using System; using System.Collections; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using NUnit.Framework; using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces; using NUnit.Framework.Internal; using NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands; using UnityEngine.TestTools; using SetUpTearDownCommand = UnityEngine.TestTools.SetUpTearDownCommand; using TestActionCommand = UnityEngine.TestTools.TestActionCommand; namespace UnityEngine.TestRunner.NUnitExtensions.Runner { internal static class TestCommandBuilder { public static TestCommand BuildTestCommand(TestMethod test, ITestFilter filter) { if (test.RunState != RunState.Runnable && !(test.RunState == RunState.Explicit && filter.IsExplicitMatch(test))) { return new SkipCommand(test); } var testReturnsIEnumerator = test.Method.ReturnType.Type == typeof(IEnumerator); var testReturnsTask = test.Method.ReturnType.Type == typeof(Task); TestCommand command; if (testReturnsTask) { command = new TaskTestMethodCommand(test); } else if (testReturnsIEnumerator) { command = new EnumerableTestMethodCommand(test); } else { command = new UnityTestMethodCommand(test); } command = new UnityLogCheckDelegatingCommand(command); foreach (var wrapper in test.Method.GetCustomAttributes(true)) { command = wrapper.Wrap(command); if (command == null) { var message = String.Format("IWrapTestMethod implementation '{0}' returned null as command.", wrapper.GetType().FullName); return new FailCommand(test, ResultState.Failure, message); } if (testReturnsIEnumerator && !(command is IEnumerableTestMethodCommand)) { command = TryReplaceWithEnumerableCommand(command); if (command != null) { continue; } var message = String.Format("'{0}' is not supported on {1} as it does not handle returning IEnumerator.", wrapper.GetType().FullName, GetTestBuilderName(test)); return new FailCommand(test, ResultState.Failure, message); } } command = new TestActionCommand(command); if (!testReturnsIEnumerator && !testReturnsTask) { command = new ImmediateEnumerableCommand(command); } command = new SetUpTearDownCommand(command); foreach (var wrapper in test.Method.GetCustomAttributes(true)) { if (command is SetUpTearDownCommand && !testReturnsIEnumerator && !testReturnsTask) { // Ensure that we can use the immediate execute on the setup/teardown command = new ImmediateEnumerableCommand(command); } command = wrapper.Wrap(command); if (command == null) { var message = String.Format("IWrapSetUpTearDown implementation '{0}' returned null as command.", wrapper.GetType().FullName); return new FailCommand(test, ResultState.Failure, message); } if (testReturnsIEnumerator && !(command is IEnumerableTestMethodCommand)) { command = TryReplaceWithEnumerableCommand(command); if (command != null) { continue; } var message = String.Format("'{0}' is not supported on {1} as it does not handle returning IEnumerator.", wrapper.GetType().FullName, GetTestBuilderName(test)); return new FailCommand(test, ResultState.Failure, message); } } command = new EnumerableSetUpTearDownCommand(command); command = new OuterUnityTestActionCommand(command); command = new RetryCommand(command); command = new RepeatCommand(command); IApplyToContext[] changes = test.Method.GetCustomAttributes(true); if (changes.Length > 0) { command = new EnumerableApplyChangesToContextCommand(command, changes); } command = new TimeoutCommand(command); command = new IgnoreTestCommand(command, test); command = new StrictCheckCommand(command); return command; } private static string GetTestBuilderName(TestMethod testMethod) { return new[] { testMethod.Method.GetCustomAttributes(true).Select(attribute => attribute.GetType().Name), testMethod.Method.GetCustomAttributes(true).Select(attribute => attribute.GetType().Name) }.SelectMany(v => v).FirstOrDefault(); } private static TestCommand TryReplaceWithEnumerableCommand(TestCommand command) { switch (command.GetType().Name) { case nameof(RepeatAttribute.RepeatedTestCommand): return new EnumerableRepeatedTestCommand(command as RepeatAttribute.RepeatedTestCommand); case nameof(RetryAttribute.RetryCommand): return new EnumerableRetryTestCommand(command as RetryAttribute.RetryCommand); default: return null; } } } }