using System; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.TerrainTools; namespace UnityEditor.TerrainTools { internal class BrushRotationVariator : BaseBrushVariator, IBrushRotationController { private const float kMinBrushRotation = -180.0f; private const float kMaxBrushRotation = 180.0f; private const float kDefaultBrushRotation = 0.0f; private const float kDefaultMouseSensitivity = 1.0f; private readonly TerrainFloatMinMaxValue m_BrushRotation = new TerrainFloatMinMaxValue(styles.brushRotation, kDefaultBrushRotation, kMinBrushRotation, kMaxBrushRotation, false); private readonly TerrainFloatMinMaxValue m_SmoothJitterFreq = new TerrainFloatMinMaxValue(styles.jitterFreq, 1.0f, 0.0001f, 10.0f); private bool m_FollowMouse; private bool m_AdjustingRotation; public override bool isInUse => m_AdjustingRotation; private readonly BrushJitterHandler m_JitterHandler; private float m_defaultBrushRotation; // Values below are not modifiable directly -- they are means of caching the current state of the brush and/or used in calculations private float m_PreviousRotation; private RaycastHit m_PreviousRaycastHit; private float m_InitialRotation; class Styles { public readonly GUIContent brushRotation = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Brush Rotation", "Rotation of the brush used to paint."); public readonly GUIContent brushRotOffset = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Offset", "Rotation relative to mouse movement. Use Ctrl+Shift (Command+Shift on Mac) to control rotation in view."); public readonly GUIContent brushFollowMouse = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Rotation Follows Mouse", "Brush rotation follows mouse movement. (No Randomization)"); public readonly GUIContent jitterFreq = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Jitter Frequency", "Controls the frequency of the smooth noise function controlling the jitter."); } static readonly Styles styles = new Styles(); public float brushRotation { get { return CalculateRotation(m_BrushRotation.value); } set { m_BrushRotation.value = Mathf.Clamp(value, kMinBrushRotation, kMaxBrushRotation); m_PreviousRotation = m_BrushRotation.value; } } public float brushRotationVal { get { return m_BrushRotation.value; } } public float brushRotationJitter { get { return m_JitterHandler.jitter; } set { m_JitterHandler.jitter = value; } } public float currentRotation => CalculateRotation(m_BrushRotation.value); public BrushRotationVariator(string toolName, IBrushEventHandler eventHandler, IBrushTerrainCache terrainCache, bool smoothJitter = false, float defaultValue = kDefaultBrushRotation) : base(toolName, eventHandler, terrainCache) { m_JitterHandler = new BrushJitterHandler(0.0f, kMinBrushRotation, kMaxBrushRotation, smoothJitter); m_BrushRotation.wrapValue = true; m_defaultBrushRotation = defaultValue; } private float CalculateRotation(float initialRotation) { return m_JitterHandler.CalculateValue(initialRotation); } public float GetMouseFollowAngle(RaycastHit hit, bool isMouseDrag) { Vector3 direction = hit.point - m_PreviousRaycastHit.point; float theAngle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * -Mathf.Atan2(direction.z, direction.x); // Our assumption here is that if the mouse is being dragged, we are doing a follow-mouse action // Which is also why we are always saving previous rotation as an offset relative to m_BrushRotation // That's how this function is used in the mouse drag case, which is the only time we care about // m_PreviousRotation. The goal here is to keep the rotation changes as smooth as possible. if (isMouseDrag) { // This is the extra step to account for the instabilities you get with atan2... float angleDelta = theAngle - m_PreviousRotation; if (angleDelta < -90) { theAngle += 180; } else if (angleDelta > 90) { theAngle -= 180; } Vector2 mouseDelta = CalculateMouseDeltaFromInitialPosition(Event.current); // There should be a heavy weight to the previous angle if there is very little mouse movement // and also we assume that a very large delta in the angle in one frame is probably a sensitivity error, // so we should take that to mean weight more heavily to the previous angle. float weight = Mathf.Exp(-0.05f * mouseDelta.sqrMagnitude); theAngle = weight * m_PreviousRotation + (1 - weight) * theAngle; angleDelta = (theAngle - m_PreviousRotation) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; weight = Mathf.Exp(angleDelta * angleDelta); theAngle = weight * theAngle + (1 - weight) * m_PreviousRotation; } return theAngle; } private void UpdateCurrentRotation(float rotValue) { // Just a quicky to make sure that both the current and previous rotation are up to date m_PreviousRotation = m_BrushRotation.value; m_BrushRotation.value = rotValue; } private void BeginAdjustingRotation() { LockTerrainUnderCursor(true); m_InitialRotation = m_BrushRotation.value; m_AdjustingRotation = true; } private void EndAdjustingRotation() { m_AdjustingRotation = false; UnlockTerrainUnderCursor(); } public override void OnEnterToolMode(BrushShortcutHandler shortcutHandler) { base.OnEnterToolMode(shortcutHandler); m_BrushRotation.value = GetEditorPrefs("TerrainBrushRotation", m_defaultBrushRotation); m_BrushRotation.mouseSensitivity = GetEditorPrefs("TerrainBrushRotMouseSensitivity", kDefaultMouseSensitivity); m_JitterHandler.jitter = GetEditorPrefs("TerrainBrushRotJitter", 0.0f); m_FollowMouse = GetEditorPrefs("TerrainBrushRotFollowMouse", false); if (!canUpdateTerrainUnderCursor) { UnlockTerrainUnderCursor(); } shortcutHandler.AddActions(BrushShortcutType.Rotation, BeginAdjustingRotation, EndAdjustingRotation); UpdateCurrentRotation(m_BrushRotation.value); } public override void OnExitToolMode(BrushShortcutHandler shortcutHandler) { shortcutHandler.RemoveActions(BrushShortcutType.Rotation); SetEditorPrefs("TerrainBrushRotation", m_BrushRotation.value); SetEditorPrefs("TerrainBrushRotMouseSensitivity", m_BrushRotation.mouseSensitivity); SetEditorPrefs("TerrainBrushRotJitter", m_JitterHandler.jitter); SetEditorPrefs("TerrainBrushRotFollowMouse", m_FollowMouse); EndAdjustingRotation(); base.OnExitToolMode(shortcutHandler); } public override void OnSceneGUI(Event currentEvent, int controlId, Terrain terrain, IOnSceneGUI editContext) { RaycastHit raycastHit = editContext.raycastHit; base.OnSceneGUI(currentEvent, controlId, terrain, editContext); m_JitterHandler.frequency = m_SmoothJitterFreq.value; m_JitterHandler.Update(); OnSceneEvent(raycastHit, currentEvent.isMouse, currentEvent.type == EventType.MouseDrag); if (m_AdjustingRotation && editContext.hitValidTerrain) { // need to compensate for higher dpi screens float pixelPointMultiplier = 1.0f / EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint; var pos = * pixelPointMultiplier; Handles.BeginGUI(); { GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; var temp = TerrainToolGUIHelper.TempContent($"Rotation: {Mathf.RoundToInt(currentRotation)}°"); GUI.Label(new Rect(pos.x + 10 * pixelPointMultiplier, (Screen.height * pixelPointMultiplier - pos.y - 60 * pixelPointMultiplier) + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight, s_SceneLabelStyle.CalcSize(temp).x, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), temp, s_SceneLabelStyle); } Handles.EndGUI(); RequestRepaint(); } } /// /// Internal function for automated testing /// /// The hit position on the terrain /// is the rotation currently being adjusted /// is the current event a mouse event /// is the current event a mouse drag event /// is gui redraw necessary internal bool OnSceneEvent(RaycastHit raycastHit, bool eventIsMouse, bool eventIsMouseDrag = false) { if (!m_AdjustingRotation) { m_PreviousRaycastHit = raycastHit; } else if (eventIsMouse) { float rotation = GetMouseFollowAngle(raycastHit, eventIsMouseDrag); rotation += m_InitialRotation; UpdateCurrentRotation(rotation); return true; } return false; } // for updating condensed slider overlays public static event Action BrushRotationChanged; private float prevBrushRotation = kDefaultBrushRotation; public override void OnInspectorGUI(Terrain terrain, IOnInspectorGUI editContext) { base.OnInspectorGUI(terrain, editContext); m_BrushRotation.DrawInspectorGUI(); if (!Mathf.Approximately(m_BrushRotation.value, prevBrushRotation) && BrushRotationChanged != null) { BrushRotationChanged(); prevBrushRotation = m_BrushRotation.value; } if (m_BrushRotation.expanded) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; m_JitterHandler.OnGuiLayout("Randomly vary the brush rotation between the values in the slider."); if (m_JitterHandler.smoothJitter) { m_SmoothJitterFreq.DrawInspectorGUI(); } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } UpdateCurrentRotation(m_BrushRotation.value); } public override bool OnPaint(Terrain terrain, IOnPaint editContext) { m_JitterHandler.RequestRandomization(); return base.OnPaint(terrain, editContext); } public override void AppendBrushInfo(Terrain terrain, IOnSceneGUI editContext, StringBuilder builder) { base.AppendBrushInfo(terrain, editContext, builder); builder.AppendLine($"Rotation = {brushRotation:F3}"); } protected override bool OnBeginModifier() { base.OnBeginModifier(); LockTerrainUnderCursor(false); return true; } protected override bool OnModifierUsingMouseMove(Event mouseEvent, Terrain terrain, IOnSceneGUI editContext) { base.OnModifierUsingMouseMove(mouseEvent, terrain, editContext); Vector2 delta = CalculateMouseDelta(mouseEvent, m_BrushRotation.mouseSensitivity); m_BrushRotation.value -= delta.x; UpdateCurrentRotation(m_BrushRotation.value); return true; } protected override bool OnEndModifier() { base.OnEndModifier(); UnlockTerrainUnderCursor(); return true; } } }