using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.HighDefinition { [CustomEditor(typeof(PlanarReflectionProbe))] [SupportedOnRenderPipeline(typeof(HDRenderPipelineAsset))] [CanEditMultipleObjects] sealed class PlanarReflectionProbeEditor : HDProbeEditor { const float k_PreviewHeight = 128; static Mesh k_QuadMesh; static Material k_PreviewMaterial; static Material k_PreviewOutlineMaterial; static GUIContent s_MipMapLow, s_MipMapHigh, s_ExposureLow; static GUIStyle s_PreLabel; public float previewExposure = 0f; public float mipLevelPreview = 0f; static Material s_PreviewMaterial; static Material previewMaterial { get { if (s_PreviewMaterial == null && HDRenderPipeline.isReady) { var guiTextureBlit2SRGBMaterial = GraphicsSettings.GetRenderPipelineSettings().GUITextureBlit2SRGB; s_PreviewMaterial = new Material(guiTextureBlit2SRGBMaterial); } return s_PreviewMaterial; } } bool firstDraw = true; List m_PreviewedTextures = new List(); public override bool HasPreviewGUI() { foreach (var p in m_TypedTargets) { if (p.texture != null) return true; } return false; } public override GUIContent GetPreviewTitle() => EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Planar Reflection"); public override void OnPreviewGUI(Rect r, GUIStyle background) { m_PreviewedTextures.Clear(); foreach (var p in m_TypedTargets) m_PreviewedTextures.Add(p.texture); var space =; var rowSize = Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Sqrt(m_PreviewedTextures.Count)); var size = r.size / rowSize - space * (rowSize - 1); for (var i = 0; i < m_PreviewedTextures.Count; i++) { var row = i / rowSize; var col = i % rowSize; var itemRect = new Rect( r.x + size.x * row + ((row > 0) ? (row - 1) * space.x : 0), r.y + size.y * col + ((col > 0) ? (col - 1) * space.y : 0), size.x, size.y); if (m_PreviewedTextures[i] != null) EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(itemRect, m_PreviewedTextures[i], previewMaterial, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, 0, mipLevelPreview, ColorWriteMask.All, previewExposure); else EditorGUI.LabelField(itemRect, EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Not Available")); } } public override void OnPreviewSettings() { if (s_MipMapLow == null) InitIcons(); GUILayout.Box(s_ExposureLow, s_PreLabel, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20)); previewExposure = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(previewExposure, -20f, 20f, GUILayout.MaxWidth(80)); GUILayout.Space(5); // For now we don't display the mip level slider because they are black. The convolution of the probe // texture is made in the atlas and so is not available in the texture we have here. #if false int mipmapCount = m_PreviewedTextures.Count > 0 ? m_PreviewedTextures[0].mipmapCount : 1; GUILayout.Box(s_MipMapHigh, s_PreLabel, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20)); mipLevelPreview = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(mipLevelPreview, 0, mipmapCount, GUILayout.MaxWidth(80)); GUILayout.Box(s_MipMapLow, s_PreLabel, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20)); #endif } protected override SerializedPlanarReflectionProbe NewSerializedObject(SerializedObject so) => new SerializedPlanarReflectionProbe(so); internal override HDProbe GetTarget(Object editorTarget) => editorTarget as HDProbe; protected override void DrawAdditionalCaptureSettings( SerializedPlanarReflectionProbe serialized, Editor owner ) { var isReferencePositionRelevant = serialized.probeSettings.mode.intValue != (int)ProbeSettings.Mode.Realtime; if (!isReferencePositionRelevant) return; ++EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serialized.localReferencePosition, EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Reference Local Position")); --EditorGUI.indentLevel; } protected override void DrawHandles(SerializedPlanarReflectionProbe serialized, Editor owner) { base.DrawHandles(serialized, owner); SceneViewOverlay_Window(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent(, OnOverlayGUI, -100, target); if (serialized.probeSettings.mode.intValue != (int)ProbeSettings.Mode.Realtime) { using (new Handles.DrawingScope(Matrix4x4.TRS(,, { var referencePosition = serialized.localReferencePosition.vector3Value; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); referencePosition = Handles.PositionHandle(referencePosition, Quaternion.identity); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) serialized.localReferencePosition.vector3Value = referencePosition; } } } void OnOverlayGUI(Object target, SceneView sceneView) { // Draw a preview of the captured texture from the planar reflection // Get the exposure texture used in this scene view if (!(RenderPipelineManager.currentPipeline is HDRenderPipeline hdrp)) return; var hdCamera = HDCamera.GetOrCreate(; var exposureTex = hdrp.GetExposureTexture(hdCamera); var index = Array.IndexOf(m_TypedTargets, target); if (index == -1) return; var p = m_TypedTargets[index]; if (p.texture == null) return; var previewWidth = k_PreviewHeight; var previewSize = new Rect(previewWidth, k_PreviewHeight + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + 2, 0, 0); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout || !firstDraw && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { // Get and reserve rect //this can cause the following issue if calls on a repaint before a layout: //ArgumentException: Getting control 0's position in a group with only 0 controls when doing repaint var cameraRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(previewSize.x, previewSize.y); firstDraw = false; // The aspect ratio of the capture texture may not be the aspect of the texture // So we need to stretch back the texture to the aspect used during the capture // to give users a non distorded preview of the capture. // Here we compute a centered rect that has the correct aspect for the texture preview. var c = new Rect(cameraRect); c.y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + 2; if (p.renderData.aspect > 1) { c.width = k_PreviewHeight; c.height = k_PreviewHeight / p.renderData.aspect; c.y += (k_PreviewHeight - c.height) * 0.5f; } else { c.width = k_PreviewHeight * p.renderData.aspect; c.height = k_PreviewHeight; c.x += (k_PreviewHeight - c.width) * 0.5f; } // Setup the material to draw the quad with the exposure texture var material = GraphicsSettings.GetRenderPipelineSettings() .GUITextureBlit2SRGB; material.SetTexture("_Exposure", exposureTex); //this fixes the UI so it doesn't blow up when the probe is pre-exposed material.SetFloat("_ExposureBias", (float)Math.Log(1.0f / p.ProbeExposureValue(), 2.0)); Graphics.DrawTexture(c, p.texture, new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), 0, 0, 0, 0, GUI.color, material, -1); // We now display the FoV and aspect used during the capture of the planar reflection var fovRect = new Rect(cameraRect); fovRect.x += 5; fovRect.y += 2; fovRect.width -= 10; fovRect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; var width = fovRect.width; fovRect.width = width * 0.5f; GUI.TextField(fovRect, $"F: {p.renderData.fieldOfView:F2}°"); fovRect.x += width * 0.5f; fovRect.width = width * 0.5f; GUI.TextField(fovRect, $"A: {p.renderData.aspect:F2}"); } } static Type k_SceneViewOverlay_WindowFunction = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.SceneViewOverlay+WindowFunction,UnityEditor"); static Type k_SceneViewOverlay_WindowDisplayOption = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.SceneViewOverlay+WindowDisplayOption,UnityEditor"); static MethodInfo k_SceneViewOverlay_Window = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.SceneViewOverlay,UnityEditor") .GetMethod( "Window", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public, null, CallingConventions.Any, new[] { typeof(GUIContent), k_SceneViewOverlay_WindowFunction, typeof(int), typeof(Object), k_SceneViewOverlay_WindowDisplayOption, typeof(EditorWindow) }, null); static void SceneViewOverlay_Window(GUIContent title, Action sceneViewFunc, int order, Object target) { k_SceneViewOverlay_Window.Invoke(null, new[] { title, DelegateUtility.Cast(sceneViewFunc, k_SceneViewOverlay_WindowFunction), order, target, Enum.ToObject(k_SceneViewOverlay_WindowDisplayOption, 1), null }); } [DrawGizmo(GizmoType.Selected)] static void DrawSelectedGizmo(PlanarReflectionProbe probe, GizmoType gizmoType) { var e = (PlanarReflectionProbeEditor)GetEditorFor(probe); if (e == null) return; var mat = Matrix4x4.TRS(probe.transform.position, probe.transform.rotation,; InfluenceVolumeUI.DrawGizmos( probe.influenceVolume, mat, InfluenceVolumeUI.HandleType.None, InfluenceVolumeUI.HandleType.Base | InfluenceVolumeUI.HandleType.Influence ); if (e.showChromeGizmo) DrawCapturePositionGizmo(probe); } static void DrawCapturePositionGizmo(PlanarReflectionProbe probe) { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) return; // Capture gizmo if (k_QuadMesh == null) k_QuadMesh = Resources.GetBuiltinResource("Quad.fbx"); if (k_PreviewMaterial == null) k_PreviewMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/Debug/PlanarReflectionProbePreview")); if (k_PreviewOutlineMaterial == null) k_PreviewOutlineMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/UnlitTransparentColored")); var proxyToWorld = probe.proxyToWorld; var settings = probe.settings; // When a user creates a new mirror, the capture position is at the exact position of the mirror mesh. // We need to offset slightly the gizmo to avoid a Z-fight in that case, as it looks like a bug // for users discovering the planar reflection. var mirrorPositionProxySpace = settings.proxySettings.mirrorPositionProxySpace; mirrorPositionProxySpace += settings.proxySettings.mirrorRotationProxySpace * Vector3.forward * 0.001f; var mirrorPosition = proxyToWorld.MultiplyPoint(mirrorPositionProxySpace); var mirrorRotation = (proxyToWorld.rotation * settings.proxySettings.mirrorRotationProxySpace * Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0)).normalized; var renderData = probe.renderData; var gpuProj = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(renderData.projectionMatrix, true); var gpuView = renderData.worldToCameraRHS; var vp = gpuProj * gpuView; var cameraPositionWS =; var capturePositionWS = renderData.capturePosition; if (SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView?.camera != null) cameraPositionWS =; if (ShaderConfig.s_CameraRelativeRendering != 0) { cameraPositionWS =; // For Camera relative rendering, we need to translate with the position of the currently rendering camera capturePositionWS -= cameraPositionWS; } // Draw outline k_PreviewOutlineMaterial.SetColor("_Color", InfluenceVolumeUI.k_GizmoThemeColorBase); k_PreviewOutlineMaterial.SetPass(0); Graphics.DrawMeshNow(k_QuadMesh, Matrix4x4.TRS(mirrorPosition, mirrorRotation, 2.1f * capturePointPreviewSize *; k_PreviewMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", probe.texture); k_PreviewMaterial.SetMatrix("_CaptureVPMatrix", vp); //this fixes the UI so it doesn't blow up when the probe is pre-exposed k_PreviewMaterial.SetFloat("_Exposure", (float)Math.Log(1.0 / probe.ProbeExposureValue(), 2.0)); k_PreviewMaterial.SetVector("_CameraPositionWS", new Vector4(cameraPositionWS.x, cameraPositionWS.y, -cameraPositionWS.z, 0)); k_PreviewMaterial.SetVector("_CapturePositionWS", new Vector4(capturePositionWS.x, capturePositionWS.y, -capturePositionWS.z, 0)); k_PreviewMaterial.SetPass(0); Graphics.DrawMeshNow(k_QuadMesh, Matrix4x4.TRS(mirrorPosition, mirrorRotation, 2 * capturePointPreviewSize *; } static void InitIcons() { s_MipMapLow = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("PreTextureMipMapLow"); s_MipMapHigh = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("PreTextureMipMapHigh"); s_ExposureLow = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("SceneViewLighting"); s_PreLabel = "preLabel"; } } struct PlanarReflectionProbeUISettingsProvider : HDProbeUI.IProbeUISettingsProvider, InfluenceVolumeUI.IInfluenceUISettingsProvider { bool InfluenceVolumeUI.IInfluenceUISettingsProvider.drawOffset => false; bool InfluenceVolumeUI.IInfluenceUISettingsProvider.drawNormal => false; bool InfluenceVolumeUI.IInfluenceUISettingsProvider.drawFace => false; ProbeSettingsOverride HDProbeUI.IProbeUISettingsProvider.displayedCaptureSettings => new ProbeSettingsOverride { probe = ProbeSettingsFields.frustumFieldOfViewMode | ProbeSettingsFields.frustumAutomaticScale | ProbeSettingsFields.frustumViewerScale | ProbeSettingsFields.frustumFixedValue | ProbeSettingsFields.resolution | ProbeSettingsFields.roughReflections, camera = new CameraSettingsOverride { camera = (CameraSettingsFields)(-1) & ~( CameraSettingsFields.flipYMode | CameraSettingsFields.frustumAspect | CameraSettingsFields.cullingInvertFaceCulling | CameraSettingsFields.frustumMode | CameraSettingsFields.frustumProjectionMatrix | CameraSettingsFields.frustumFieldOfView ) } }; public ProbeSettingsOverride displayedAdvancedCaptureSettings => new ProbeSettingsOverride { probe = ProbeSettingsFields.proxyMirrorPositionProxySpace | ProbeSettingsFields.proxyMirrorRotationProxySpace | ProbeSettingsFields.lightingRangeCompression, camera = new CameraSettingsOverride() }; ProbeSettingsOverride HDProbeUI.IProbeUISettingsProvider.displayedCustomSettings => new ProbeSettingsOverride { probe = ProbeSettingsFields.lightingLightLayer | ProbeSettingsFields.importance | ProbeSettingsFields.lightingMultiplier | ProbeSettingsFields.lightingWeight | ProbeSettingsFields.lightingFadeDistance, camera = new CameraSettingsOverride { camera = CameraSettingsFields.none } }; Type HDProbeUI.IProbeUISettingsProvider.customTextureType => typeof(Texture2D); static readonly HDProbeUI.ToolBar[] k_Toolbars = { HDProbeUI.ToolBar.InfluenceShape | HDProbeUI.ToolBar.Blend, HDProbeUI.ToolBar.MirrorPosition | HDProbeUI.ToolBar.MirrorRotation, HDProbeUI.ToolBar.ShowChromeGizmo }; HDProbeUI.ToolBar[] HDProbeUI.IProbeUISettingsProvider.toolbars => k_Toolbars; static Dictionary k_ToolbarShortCutKey = new Dictionary { { KeyCode.Alpha1, HDProbeUI.ToolBar.InfluenceShape }, { KeyCode.Alpha2, HDProbeUI.ToolBar.Blend }, { KeyCode.Alpha3, HDProbeUI.ToolBar.MirrorPosition }, { KeyCode.Alpha4, HDProbeUI.ToolBar.MirrorRotation } }; Dictionary HDProbeUI.IProbeUISettingsProvider.shortcuts => k_ToolbarShortCutKey; } }