using System;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
namespace UnityEngine.TestRunner
/// An assembly level attribute that indicates that a given type implementing should be subscribed to updates on the test progress. You can invoke the callbacks with [NUnit]( `ITest` and `ITestResult` classes.
/// At the `RunStarted` and `RunFinished` methods, the test and test results are for the whole test tree. These methods invoke at each node in the test tree; first with the whole test assembly, then with the test class, and last with the test method.
/// From these callbacks, it's possible to read the partial or the full results, and to save the XML version of the result for further processing or continuous integration.
/// > Note: The `TestRunCallback` does not need any references to the `UnityEditor` namespace and can run in standalone Players on the Player side.
public class TestRunCallbackAttribute : Attribute
private Type m_Type;
/// Constructs a new instance of the class.
/// A target type that implements .
/// Throws an ArgumentException if the provided type does not implement .
public TestRunCallbackAttribute(Type type)
var interfaceType = typeof(ITestRunCallback);
if (!interfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(type))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
"Type {2} provided to {0} does not implement {1}. If the stripping level is set to high, the implementing class should have the {3}.",
GetType().Name, interfaceType.Name, type.Name, typeof(PreserveAttribute).Name));
m_Type = type;
internal ITestRunCallback ConstructCallback()
return Activator.CreateInstance(m_Type) as ITestRunCallback;