using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition; using System.Linq; using System; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph; namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.HighDefinition { /// /// FullScreen custom pass drawer /// [CustomPassDrawerAttribute(typeof(FullScreenCustomPass))] class FullScreenCustomPassDrawer : CustomPassDrawer { private class Styles { public static float defaultLineSpace = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing; public static float helpBoxHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 2; public static float indentPadding = 17; public static GUIContent fullScreenPassMaterial = new GUIContent("FullScreen Material", "FullScreen Material used for the full screen DrawProcedural."); public static GUIContent materialPassName = new GUIContent("Pass Name", "The shader pass to use for your fullscreen pass."); public static GUIContent fetchColorBuffer = new GUIContent("Fetch Color Buffer", "Tick this if your effect sample/fetch the camera color buffer"); public static GUIContent newMaterialButton = new GUIContent("New", "Creates a new Shader and Material asset using the fullscreen templates."); public readonly static string writeAndFetchColorBufferWarning = "Fetching and Writing to the camera color buffer at the same time is not supported on most platforms."; public readonly static string stencilWriteOverReservedBits = "The Stencil Write Mask of your material overwrites the bits reserved by HDRP. To avoid rendering errors, set the Write Mask to " + (int)(UserStencilUsage.AllUserBits); public readonly static string stencilHelpInfo = $"Stencil is enabled on the material. To help you configure the stencil operations, use these values for the bits available in HDRP: User Bit 0: {(int)UserStencilUsage.UserBit0} User Bit 1: {(int)UserStencilUsage.UserBit1}"; } class CreateFullscreenMaterialAction : ProjectWindowCallback.EndNameEditAction { public bool createShaderGraphShader; // TODO public FullScreenCustomPass customPass; static Regex s_ShaderNameRegex = new(@"(Material$|Mat$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); public override void Action(int instanceId, string pathName, string resourceFile) { string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathName); string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(pathName); // Clean up name to create shader file: var shaderName = s_ShaderNameRegex.Replace(fileName, "") + "Shader"; shaderName += createShaderGraphShader ? "." + ShaderGraphImporter.Extension : ".shader"; string shaderPath = Path.Combine(directoryName, shaderName); shaderPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(shaderPath); pathName = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(pathName); string templateFolder = $"{HDUtils.GetHDRenderPipelinePath()}/Editor/RenderPipeline/CustomPass"; string templatePath = createShaderGraphShader ? $"{templateFolder}/CustomPassFullScreenShader.shadergraph" : $"{templateFolder}/CustomPassFullScreenShader.template"; // Load template code and replace shader name with current file name string templateCode = File.ReadAllText(templatePath); templateCode = templateCode.Replace("#SCRIPTNAME#", fileName); File.WriteAllText(shaderPath, templateCode); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(shaderPath); var shader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(shaderPath); = Path.GetFileName(pathName); var material = new Material(shader); customPass.fullscreenPassMaterial = material; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, pathName); ProjectWindowUtil.ShowCreatedAsset(material); } } // Fullscreen pass SerializedProperty m_FullScreenPassMaterial; SerializedProperty m_MaterialPassName; SerializedProperty m_FetchColorBuffer; SerializedProperty m_TargetColorBuffer; SerializedProperty m_TargetDepthBuffer; bool m_ShowStencilWriteWarning = false; bool m_ShowStencilInfoBox = false; static readonly float k_NewMaterialButtonWidth = 60; static readonly string k_DefaultMaterialName = "New FullScreen Material.mat"; CustomPass.TargetBuffer targetColorBuffer => (CustomPass.TargetBuffer)m_TargetColorBuffer.intValue; CustomPass.TargetBuffer targetDepthBuffer => (CustomPass.TargetBuffer)m_TargetDepthBuffer.intValue; protected override void Initialize(SerializedProperty customPass) { m_FullScreenPassMaterial = customPass.FindPropertyRelative("fullscreenPassMaterial"); m_MaterialPassName = customPass.FindPropertyRelative("materialPassName"); m_FetchColorBuffer = customPass.FindPropertyRelative("fetchColorBuffer"); m_TargetColorBuffer = customPass.FindPropertyRelative("targetColorBuffer"); m_TargetDepthBuffer = customPass.FindPropertyRelative("targetDepthBuffer"); } protected override void DoPassGUI(SerializedProperty customPass, Rect rect) { EditorGUI.PropertyField(rect, m_FetchColorBuffer, Styles.fetchColorBuffer); rect.y += Styles.defaultLineSpace; if (m_FetchColorBuffer.boolValue && targetColorBuffer == CustomPass.TargetBuffer.Camera) { // We add a warning to prevent fetching and writing to the same render target Rect helpBoxRect = rect; helpBoxRect.height = Styles.helpBoxHeight; EditorGUI.HelpBox(helpBoxRect, Styles.writeAndFetchColorBufferWarning, MessageType.Warning); rect.y += Styles.helpBoxHeight; } Rect materialField = rect; Rect newMaterialField = rect; if (m_FullScreenPassMaterial.objectReferenceValue == null) materialField.xMax -= k_NewMaterialButtonWidth; newMaterialField.xMin += materialField.width; EditorGUI.PropertyField(materialField, m_FullScreenPassMaterial, Styles.fullScreenPassMaterial); rect.y += Styles.defaultLineSpace; if (m_FullScreenPassMaterial.objectReferenceValue is Material mat) { using (new EditorGUI.IndentLevelScope()) { EditorGUI.BeginProperty(rect, Styles.materialPassName, m_MaterialPassName); { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int index = mat.FindPass(m_MaterialPassName.stringValue); if (index == -1) index = 0; // Select the first pass by default when the previous pass name doesn't exist in the new material. index = EditorGUI.IntPopup(rect, Styles.materialPassName, index, GetMaterialPassNames(mat), Enumerable.Range(0, mat.passCount).ToArray()); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) m_MaterialPassName.stringValue = mat.GetPassName(index); } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); rect.y += Styles.defaultLineSpace; GetStencilInfo(mat, out bool stencilEnabled, out int writeMask); if (stencilEnabled && targetDepthBuffer != CustomPass.TargetBuffer.Custom) { if (!m_ShowStencilInfoBox) { m_ShowStencilInfoBox = true; GUI.changed = true; } Rect helpBoxRect = rect; helpBoxRect.height = Styles.helpBoxHeight; helpBoxRect.xMin += Styles.indentPadding; EditorGUI.HelpBox(helpBoxRect, Styles.stencilHelpInfo, MessageType.Info); rect.y += Styles.helpBoxHeight; } else if (m_ShowStencilInfoBox) { m_ShowStencilInfoBox = false; GUI.changed = true; // Workaround to update the internal state of the ReorderableList and update the height of the element. } if (DoesWriteMaskContainsReservedBits(writeMask)) { if (!m_ShowStencilWriteWarning) { m_ShowStencilWriteWarning = true; GUI.changed = true; // Workaround to update the internal state of the ReorderableList and update the height of the element. } Rect helpBoxRect = rect; helpBoxRect.height = Styles.helpBoxHeight; helpBoxRect.xMin += Styles.indentPadding; EditorGUI.HelpBox(helpBoxRect, Styles.stencilWriteOverReservedBits, MessageType.Warning); rect.y += Styles.helpBoxHeight; } else if (m_ShowStencilWriteWarning) { m_ShowStencilWriteWarning = false; GUI.changed = true; // Workaround to update the internal state of the ReorderableList and update the height of the element. } } } else if (m_FullScreenPassMaterial.objectReferenceValue == null) { // null material, show the button to create a new material & associated shaders ShowNewMaterialButton(newMaterialField); } } void ShowNewMaterialButton(Rect buttonRect) { // Small padding to separate both fields: buttonRect.xMin += 2; if (!EditorGUI.DropdownButton(buttonRect, Styles.newMaterialButton, FocusType.Keyboard)) return; void CreateMaterial(bool shaderGraph) { var materialIcon = AssetPreview.GetMiniTypeThumbnail(typeof(Material)); var action = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); action.createShaderGraphShader = shaderGraph; action.customPass = target as FullScreenCustomPass; ProjectWindowUtil.StartNameEditingIfProjectWindowExists(0, action, k_DefaultMaterialName, materialIcon, null); } GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("ShaderGraph"), false, () => CreateMaterial(true)); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Handwritten Shader"), false, () => CreateMaterial(false)); menu.DropDown(buttonRect); } bool DoesWriteMaskContainsReservedBits(int writeMask) { if (targetDepthBuffer == CustomPass.TargetBuffer.Custom) return false; return ((writeMask & (int)~UserStencilUsage.AllUserBits) != 0); } void GetStencilInfo(Material material, out bool stencilEnabled, out int writeMaskValue) { writeMaskValue = 0; stencilEnabled = false; if (material.shader == null) return; try { // Try to retrieve the serialized information of the stencil in the shader var serializedShader = new SerializedObject(material.shader); var parsed = serializedShader.FindProperty("m_ParsedForm"); var subShaders = parsed.FindPropertyRelative("m_SubShaders"); var subShader = subShaders.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0); var passes = subShader.FindPropertyRelative("m_Passes"); var pass = passes.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0); var state = pass.FindPropertyRelative("m_State"); var writeMask = state.FindPropertyRelative("stencilWriteMask"); var readMask = state.FindPropertyRelative("stencilWriteMask"); var reference = state.FindPropertyRelative("stencilRef"); var stencilOpFront = state.FindPropertyRelative("stencilOpFront"); var passOp = stencilOpFront.FindPropertyRelative("pass"); var failOp = stencilOpFront.FindPropertyRelative("fail"); var zFailOp = stencilOpFront.FindPropertyRelative("zFail"); var writeMaskFloatValue = writeMask.FindPropertyRelative("val"); var writeMaskPropertyName = writeMask.FindPropertyRelative("name"); bool IsStencilEnabled() { bool enabled = false; enabled |= IsNotDefaultValue(reference, 0); enabled |= IsNotDefaultValue(passOp, 0); enabled |= IsNotDefaultValue(failOp, 0); enabled |= IsNotDefaultValue(zFailOp, 0); enabled |= IsNotDefaultValue(writeMask, 255); enabled |= IsNotDefaultValue(readMask, 255); return enabled; } bool IsNotDefaultValue(SerializedProperty prop, float defaultValue) { var value = prop.FindPropertyRelative("val"); var propertyName = prop.FindPropertyRelative("name"); if (value.floatValue != defaultValue) return true; if (material.HasProperty(propertyName.stringValue)) return true; return false; } // First check if the stencil is enabled in the shader: // We can do this by checking if there are any non-default values in the stencil state stencilEnabled = IsStencilEnabled(); if (!stencilEnabled) return; if (material.HasProperty(writeMaskPropertyName.stringValue)) writeMaskValue = (int)material.GetFloat(writeMaskPropertyName.stringValue); else writeMaskValue = (int)writeMaskFloatValue.floatValue; } catch { } } protected override float GetPassHeight(SerializedProperty customPass) { int lineCount = (m_FullScreenPassMaterial.objectReferenceValue is Material ? 3 : 2); int height = (int)(Styles.defaultLineSpace * lineCount); height += (m_FetchColorBuffer.boolValue && targetColorBuffer == CustomPass.TargetBuffer.Camera) ? (int)Styles.helpBoxHeight : 0; if (m_FullScreenPassMaterial.objectReferenceValue is Material mat) { if (targetDepthBuffer == CustomPass.TargetBuffer.Camera) { GetStencilInfo(mat, out bool stencilEnabled, out int writeMask); height += stencilEnabled ? (int)Styles.helpBoxHeight : 0; height += (DoesWriteMaskContainsReservedBits(writeMask)) ? (int)Styles.helpBoxHeight : 0; } } return height; } } }