{ "introduction": """Welcome to the Water System Samples. The WaterSystem allows you to add water to your scenes. Multiple water presets are available, this scene showcases the customisation of a Pool. This scene works properly in Play Mode since it uses Physics and Rigidbody to simulation real buoyancy. To make sure the project is set up properly, use the HDRP Asset Settings Helper buttons at the top of this component, otherwise some features might not be visible. The project uses the Mask and Current Water Decal workflow. Make sure it is enabled in the Graphics settings first.
• It approximates the object volume by using a sphere radius.
• It also computes a normal by sampling 3 points around the object to make the object move with waves or ripple deformations.
• Finally, each Beach Ball also has a Sphere Collider preventing it from going outside the pool thanks to the pool colliders.