# Laravel & PHP related files /vendor/ /node_modules/ /public/storage /storage/*.key .env .phpunit.result.cache Homestead.json Homestead.yaml .npm .phpunit.result.cache .phpunit.cache # IDE and Editor specific files .idea *.swp *.swo *.DS_Store *.vscode .vscode/ # Laravel compiled files /storage/framework/cache/* /storage/framework/sessions/* /storage/framework/views/* /storage/logs/* # Ignore the public/hot file that is used for Hot Module Replacement by Webpack /public/hot # Ignore the Mix manifest /public/mix-manifest.json /public/css/app.css /public/js/app.js # Ignore the public directory's app-specific assets /public/css/* /public/js/* # Ignore storage directory except storage/app/public !/storage/app/public # Ignore cache and log files bootstrap/cache/*.php storage/logs/*.log storage/framework/sessions/* storage/framework/views/*.php # Ignore dotenv file .env # Ignore Composer lock file composer.lock # Ignore npm and yarn lock files package-lock.json yarn.lock # Ignore custom build files /public/build # Ignore MacOS specific files .DS_Store # Ignore Linux specific files *.swp # Ignore Windows specific files Thumbs.db