{ "introduction": """Welcome to the Water System Samples. The Water System allows you to add water to your scenes. This scene showcases rain on an ocean and how to alter the appearance of a water surface by editing the shader graph of the Water material. To make sure the project is set up properly, use the HDRP Asset Settings Helper buttons at the top of this component, otherwise some features might not be visible.

Custom Render Texture

• This effect uses a double buffered Custom Render Texture to generate rain drop ripples. The double buffered texture means we can read it and write on it at the same time. • This texture is updated in realtime with the droplets shader graph. • The first two channels of the texture are used to compute the effect while the last two channels are the actual current normal alteration. • A simple Voronoi noise is used to create random nucleation site at each update to simulate rain drops.

Ocean Shader Graph

• Then, the ocean shader graph uses this texture as an input and uses the last two channels to alter the world space normal of the water surface. • To reduce aliasing at a distance, the graph fades the intensity of the normal by using mips from the input texture and a mulitplier to attenuate the effect. • Lastly, the ocean material has parameters to control the raindrop's direction and speed, these are useful when trying to align the effect with the general flow of the water body.""", "samples": [] }