forked from BilalY/Rasagar
363 lines
16 KiB
363 lines
16 KiB
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Cinemachine.Editor
internal sealed class NoiseSettingsEditor : BaseEditor<NoiseSettings>
private const float vSpace = 2;
private const float hSpace = 3;
// Needed for accessing string names of fields
#pragma warning disable 0649 // assigned but never used
private NoiseSettings.TransformNoiseParams tpDef;
private NoiseSettings.NoiseParams npDef;
private static float mPreviewTime = 2;
private static float mPreviewHeight = 5;
private float mNoiseOffsetBase = 0;
private float mNoiseOffset = 0;
private bool mAnimatedPreview = false;
GUIContent mAnimatedLabel = new GUIContent("Animated", "Animate the noise signal preview");
private ReorderableList[] mPosChannels;
private ReorderableList[] mRotChannels;
private static GUIContent[] mPoslabels = new GUIContent[]
new GUIContent("Position X"),
new GUIContent("Position Y"),
new GUIContent("Position Z")
private static GUIContent[] mRotlabels = new GUIContent[]
new GUIContent("Rotation X"),
new GUIContent("Rotation Y"),
new GUIContent("Rotation Z")
private static bool[] mPosExpanded = new bool[3];
private static bool[] mRotExpanded = new bool[3];
private void OnEnable()
mNoiseOffsetBase = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
mNoiseOffset = 0;
/// <summary>Get the property names to exclude in the inspector.</summary>
/// <param name="excluded">Add the names to this list</param>
protected override void GetExcludedPropertiesInInspector(List<string> excluded)
excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => Target.PositionNoise));
excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => Target.OrientationNoise));
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if (mPosChannels == null)
mPosChannels = SetupReorderableLists(
serializedObject.FindProperty(() => Target.PositionNoise), mPoslabels);
if (mRotChannels == null)
mRotChannels = SetupReorderableLists(
serializedObject.FindProperty(() => Target.OrientationNoise), mRotlabels);
Rect r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();
mPreviewTime = EditorGUI.Slider(r, "Preview Time", mPreviewTime, 0.01f, 10f);
r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();
float labelWidth = + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
r.width -= labelWidth + hSpace;
mPreviewHeight = EditorGUI.Slider(r, "Preview Height", mPreviewHeight, 1f, 10f);
r.x += r.width + hSpace; r.width = labelWidth;
mAnimatedPreview = EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(r, mAnimatedLabel, mAnimatedPreview);
r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();
EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "Position Noise - amplitudes are in Distance units", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, mPreviewHeight * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
mSampleCachePos.SnapshotSample(r.size, Target.PositionNoise, mNoiseOffset, mAnimatedPreview);
mSampleCachePos.DrawSamplePreview(r, 7);
for (int i = 0; i < mPosChannels.Length; ++i)
r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();
mPosExpanded[i] = EditorGUI.Foldout(r, mPosExpanded[i], mPoslabels[i], true);
if (mPosExpanded[i])
r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, mPreviewHeight * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
mSampleCachePos.DrawSamplePreview(r, 1 << i);
r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();
EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "Rotation Noise - amplitude units are degrees", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, mPreviewHeight * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
mSampleCacheRot.SnapshotSample(r.size, Target.OrientationNoise, mNoiseOffset, mAnimatedPreview);
mSampleCacheRot.DrawSamplePreview(r, 7);
for (int i = 0; i < mPosChannels.Length; ++i)
r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();
mRotExpanded[i] = EditorGUI.Foldout(r, mRotExpanded[i], mRotlabels[i], true);
if (mRotExpanded[i])
r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, mPreviewHeight * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
mSampleCacheRot.DrawSamplePreview(r, 1 << i);
// Make it live!
if (mAnimatedPreview && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
mNoiseOffset += Time.realtimeSinceStartup - mNoiseOffsetBase;
mNoiseOffsetBase = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
class SampleCache
private List<Vector3> mSampleCurveX = new List<Vector3>();
private List<Vector3> mSampleCurveY = new List<Vector3>();
private List<Vector3> mSampleCurveZ = new List<Vector3>();
private List<Vector3> mSampleNoise = new List<Vector3>();
public void SnapshotSample(
Vector2 areaSize, NoiseSettings.TransformNoiseParams[] signal, float noiseOffset, bool animated)
// These values give a smoother curve, more-or-less fitting in the window
int numSamples = Mathf.RoundToInt(areaSize.x);
if (animated)
numSamples *= 2;
const float signalScale = 0.75f;
float maxVal = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < signal.Length; ++i)
maxVal = Mathf.Max(maxVal, Mathf.Abs(signal[i].X.Amplitude * signalScale));
maxVal = Mathf.Max(maxVal, Mathf.Abs(signal[i].Y.Amplitude * signalScale));
maxVal = Mathf.Max(maxVal, Mathf.Abs(signal[i].Z.Amplitude * signalScale));
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i)
float t = (float)i / (numSamples - 1) * mPreviewTime + noiseOffset;
Vector3 p = NoiseSettings.GetCombinedFilterResults(signal, t,;
float halfHeight = areaSize.y / 2;
float yOffset = halfHeight;
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i)
float t = (float)i / (numSamples - 1);
Vector3 p = mSampleNoise[i];
mSampleCurveX.Add(new Vector3(areaSize.x * t, halfHeight * Mathf.Clamp(-p.x / maxVal, -1, 1) + yOffset, 0));
mSampleCurveY.Add(new Vector3(areaSize.x * t, halfHeight * Mathf.Clamp(-p.y / maxVal, -1, 1) + yOffset, 0));
mSampleCurveZ.Add(new Vector3(areaSize.x * t, halfHeight * Mathf.Clamp(-p.z / maxVal, -1, 1) + yOffset, 0));
public void DrawSamplePreview(Rect r, int channelMask)
var oldMatrix = Handles.matrix;
Handles.matrix = Handles.matrix * Matrix4x4.Translate(r.position);
if ((channelMask & 1) != 0)
Handles.color = new Color(1, 0.5f, 0, 0.8f);
if ((channelMask & 2) != 0)
Handles.color = new Color(0, 1, 0, 0.8f);
if ((channelMask & 4) != 0)
Handles.color = new Color(0, 0.5f, 1, 0.8f);
Handles.color =;
Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), new Vector3(r.width, 0, 0));
Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(0, r.height, 0), new Vector3(r.width, r.height, 0));
Handles.matrix = oldMatrix;
SampleCache mSampleCachePos = new SampleCache();
SampleCache mSampleCacheRot = new SampleCache();
private ReorderableList[] SetupReorderableLists(
SerializedProperty property, GUIContent[] titles)
ReorderableList[] lists = new ReorderableList[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
lists[i] = SetupReorderableList(property, i, new GUIContent("Components"));
return lists;
private ReorderableList SetupReorderableList(
SerializedProperty property, int channel, GUIContent title)
ChannelList list = new ChannelList(
property.serializedObject, property, channel, title);
list.drawHeaderCallback = (Rect rect) =>
GUIContent steadyLabel = new GUIContent("(non-random wave if checked)");
float steadyLabelWidth =;
Rect r = rect;
EditorGUI.LabelField(r, list.mTitle);
r.x = rect.x + rect.width - steadyLabelWidth; r.width = steadyLabelWidth;
EditorGUI.LabelField(r, steadyLabel);
= (Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused) =>
SerializedProperty element = list.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);
switch (list.mChannel)
case 0: DrawNoiseChannel(rect, element.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.X)); break;
case 1: DrawNoiseChannel(rect, element.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.Y)); break;
case 2: DrawNoiseChannel(rect, element.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.Z)); break;
default: break;
list.onAddCallback = (ReorderableList l) =>
var index = l.serializedProperty.arraySize;
SerializedProperty p = l.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);
ClearComponent(p.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.X));
ClearComponent(p.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.Y));
ClearComponent(p.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.Z));
list.onRemoveCallback = (ReorderableList l) =>
// Can't just delete because the component arrays are connected
SerializedProperty p = l.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(l.index);
bool IsClear
= (list.mChannel == 0 || IsClearComponent(p.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.X)))
&& (list.mChannel == 1 || IsClearComponent(p.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.Y)))
&& (list.mChannel == 2 || IsClearComponent(p.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.Z)));
if (IsClear)
else switch (list.mChannel)
case 0: ClearComponent(p.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.X)); break;
case 1: ClearComponent(p.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.Y)); break;
case 2: ClearComponent(p.FindPropertyRelative(() => tpDef.Z)); break;
default: break;
return list;
class ChannelList : ReorderableList
public int mChannel;
public GUIContent mTitle;
public ChannelList(
SerializedObject serializedObject,
SerializedProperty elements,
int channel, GUIContent title)
: base(serializedObject, elements, true, true, true, true)
mChannel = channel;
mTitle = title;
private GUIContent steadyLabel;
private GUIContent freqLabel;
private float freqLabelWidth;
private GUIContent ampLabel;
private float ampLabelWidth;
private void InitializeLabels(SerializedProperty property)
if (steadyLabel == null)
SerializedProperty p = property.FindPropertyRelative(() => npDef.Constant);
steadyLabel = new GUIContent(p.displayName, p.tooltip) { text = " " };
if (freqLabel == null)
SerializedProperty p = property.FindPropertyRelative(() => npDef.Frequency);
freqLabel = new GUIContent(p.displayName, p.tooltip);
freqLabelWidth =;
if (ampLabel == null)
SerializedProperty p = property.FindPropertyRelative(() => npDef.Amplitude);
ampLabel = new GUIContent(p.displayName, p.tooltip);
ampLabelWidth =;
private void DrawNoiseChannel(Rect rect, SerializedProperty property)
Rect r = rect;
r.height -= vSpace;
r.width -= EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + hSpace;
r.width /= 2;
float oldLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = freqLabelWidth;
EditorGUI.PropertyField(r, property.FindPropertyRelative(() => npDef.Frequency), freqLabel);
r.x += r.width + hSpace;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = ampLabelWidth;
EditorGUI.PropertyField(r, property.FindPropertyRelative(() => npDef.Amplitude), ampLabel);
r.y -= 1;
r.x += r.width + hSpace; r.width = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + hSpace;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = hSpace;
EditorGUI.PropertyField(r, property.FindPropertyRelative(() => npDef.Constant), steadyLabel);
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = oldLabelWidth;
// SerializedProperty is a NoiseSettings.NoiseParam
void ClearComponent(SerializedProperty p)
p.FindPropertyRelative(() => npDef.Amplitude).floatValue = 0;
p.FindPropertyRelative(() => npDef.Frequency).floatValue = 0;
p.FindPropertyRelative(() => npDef.Constant).boolValue = false;
// SerializedProperty is a NoiseSettings.NoiseParam
bool IsClearComponent(SerializedProperty p)
return p.FindPropertyRelative(() => npDef.Amplitude).floatValue == 0
&& p.FindPropertyRelative(() => npDef.Frequency).floatValue == 0;