using System; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering { /// /// Define the RPAsset inclusion at build time, for your pipeline. /// Default: only RPAsset in QualitySettings are embedded on build /// [Serializable] [SupportedOnRenderPipeline] [Categorization.CategoryInfo(Name = "H: RP Assets Inclusion", Order = 990), HideInInspector] public class IncludeAdditionalRPAssets : IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings { enum Version { Initial, Count, Last = Count - 1 } [SerializeField, HideInInspector] private Version m_version = Version.Last; int IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings.version => (int)m_version; [SerializeField] private bool m_IncludeReferencedInScenes; /// Additionaly include RPAsset referenced in Scene. public bool includeReferencedInScenes { get => m_IncludeReferencedInScenes; set => this.SetValueAndNotify(ref m_IncludeReferencedInScenes, value, nameof(m_IncludeReferencedInScenes)); } [SerializeField] private bool m_IncludeAssetsByLabel; /// Additionaly include RPAsset that have a specific label. public bool includeAssetsByLabel { get => m_IncludeAssetsByLabel; set => this.SetValueAndNotify(ref m_IncludeAssetsByLabel, value, nameof(m_IncludeAssetsByLabel)); } [SerializeField] private string m_LabelToInclude; /// Label to use when including RPAsset by label. public string labelToInclude { get => m_LabelToInclude; set => this.SetValueAndNotify(ref m_LabelToInclude, value, nameof(m_LabelToInclude)); } } }