2024-08-26 23:07:20 +03:00

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float3 SampleSpecularBRDF(BSDFData bsdfData, float2 theSample, float3 viewWS)
float roughness = bsdfData.roughnessAT;
float3x3 localToWorld;
localToWorld = float3x3(bsdfData.tangentWS, bsdfData.bitangentWS, bsdfData.normalWS);
localToWorld = GetLocalFrame(bsdfData.normalWS);
float NdotL, NdotH, VdotH;
float3 sampleDir;
SampleGGXDir(theSample, viewWS, localToWorld, roughness, sampleDir, NdotL, NdotH, VdotH);
return sampleDir;
IndirectLighting EvaluateBSDF_RaytracedReflection(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext,
BSDFData bsdfData,
PreLightData preLightData,
float3 reflection)
IndirectLighting lighting;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(IndirectLighting, lighting);
float3 reflectanceFactor = (float3)0.0;
if (IsVLayeredEnabled(bsdfData))
reflectanceFactor = preLightData.specularFGD[COAT_LOBE_IDX];
reflectanceFactor *= preLightData.hemiSpecularOcclusion[COAT_LOBE_IDX];
// TODOENERGY: If vlayered, should be done in ComputeAdding with FGD formulation for non dirac lights.
// Incorrect, but for now:
reflectanceFactor *= preLightData.energyCompensationFactor[COAT_LOBE_IDX];
for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_NB_LOBES; i++)
float3 lobeFactor = preLightData.specularFGD[i]; // note: includes the lobeMix factor, see PreLightData.
lobeFactor *= preLightData.hemiSpecularOcclusion[i];
// TODOENERGY: If vlayered, should be done in ComputeAdding with FGD formulation for non dirac lights.
// Incorrect, but for now:
lobeFactor *= preLightData.energyCompensationFactor[i];
reflectanceFactor += lobeFactor;
lighting.specularReflected = reflection.rgb * reflectanceFactor;
return lighting;
IndirectLighting EvaluateBSDF_RaytracedRefraction(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext,
PreLightData preLightData,
float3 transmittedColor)
IndirectLighting lighting;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(IndirectLighting, lighting);
return lighting;
float RecursiveRenderingReflectionPerceptualSmoothness(BSDFData bsdfData)
return PerceptualRoughnessToPerceptualSmoothness(bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessB);
void FitToStandardLit( BSDFData bsdfData
, BuiltinData builtinData
, uint2 positionSS
, out StandardBSDFData outStandardlit)
// TODO: There's space for doing better here:
// bool hasCoatNormal = HasFlag(surfaceData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_STACK_LIT_COAT)
// && HasFlag(surfaceData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_STACK_LIT_COAT_NORMAL_MAP);
// outStandardlit.normalWS = hasCoatNormal ? surfaceData.coatNormalWS : surfaceData.normalWS;
// Using coatnormal not necessarily better here depends on what each are vs geometric normal and the coat strength
// vs base strength. Could do something with that and specular albedos...
outStandardlit.normalWS = bsdfData.normalWS;
// StandardLit expects diffuse color in baseColor:
outStandardlit.baseColor = bsdfData.diffuseColor;
outStandardlit.fresnel0 = bsdfData.fresnel0;
outStandardlit.specularOcclusion = 1; // TODO
// We didn't run GetPreLightData, we cheaply cap base roughness up to coat roughness at least:
outStandardlit.perceptualRoughness = max(bsdfData.coatPerceptualRoughness, lerp(bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessA, bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessB, bsdfData.lobeMix));
// We make the coat mask go to 0 as the stacklit coat gets rougher (works ok and better than just feeding coatmask directly)
outStandardlit.coatMask = lerp(bsdfData.coatMask, 0, saturate((bsdfData.coatPerceptualRoughness - CLEAR_COAT_PERCEPTUAL_ROUGHNESS)/0.2) );
outStandardlit.emissiveAndBaked = builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting * bsdfData.ambientOcclusion + builtinData.emissiveColor;
outStandardlit.isUnlit = 0;