent = indent; do { // Skip '-', separation spaces, and trailing comment. Index++; indent += 1 + SkipSpaces(); SkipTrailingComment(); if (EndOfInput) { sequence.Add(null); return sequence; } if (AcceptLineBreak()) { indent = SkipCommentLines(); var nested = indent > firstIndent; sequence.Add(nested ? ParseNode(ref indent) : null); } else { sequence.Add(ParseNode(ref indent)); } } while (indent == firstIndent && !EndOfInput && Next == '-' && !PlainScalarPrefix); if (indent <= firstIndent) m_PlainScalarContinuable = false; // Multi-line plain scalar must respect indentation. else if (!m_PlainScalarContinuable && !EndOfInput && Next == '-' && !PlainScalarPrefix) throw Fail("bad indentation of block sequence entry"); return sequence; } object ParseBlockMapping(ref int indent, object key, int keyStart, int keyEnd) { var mapping = new YamlMapping(); var firstIndent = indent; // First key (and key indicator) already parsed at this point. while (true) { m_PlainScalarContinuable = false; // Key indicator cannot appear inside multi-line plain scalar. if (!(key is string stringKey)) throw NonStringBlockMappingKeyNotAllowed(keyStart, keyEnd); CheckKeyLookaheadLimit(keyStart); if (mapping.ContainsKey(stringKey)) throw Fail($"duplicate block mapping key: {Yaml.Encode(stringKey)}", keyStart); SkipSpaces(); SkipTrailingComment(); // Parse value. if (AcceptLineBreak()) { indent = SkipCommentLines(); var nested = indent > firstIndent || (indent == firstIndent && !EndOfInput && Next == '-' && !PlainScalarPrefix); mapping.Add(stringKey, nested ? ParseNode(ref indent) : null); } else { mapping.Add(stringKey, ParseScalar(out _)); if (Accept(':')) throw Fail("unexpected block mapping key indicator: :", Index - 1); SkipTrailingComment(); if (AcceptLineBreak()) indent = SkipCommentLines(); } if (indent != firstIndent || EndOfInput) break; // Parse key. keyStart = Index; key = ParseScalar(out keyEnd); if (!Accept(':')) throw Fail("expected block mapping entry", keyStart); } if (indent <= firstIndent) m_PlainScalarContinuable = false; // Multi-line plain scalar must respect indentation. else if (!EndOfInput && !m_PlainScalarContinuable) throw Fail("bad indentation of block mapping entry"); return mapping; } void CheckKeyLookaheadLimit(int keyStart) { const int codePointLimit = 1024; var keyIndicatorIndex = Index - 1; var codeUnitLength = keyIndicatorIndex - keyStart; if (codeUnitLength <= codePointLimit) return; if (CodePointLength(keyStart, keyIndicatorIndex) <= codePointLimit) return; throw Fail("YAML requires \":\" to appear at most 1024 Unicode code points beyond start of key", keyStart); } int CodePointLength(int start, int end) { var codePointLength = 0; for (var i = start; i < end; i += char.IsSurrogatePair(Input, i) ? 2 : 1) { codePointLength++; } return codePointLength; } bool AcceptLineBreak() { if (!Accept("\r\n", "\r", "\n")) return false; m_LineNumber++; m_LineStartIndex = Index; return true; } /// Consumes a non-break code unit. Throws YamlParseException on invalid/disallowed code point. /// Assumes: !EndOfInput && Next != '\n' && Next != '\r' void ExpectNonBreakCodeUnit(bool doubleQuotedScalar = false) { var c = Next; switch (c) { case '\t' when !doubleQuotedScalar: throw Fail("tab outside double-quoted scalar not allowed"); // Not allowed as "separation space" in YAML 1.1. case '\x85': case '\x2028': case '\x2029': throw Fail($"non-ASCII line break not allowed: {NextCodePoint}"); // Only treated as line break in YAML 1.1. } var valid = c == '\t' || (c >= ' ' && c <= '~') // Printable ASCII. || (c >= 0xa0 && c != k_ByteOrderMarker && c != 0xfffe && c != 0xffff); // Effectively U+00A0-U+D7FF, U+E000-U+FFFD, and U+10000-U+10FFFF. (YAML 1.1) if (!valid) { var allowedInYaml12 = doubleQuotedScalar && (c == '\t' || c >= ' '); throw Fail(allowedInYaml12 ? $"disallowed Unicode code point: {NextCodePoint}" // Only allowed in YAML 1.2. : $"invalid Unicode code point: {NextCodePoint}"); } Index++; } bool EndOfInput => Index == Input.Length; char Next => Input[Index]; string NextCodePoint => $"U+{char.ConvertToUtf32(Input, Index):X4}"; bool Accept(params string[] options) { foreach (var option in options) { var i = 0; while (i < option.Length && Index + i < Input.Length && Input[Index + i] == option[i]) i++; if (i != option.Length) continue; Index += i; return true; } return false; } bool Accept(params char[] options) { if (EndOfInput) return false; if (options.All(option => Next != option)) return false; Index++; return true; } YamlParseException Fail(string error) => Fail(error, Index); /// Assumes index is within current line (tracked by AcceptLineBreak). YamlParseException Fail(string error, int index) { if (index < m_LineStartIndex) throw new InvalidOperationException(); var line = m_LineNumber; var column = 1 + CodePointLength(m_LineStartIndex, index); return new YamlParseException(error, line, column); } } }