using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq.Expressions; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using Cinemachine.Utility; namespace Cinemachine.Editor { [CustomEditor(typeof(CinemachineGroupComposer))] internal class CinemachineGroupComposerEditor : CinemachineComposerEditor { // Specialization private CinemachineGroupComposer MyTarget { get { return target as CinemachineGroupComposer; } } protected string FieldPath(Expression> expr) { return ReflectionHelpers.GetFieldPath(expr); } /// Get the property names to exclude in the inspector. /// Add the names to this list protected override void GetExcludedPropertiesInInspector(List excluded) { base.GetExcludedPropertiesInInspector(excluded); CinemachineBrain brain = CinemachineCore.Instance.FindPotentialTargetBrain(MyTarget.VirtualCamera); bool ortho = brain != null ? brain.OutputCamera.orthographic : false; if (ortho) { excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_AdjustmentMode)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MinimumFOV)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MaximumFOV)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MaxDollyIn)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MaxDollyOut)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MinimumDistance)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MaximumDistance)); } else { excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MinimumOrthoSize)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MaximumOrthoSize)); switch (MyTarget.m_AdjustmentMode) { case CinemachineGroupComposer.AdjustmentMode.DollyOnly: excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MinimumFOV)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MaximumFOV)); break; case CinemachineGroupComposer.AdjustmentMode.ZoomOnly: excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MaxDollyIn)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MaxDollyOut)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MinimumDistance)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_MaximumDistance)); break; default: break; } } } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (MyTarget.IsValid && MyTarget.AbstractLookAtTargetGroup == null) EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "The Framing settings will be ignored because the LookAt target is not a kind of ICinemachineTargetGroup", MessageType.Info); base.OnInspectorGUI(); } [DrawGizmo(GizmoType.Active | GizmoType.InSelectionHierarchy, typeof(CinemachineGroupComposer))] private static void DrawGroupComposerGizmos(CinemachineGroupComposer target, GizmoType selectionType) { // Show the group bounding box, as viewed from the camera position if (target.AbstractLookAtTargetGroup != null) { Matrix4x4 m = Gizmos.matrix; Bounds b = target.LastBounds; Gizmos.matrix = target.LastBoundsMatrix; Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; if (target.VcamState.Lens.Orthographic) Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, b.size); else { float z =; Vector3 e = b.extents; Gizmos.DrawFrustum(, Mathf.Atan2(e.y, z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg * 2, z + e.z, z - e.z, e.x / e.y); } Gizmos.matrix = m; } } } }