--- uid: urp-render-graph-compute-shader-input --- ## Create input data for a compute shader When you [run a compute shader in a render pass](render-graph-compute-shader-run.md), you can allocate a buffer to provide input data for the compute shader. Follow these steps: 1. Create a graphics buffer, then add a handle to it in your pass data. For example: ```csharp // Declare an input buffer public GraphicsBuffer inputBuffer; // Add a handle to the input buffer in your pass data class PassData { ... public BufferHandle input; } // Create the buffer in the render pass constructor public ComputePass(ComputeShader computeShader) { // Create the input buffer as a structured buffer // Create the buffer with a length of 5 integers, so you can input 5 values. inputBuffer = new GraphicsBuffer(GraphicsBuffer.Target.Structured, 5, sizeof(int)); } ``` 2. Set the data in the buffer. For example: ```csharp var inputValues = new List { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; inputBuffer.SetData(inputValues); ``` 3. Use the `ImportBuffer` render graph API to convert the buffer to a handle the render graph system can use, then set the `BufferHandle` field in the pass data. For example: ```csharp BufferHandle inputHandleRG = renderGraph.ImportBuffer(inputBuffer); passData.input = inputHandleRG; ``` 4. Use the `UseBuffer` method to set the buffer as a readable buffer in the render graph system. For example: ```csharp builder.UseBuffer(passData.input, AccessFlags.Read); ``` 5. In your `SetRenderFunc` method, use the [`SetComputeBufferParam`](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferParam.html) API to attach the buffer to the compute shader. For example: ```csharp // The first parameter is the compute shader // The second parameter is the function that uses the buffer // The third parameter is the RWStructuredBuffer input variable to attach the buffer to // The fourth parameter is the handle to the input buffer context.cmd.SetComputeBufferParam(passData.computeShader, passData.computeShader.FindKernel("Main"), "inputData", passData.input); ``` ## Example For a full example, refer to the example called **Compute** in the [Universal Render Pipeline (URP) package samples](package-samples.md). ## Additional resources - [Compute shaders](https://docs.unity3d.com/6000.0/Documentation/Manual/class-ComputeShader.html) - [Writing shaders](https://docs.unity3d.com/6000.0/Documentation/Manual/shader-writing.html)